Planeswalker Mafia (Mafia 57)
Spoiler for Lore:
In an empty, lifeless field of nothingness, a lone figure strode outwards towards a machine. It was oddly shaped, with parts that seemed to be made out of bubbles of blue steel and others that looked like rusty brass gears. "It's come to this..." the figure whispered, and then sighed. He vanished in a burst of blue light.
It could have been a millennia later, it could have been a few minutes, but the figure reappeared. Several times in fact, each time leading a figure through a blue bubble into the realm. Some of them were violent. Others were hesitant. All of them fell quiet and still as two enormous spheres of light began to shine from above, radiating blue and white mana over them all. Many recognized one another. Planeswalkers, brought across the multiverse, through the blind eternities by a heavily robed figure for...what?
"Hello, Planeswalkers. No, don't try to escape. You'll find I created this plane specifically to control each of your powers to make it impossible for you to planeswalk away or kill each other. Well, kill eachother yet anyways." Several sets of eyes warily looked about at eachother and at the figure. "My name is not important. What is is this device beside me, a creation of the late Urza, whom I was not able to save with my powers. But I have pulled the rest of you from across time and the worlds to offer something today. A force of which none of you have ever seen now approaches our corner of the multiverse. It is stronger than even you, mighty Nicol Bolas, or all of you together. It is stronger than all of Phyrexia. Yes, it even dwarfs the Eldrazi titans in strength. We have yet to name, o even truely conceptualize this beast, but it threatens to engulf entire planes without any resistance. I have studied it for all of my life, longer than any of yours. And I have studied the machinations of Urza. This device can take the sparks from freshly slain Planeswalkers and turn them into a powerful weapon, stronger than the walker itself. Perhaps, with enough of your sparks, it can destroy this beast."
The crowd of planeswalkers began to shout, opposing the idea in various ways until the figure silenced them all once more. "I will allow you each to decide who amongst you will make the sacrifice. By day, the white and blue sun will shine, rendering your powers dormant. By night, the white sun will fade and a black one will glow, allowing you to make tribute, then fight for your life. Only when all members agree there will be no more killing shall I free you from here to fight on your own. Oh, and in return, I shall bestow great power divided equally among all who still live at the end. Naturally, that means the more sparks you allow me to have to face the beast, the more power I can offer. Now, discuss!" And with that the figure disappeared, leaving the walkers to speak.
Spoiler for Rules:
Players may speak during either phase, but vote only during the day.
Game begins on a day phase.
If there is no vote, no one will be lynched. Likewise, if "No Lynch" gets the most votes, there will be noone lynched.
Players may be inactive indefinitely without penalty. If, however, no activity happens for an entire phase, a random player will be killed.
In the event of a tie, a random player with the highest voting total will be chosen to be lynched with no priority.
There will be 7 starting members of Mafia, assuming there is a player for each Planeswalker.
New roles may be created if there are more signups than walkers. They will have no powers, but will be colored and named.
The following planeswalkers (roles) will not be mafia: Ajani, Gideon, Elspeth, Nahiri, Venser, Narset
Spoiler for General Rules:
1. Post in the topic if you want to sign up. No need for any 'role' choosing or whatnot, everything is randomized and assigned.
2. Do not post, chat, OR PM ANY revealing information if you have been killed/removed from mafia (except for minor 'BLARGH'/murloc TM death noises). This also means that if you withdraw from mafia, you cannot reveal any information after withdrawing from the game.
3. Do not quote PMs. Ever.
4. You are allowed to talk in chat about mafia, but please remember general chat rules.
5. You are not allowed to edit AND/OR remove your post. Instead, EBWOP will take effect. This means, to edit your post, post again with the correct fixes. Any posts breaking this rule will dealt with.
6. Any flaming/trolling will not be tolerated. Appropriate actions will be taken if any of this occurs.*
7. The mod/host has the final say in any dispute. Do not argue with the mod/host. Do not impersonate the mod/host.
8. When PM-ing the Host for anything associated with this Mafia, please include "Mafia 57" in the subject line. Otherwise, your PM may be ignored or overlooked.
