1. What do you think of this setup? Don't forget that town must use their abilities whenever possible. Not a huge fan of the detrimental town roles.
2. Do either town or mafia have an advantage in this setup? Mafia.
3. Why is sky your favorite mafia host? kek
4. Is it worth lynching a harmful role Day 1? Yes.
5. Which role do you wish you would have gotten? Anything but the one I got.
6. How many people will die on the first night? 2.
7. Can you please not lynch me? kekno
1. What do you think of this setup? Don't forget that town must use their abilities whenever possible.
- Town is kill
2. Do either town or mafia have an advantage in this setup?
- See above
3. Why is sky your favorite mafia host?
- Because she's my first one?
4. Is it worth lynching a harmful role Day 1?
- We probably should just lynch someone
5. Which role do you wish you would have gotten?
- Anything more fun than what I have
6. How many people will die on the first night?
- Three?
7. Can you please not lynch me?
- No.
1. What do you think of this setup? Don't forget that town must use their abilities whenever possible.
Seems funish? At least its different, better than the sameold sameold
2. Do either town or mafia have an advantage in this setup?
Not sure, but advantage means very little compared to
3. Why is sky your favorite mafia host?
4. Is it worth lynching a harmful role Day 1?
Yes, kill me
5. Which role do you wish you would have gotten?
Any mafia role
6. How many people will die on the first night?
7. Can you please not lynch me?
You should kill me instead
1. What do you think of this setup? Don't forget that town must use their abilities whenever possible.
Interesting setup. Should make for some fun gameplay, if nothing else.
2. Do either town or mafia have an advantage in this setup?
Town, slightly. Mafia can overcome it with respectable play.
3. Why is sky your favorite mafia host?
She's not, but she's up there. I respect her attempts to make her games both enjoyable and balanced.
4. Is it worth lynching a harmful role Day 1?
In this setup, I think it's a valid option.
5. Which role do you wish you would have gotten?
Master of Water, for comedic reasons.
6. How many people will die on the first night?
I would put a fair o/u at 1.5, betting on the over.
7. Can you please not lynch me?
1. What do you think of this setup? Don't forget that town must use their abilities whenever possible.
It looks ok, a nice change from the standard mafia setups.
2. Do either town or mafia have an advantage in this setup?
not sure yet, but initial is feeling town.
3. Why is sky your favorite mafia host?
Because she is the current host.

4. Is it worth lynching a harmful role Day 1?
Yes, The less harmful roles the better the chances town has.
5. Which role do you wish you would have gotten?
Master of Life......

6. How many people will die on the first night?
Feeling 2 or 3.
7. Can you please not lynch me?
At the start sure.....but if you turn scummy

1. What do you think of this setup? Don't forget that town must use their abilities whenever possible.
Looks interesting enough, I like the negative roles, even if others don't
2. Do either town or mafia have an advantage in this setup?
Depending on the roles gotten by peacekeepers and how they play, they could potentially have an edge. However the same goes for the rebels.
3. Why is sky your favorite mafia host?
Why wouldn't she be?
4. Is it worth lynching a harmful role Day 1?
Depends on which one. There are some which, while nice to be rid of, should not be as high priority as others.
5. Which role do you wish you would have gotten?
Life Master. Mathman ain't got shit on me
6. How many people will die on the first night?
Again, depends on what roles have been gotten, but I guess I will say 1 and be optimistic.
7. Can you please not lynch me?
Well that's no fun now is it?
1. What do you think of this setup? Don't forget that town must use their abilities whenever possible.
I think that its going to be interesting especially if town doesn't get to choose who they target.
2. Do either town or mafia have an advantage in this setup?
Possibly mafia if town got a lot of the killing roles.
3. Why is sky your favorite mafia host?
This is like my 5th mafia, not really enough experiences to have a favorite yet.
4. Is it worth lynching a harmful role Day 1?
If we knew the role on day one of course. Getting rid of town that is boning town is almost as good as a mafia kill day one.
5. Which role do you wish you would have gotten?
I don't know, i think it was a little complicated for me.
6. How many people will die on the first night?
More than 0? I don't know how unlucky we got, i suppose we will find out in about 30 hours.
7. Can you please not lynch me?
If i did that and your mafia that would be bad for town now wouldn't it?
1. What do you think of this setup? Don't forget that town must use their abilities whenever possible.
Initially I was a bit concerned that the theme would cause some sort of drama (>_>), but it's actually nowhere near the level of stress I imagined. The enforced ability usage is pretty fun even though the abilities are detrimental; this is something I hope would be placed in a future mafia.
2. Do either town or mafia have an advantage in this setup?
I want to say town because there's only two mafia players to kill, but given how many crappy abilities there are...
3. Why is sky your favorite mafia host?
She's one of my overall favorite forum game hosts actually, although favorite mafia hosting probably goes to either RootRanger or killsdazombies. ^^;;
4. Is it worth lynching a harmful role Day 1?
The only roles worth removing on Day 1 are:
Master of Darkness (self explanatory, otherwise no one knows who is dying)
Master of Fire (prevents a free revival of a Peacekeeper/Mafia player who has too strong an ability)
Warmaster (minor boost towards mafia, might actually be useful for figuring out voting totals)
Everything else is pretty much debatable, but the above three are the worst, because they give out pretty significant advantages towards Peacekeeper/mafia roles. I'm going to assume no one is Master of Darkness, because if they were, they should be speaking out RIGHT NOW to avoid having wasted/mystery lynches and night kills.
5. Which role do you wish you would have gotten?
Master of Time maybe, but I would prefer Forum Game Organizer, even though I wish that the game was based off of Relic Sweeper, RAID, or Quantafied, and not the (apparently) least popular forum game, 'Witch's Game'. :/
6. How many people will die on the first night?
Hopefully 0, although I'd be happy/thankful if Master of Earth and/or Master of Aether could prevent a night kill.
7. Can you please not lynch me?
I certainly tried before, Linkcat.

1. I stated my thoughts earlier in the thread. I see this mafia as a chance to relax and just have some fun.
2. Mafia has the upper hand here. I wouldn't give town much of an advantage in a vanilla 12v2 setup, and the roles make it much worse for us.
3. I enjoy having the extra challenge of an unbalanced setup, such as this mafia, or 57, wich had 10 confirmed town Day 2. It makes for a much more enjoyable game. /s
4. The only roles that I think are worth using a lynch on are Master of Time, Master of Fire, and Brawlmaster, and only Master of Time needs to be lynched right away. We can leave the other two alone for now unless we don't have anything going on day 2.
5. I would have enjoyed any role that lets me kill a bunch of people, which would be any mafia role, Master of Time, Brawlmaster, or FGO. I also would have liked to be Master of Earth, as the only Power Role.
6. I'm betting on 2-3, though I hope for more just because it would be hilarious.
7. Please?
Minor note here: I accidentally put Brawlmaster when I meant Warmaster. Obviously Brawlmaster is the worst possible lynch.