First off, let's not conclusively give away ANY surefire next-day lynch targets... IP have 1 Propaganda available to them (Phys' stolen one if Phys is honest with Jenkar dying with one earlier) and at least 1 Victory Gin (if not 2 of one or both!) so letting them know when/who to Gin/Prop is a bad idea -- rather make them guess like good BH'ers we are.

**Updating my list as follows**
If I had to guess, I think most or all of IP are in this group:
Cal - flipped IP on Day 6 lynch
{3 of these 4, by my estimation}
Changes explained:* sky -- started vote train confidently on an IP... if any player here would bus a fellow IP
it might be sky however I'm a fan of her play this game so far... solidifies her into my 'lock Brotherhood' (not confirmed per se) status
* kdz -- ISO of kdz's posts aligns him quite well with myself, all dead BH to date, and sky... solidifying him into my 'basically a lock Brotherhood' category
+ dawn -- read more closely how other players I value highly as Brotherhood-leans addressed dawn and his difficulty connecting to vote/comment/etc.
+/- Ginyu -- up for finally posting something, no credit for non-vote type post, and downgrade back to un-moved-from-previous-IP+ status due to IoA of post (information over analysis).
Ginyu, can you give more analysis and less 'plain information'?- Zawadx --
This vote swap late smacks of IP hot potato wagon hopping... that is, gotta get off the dwindling wagon on Phys that had Cal/Sol/kinky/Zawad on it near the end - IP would know if Cal is as-good-as-dead (AGAD?) and going to flip IP.
Zawadx, can you explain a little this vote change and the nature of it?* kinky -- no change in status but give similar consideration to
kinky's vote change here as we are to Zawadx's vote change.
I'm not going to mention specific targets now but I trust those that live on (if I should get NK'd) to be able to parse my list for how to shake it down, eh?
***ISO on Solaris forthcoming...