9. Please wait for the Host to announce that the game has ended before declaring it so yourself and/or posting as though it has. If you believe that one team cannot fail to win the game, send a PM to the Host and wait for their response.
11. Breaking rules 2, 4, 7 or 8 may result in ban from future mafias or forum games in general.**
* Abbreviations of curse words doesn't count. But please do keep it PG-13.
** Banning from future mafias will be on a case by case basis and is entirely in the Forum Games Organizer(s) hands.
Roles | Ajani Goldmane United, our roar will level Mountains
- Ajani's Presence: If your target would die this night, they do not. (EoR)
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 | Gideon Jura You were defeated the moment you declared your aggression
- Desperate Stand: Reveal yourself as Gideon publicly. You gain +1 VP for each white planeswalker still in the game. You cannot gain immunity to nightkills. (OU)
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 | Elspeth Tiriel I was not chosen for my faith in the gods. Sometimes the gods must put their faith in us.
- Deicide: Kill your target. If the target is not mafia, you also die.(OU)
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 | Venser The real battle is not of power but of will. If your confidence shatters, so shall you.
- Ghostly Flicker: You become untargetable (all abilities that would target you fail), but you cannot vote during the next day. You are told who attempted to target you.(ER)
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 | Nahiri The Lithomancer
- Prophetic Prism: Learn whether target player is mafia or civilian. (ER)
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 | Sorin Markov What do vermin cling to when all hope is lost?
- Worst Fears: You may choose if/who target player uses their ability on during this night/the following day and learn the results. Their vote is also redirected to whoever you vote for, whether or not they attempt to vote. They will know they were controlled. If they were carrying out the Night kill, you may also shift the target of that to anyone but themselves. (OU)
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 | Vraska I have seen things that would reduce a weaker person to blubbering and raving. Want to hear about them?
- Killing Glare: When Vraska is killed, a random player who voted on her will also die, or the player that killed her will also die.(Passive)
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 | Nicol Bolas There is no greater folly than standing against me.
- Cruel Ultimatum: Target's role is revealed at the beginning of the next day. If they are not lynched, they are immune to being night killed until they are the last civilian but mafia gets 2 NKs the following night. Players are aware that this reveal is due to Cruel Ultimatum. They may still be killed by abilities and lynching. (OU)
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 | Ob Nixilis Morality is just shorthand for the constraints of being powerless.
- Increasing Ambition: Kill target if you can identify their role. (2U)
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 | Lilliana Vess Pain is temporary. So is life.
- Mind Rot: Abilities that would get information about Lilliana instead get scrambled information.(Passive)
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 | Ashiok Not all nightmares can be escaped by waking.
- Mind Grind: Information obtained this night is scrambled. You learn the unscrambled version of all information that would have been gained this night. (OU)
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 | Chandra Nalaar 'Utterly' is my favorite way to destroy something.
- Incinerate Your target's voting power is 0 next round (ER)
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 | Koth of the Hammer If there can be no victory, then I will fight forever
- Slagstorm: Each player besides you is counted as having two votes against them. Players are made aware Slagstorm was used at the beginning of the next night. (EoR)
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 | Ral Zareck I see countless worlds. What makes them think I can't find them in just one?
- Blast of Genius:Target's voting power reduced to 0 the next day and what their total voting power would be is revealed to you at the end of the next day.(EoR)
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 | Sarkahn Vol Rage courses in every heart, yearning to betray its rational prison
- Crux of Fate:You may choose a different person than the player who was lynched who had votes on them to die due to the lynch. (OU)
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 | Tibalt Pained defiance or shameful surrender—every reaction is a pleasant surprise.
- Wild Guess: This round your voting target is randomized between people who have been voted on, and you gain 1 voting power for the round.
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 | Daretti Where a lesser mind sees junk, I see infinite potential.
- Scrap Mastery: Use a random ability of a deceased player. Designate a target before learning the ability. You will learn the ability/result before the next day phase begins. If a passive ability is obtained, Daretti is considered to have that ability for the rest of the night and the next day.
