Morning all <3
I think it'd be better to hold off on Onion for now... kind of on the fence because I think it's more likely that an AFK player is mafia.
If you had messaged me and claimed to be mafia, I would have told you I was mafia despite being a civilian. So the fact that Onion took a different approach makes me wonder...
And that's a good point, UTA. I didn't know ties could randomly choose mafia, so it would be better for the two TSF mafia members to vote for the same person.
So being AFK doesn't mean quite as much as I thought. Still not convinced on Onion though.
Thanks Dema

Here's my view on this: Linkcat is a very persuasive person and I'm easily persuaded. If I were mafia, after a few minutes of perusing I would admit to it. (although obviously I don't have any history by which to prove this, having always started as civvy so far)
If I were civvy, there's no way I'd claim to be mafia. Sure, it's a half strategy, but I'm fairly sure it will would backfire (as it kinda did for Linkcat in this case, owing to me). The chance of actually talking to a mafia member, not just someone claiming to be mafia, is too slim for my liking.
But hey, Linkcat's thrown doubt over every mafia member contacting their search victims

if I die today, and one mafia member fails to get in contact with another because of me, it will have been worth it. No nightkill so we can afford to lose someone
CleO - not so sure his use of Arrest (if this is what has transpired -- that of CleO role-blocking Dema on N0) was a civvy thing to do... however, coming out with it like this redeems him towards only a basic wolf-lean from me // also stated "I'm not mafia" - does helpful-town do this? not so sure
I'd like to think that civvy's don't claim mafia.... Seemed like an obvious thing to say after being accused of being mafia. Dema was a random choice. Sorry, Dema - though I can't regret it until I know what I stopped you from doing. It could have been a Swarch for all I know.
In response to your post last page, rob - definitely A, it was rather reckless
Apologies for errors, windows phone is hard