Last post before I ignore the thread for awhile to sleep.
I'm going to be the only person claiming, for one. Honestly a mafia member may claim with me, but then we get a free kill and I am fine with that.
The only "scummy" thing I have done is say I was a robot, but it's pretty obvious that a LSF would claim to be a robot to try to stay alive. Claiming to be LSF isn't scummy because to do it as mafia is just dumb. Even if everyone claimed and I got lucky enough to be TSF, the truth would come out very quickly. I would die, then the real LSF players would both get +2 to voting power and mafia would have the hardest time winning. As long as both LSF are alive, mafia can't afford to out one of the TSF members. If I were a regular mafia member, I would have no way to pass on the information to a fellow mafia member.
So basically just use a little logic and you will realize that this play is dumb as mafia and extremely good as a civ.