Well civvies absolutely need a Twisted Fate, so I'm going to assume it's in the game. If it's not, then reguardless of if we know what roles are in the game or not, civvies are screwed. But to confirm someone is Twisted Fate we would need LeBlanc or Rengar. Other then this plan, Rengar isn't very effective. On the otherhand, using LeBlanc ensures that the mafia can't patchkill TF (by chance) night 2 and ruin civvy plans. If we use rengar, Rengar would need to publicly post or we'd end up waiting until Twisted Fate finds Rengar and it turns into the game of "will mafia find twisted fate first, or will twisted fate find rengar." However because of roles like LeBlanc+Khazix (add soraka into the mix) most likely Twisted Fate would find rengar first.
Afterward TF can publically confirm and get everyones roles then start planning it for civvies. If we use LB, then we would need TF to come out pubically and LB would have to send a message to TF for them to target eachother and then LeBlanccan confirm in the morning that TF is Coffeeditto or whoever.
Roles that are very good together in this game, for civvies interests are
Jinx and Maoki
Shaco and Shyvana
Kha Zix and LeBlanc
Leblanc and Twisted Fate
Kha Zix and Soraka (not an actual interaction, but good to communicate together to better coordinate when to negate mafia patchkills)
I'm still talking to the host on this one, as I feel like role priority will most likely be changed. As it is, lux is very high up in the order with the only voting power/voting total/role-canceling roles above Lux is Warwick. So, as it is, civvies can strategically use lux once warwick dies or is confirmed civvy.
Decided to post everything I know because I'm assuming I'll die tonight for saying the first paragraph. :x