Also, put yourselves in my shoes for a second. I roll LSF. I claim to be robot because I believe that it will make me less likely to be nightkilled and I come up with a reason for us to not lynch robots either. That way, I'm very unlikely to die. However, that's when I thought that it was a 29-33% chance that mafia could be a robot. With them up to 54%, my plan fell through. Not only that, I forgot that TE's ability activates the night phase before use, so it fell through even further.
I tried to save myself by having the nurse PM me so I could tell her the truth, but some people highly advised against it. I had been thinking about this current strategy for awhile and finally decided to use it because I can't think of any way it doesn't work out.
Now, you all can hold off on telling me your roles until the day phase. I still might die to an ability, but it would allow some of you to ID me. That is a riskier route to take, as it means that if I die, the plan won't work anymore.