I am assuming worst case scenario for this day and ext, which is why I want to think that Gin is in play. If they do have Propaganda, then it would make sense to Prop tomorrow, knowing that someone will most likely be afk. Votes can be too heavily swung on this day phase, which is why using Gin would make more sense.
If Gin has not been played today, that would be quite risky, and would make them want to think that they can slip under the radar. The three people who could potentially be mafia have been discussed as potential candidates, so it would make no sense for them not to have, as they may die. Surely something might have happened in 40-50 pages that could pass as a slip, right?
If we are outing the correct person today, then no matter what they are mafia, and will be lynched next phase. If Gin has not been used, then they die this phase and we win.
Erm, mind explaining that part? I don't see how that makes him less likely to be mafia. He can still vote later on.
With 2 hours left on the clock, and Zawad nowhere to be seen, it would be more likely that he would try to vote for someone before going afk until end of phase. If he expects to turn up, then we can tackle that when it comes around, but I am just using the information given to me at this stage.