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 | Jace Beleren Your mind was a curious mix of madness and genius. I just took away the genius
- Mind Sculpt: Learn who your target targeted this night. (EoR)
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 | Tamiyo I'm pleased this world has learned the moon affects more than the tides.
- Serum Visions: Learn one of your target's colors (ER)
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 | Narset Still the mind and quiet the heart. Only then will you hear the Multiverse's great truths.
- Quiet Contemplation: Each round you do not post other than your vote, you learn a random player’s role, one of their colors, or one of their targets the previous night at random.
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 | Dack Fayden Ownership' is such a gray area
- Acquire Steal target player's ability permanently (They lose it and you gain it). Not consumed if the player has used their OU ability. (OU)
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 | Teferi I don't have time for you right now.
- Cast through Time: Learn who targeted your target this night (EoR)
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 | Tezzeret I appreciate the depravity of noble designs turned to devious ends.
- Psychic Barrier: Abilities targeting you fail. Players are informed when their abilities fail. (Passive)
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 | Domri Rade Roots, ruins, and room to fight. All the comforts of home.
- Beastmaster's Ascension: Gain +.5 Voting power for each person who votes with you each round (noncumulative)(Passive)
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 | Kiora Long after the land has given up the last of its secrets, there will still be mysteries in the depths of the sea.
- Whelming Wave: Name any number of players. Their votes do not count this round. PM this ability. (OU, Day)
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 | Nissa Revane The blood of the forest is beholden to no one.
- Groundswell: Target player gains +1 VP for the round, +1.5 if Green (EoR)
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 | Xenagos The gods of Theros are born of the expectations and beliefs of mortals. If I have found godhood, what does that say about their true desires?
- Destructive Revelry: Each player who votes with you gains +.5 VP, but one vote is cast against them next day phase. Players are made aware of Destructive Revelry’s affecting them the following night.(ER)
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 | Freyalise Sometimes the best plan is neither fighting nor running.
- Tranquil Path: The VP of all players is normalized (set to one) this round. (EoR)
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 | Garruk The predator knows the true way of the world. Life is conflict. Only the strong survive.
- Triumph of Ferocity:Whenever a player Garruk votes on is lynched, Garruk gains +1VP permanently. Garruk must be one of the first two people to have voted on the target. (Passive)
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 | Ugin The Spirit Dragon
- Ghostfire: Learn one of target’s colors. Their VP is reduced to 0 this round. Ugin has no color. (ER)
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 | Karn Every act of destruction has a repercussion.
- Corrupted Conscience: Each round, Karn has a cumulative 5% chance to become Mafia (e.g. 50% at round 10). Karn has no color. (Passive)
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[Scrap Mastery], Corrupted Conscience, Ghostly Flicker, Worst Fears, Acquire, Mindgrind, Indestructible, Others and NK, Lightning Bolt/Ghostfire, Killing Glare
Abilities and kills do /not/ negate other abilities and kills that happen at the same time.
Player refers to the forum user's username. Role refers to the planeswalker they have been assigned. Ability refers to the power each planeswalker has. Color refers to the color identity of each planeswalker, represented in the coloring of their names (ask if unsure of a walker's color.) Scrambled information means that I will randomize each aspect of possible information relevant to abilities used. VP references voting power; higher voting power increases the number of "votes" your vote counts for.
Q: Can Narset talk on her voting post? Do EBWOPs count?
A: Narset cannot talk beyond placing her vote. She may change her vote and EBWOP to correct her vote.
Q: Is nightkill an ability?
A: No.
Q. Can Karn start as Mafia?
A. Yes, this renders his ability pointless.
Signups- dawn_to_dusk
- Linkcat
- Arum
- Kuroaitou
- CleanOnion
- UTAlan
- Espithel
- JonathanCrazyJ
- MeowMeowCat
- mathman101
- killdazombies
- CoffeeDitto
- kinkykitten
- worldwideweb3
- CrockettRocket
- randomperson123
- eljoemo
- Ginyu
- Discord
- skyironsword
- RootRanger