N1 Linkcat - Town - Dead - Strong town, strong mafia. In either case, confirming him was good.
N2 worldwideweb3 - Town - Dead - See Linkcat.
N3 CleanOnion - Town - Dead - My first hail-mary target, as I started to get desparate for confirmed towns that would live.
N4 Jenkar - Town - Dead - See CleanOnion
N5 Ginyu - Town - ALIVE - Strong player, accidentally skipped him over when looking for targets earlier.
N6 dawn_to_dusk - Town - ALIVE - Previously inactive, now coming back, I think.
He is not Winston. He is guaranteed to be mafia. However, due to the possibility of an item, we are going to lynch someone else Rob suspected.
kinkykitten624 [1] - skyironsword
Can you stop BSing, for once? I have a Secret Note that I'm willing to use on someone, to prove that you're wrong and to be lynched.