Primary roles
Fg - may kill any person every night.
Innocent - no special powers
Seer- may view a persons role
Doctor- may save a person from FG vote VIA pm to host of save
Secondary roles, handed out after primary roles.
Gambler - Chooses two players every other round. One player‘s role is revealed to the other (it‘s random). The gambler does not get this information. This ability MUST be used when available. This ability is used by PMing the host the names of the two target players. -one persons role is reveled to the other
Village Idiot - Your vote doesn’t count.- you
Priest - May choose a player every other day. If the targeted player is ever targeted by the FG's, this player knows. This ability is used by PMing the host the name of the target player. -if a person is target by the fgs and him the target person knows
Con Artist - May switch one player’s vote every other round. This ability is used by PMing the host the name of the target player. - changes others votes
Vigilante - Your vote counts twice. - double vote
The “Witness” - May save one person from being lynched during the game. Your role is revealed when you do this. You can’t use this power on yourself. This ability is used by PMing the host the name of the target player. You may include more than one player's name. - saves a person
Tradesman - Switches secondary roles with the target player. This ability is used by PMing the host the name of the target player. exchanges secondary roles with any player
Ghost - If killed with this secondary ability, can still vote. - still votes after death
Fallen Elf = Randomly reassigns a person’s secondary ability. This ability is used by PMing the host the name of the target player. This ability may be used every round. - reassigns secondary abilities.
Immortal = Automatically saved from death once per game. - save himself once.
Vulture = Vote power starts at 0 and increases by a half each time a person dies. - every turn some one dies his vote counts a 1/2 more
Armagio = Can sacrifice self to save another person from death. Does not target a player, you simply say if you want to save the lynched person or the mafia hit person. If the targeted player was also targeted by the doctor, the armagio still becomes the intended target and dies. If the doctor targeted the armagio instead, the armagio is saved, as well as the person the FG's targeted. However, this ability can not be turned off. - will die instead of another person
Scared! = Can burrow self to become immune to abilities but loses voting power while burrowed. This ability is activated and deactivated by sending a PM to the host. If activated, it can only be deactivated once the round is over, and vice versa. - Is unaffected by abilities.
Infected - Kills self and target player. The target player always dies unless immortal or burrowed. You still die regardless. This ability is activated by sending a PM to the host. -infected goes boom and kills another person.
FG only secondary roles
Suicidal- may destroy self in order kill a random player - FG goes boom and kills another.
Supreme being- may cancel an ability - May cancel one ability as many turns you want.
True god- may choose to cancel all abilities for next round * will be stated during fg vote* - Stops all abilities ONCE