Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
- Fire and Ice, Robert Frost
GENERAL RULES (Some changes have been made, you should probably re-read these.)
Spoiler for General Rules:
1. Post in the topic if you want to sign up. No need for any 'role' choosing or whatnot, everything is randomized and assigned. You can also sign-up after official sign-ups are over as a Substitute, by
PMing me stating that you want to be a sub.
2. Do not post, chat, OR PM ANY revealing information if you have been killed/removed from mafia (except for minor 'BLARGH'/murloc TM death noises). This also means that if you withdraw from mafia, you cannot reveal any information after withdrawing from the game.3. No player may do the 'No-Vote'/AFK for
THREE consecutive days without a viable reason. Holidays, funerals, etc count as viable reasons. Mafia on other sites, just forgetting, etc, do not. If you wish to withdraw, post in this thread; but do NOT reveal any secret information.
Players without viable reasons will be modkilled. Breaking this rule repeatedly may result in a ban from future mafias.4. Do not quote PMs. Ever.
5. You are allowed to talk in chat about mafia, but please remember general chat rules.6. You are not allowed to edit AND/OR remove your post. Instead, EBWOP will take effect. This means, to edit your post, post again with the correct fixes. Any posts breaking this rule will result in the post being deleted on sight.7. Any flaming/trolling/cursing will not be tolerated. Appropriate actions will be taken if any of this occurs.*
8. The mod/host has the final say in any dispute. Do not argue with the mod/host. Do not impersonate the mod/host.9. When PM-ing the Host for anything associated with this Mafia, please include "Mafia 53" in the subject line. Otherwise, your PM may be ignored or overlooked.10. Please wait for the Host to announce that the game has ended before declaring it so yourself and/or posting as though it has. If you believe that one team cannot fail to win the game, send a PM to the Host and wait for their response.
11. Breaking rules 2, 5, 8 or 9 may result in ban from future mafias or forum games in general.**
* Abbreviations of curse words doesn't count. But please do keep it PG-13.
** Banning from future mafias will be on a case by case basis and is entirely in the Forum Games Organizer(s) hands.
Spoiler for How to Play Mafia:
Mafia is generally played between two teams: Civilians and Mafia. The civilians are the main group, and they enjoy the minor advantage of being a majority. Every day, the civilians post in the thread to discuss who is likely to be mafia, and place a vote on who they think is being scummy (a.k.a. mafia-like or anti-civilian). One thing to note is that your Voting Total signifies the total of votes placed on you, and Voting Power stands for how many votes you actually place on someone when you vote on them (everyone has a standard Voting Power of 1). At the end of the day the host tallies up all the votes and considers all skills affecting the voting; the person with the most votes on them is killed (termed as lynching), and all their info is revealed. Then Night falls...
That’s when the mafia come in. The Mafia are a minority of players who know each other’s identity. Their job is to eliminate all the other players using deception and nightkills. They interact with the town during the day, trying to mislead them away from lynching any mafia members. And when night falls, Mafia discusses in secret and chooses a person to kill (termed as nightkill). Also during the night the civilians use their skills. Some of the noteworthy skills include the cop/seer, who investigate other players to find their allegiance, and the doctor (usually called Archangel here) who can protect a specific player from any nightkills for that night.
Does the stupid game ever end, you ask? Well contrary to popular belief, it does. The Civilians win when whenever they manage to lynch all the Mafia members. And Mafia wins when their combined Voting Power is enough to control the vote entirely, i.e. if all Mafia members vote on the same Civilian and all Civilians vote on a Mafia ember, the civilian will be lynched.
MECHANICAL RULES AND ABBREVIATIONSSpoiler for Mechanical rules and abbreviations:
1. The game will start on Night 0. No kills may be committed on Night 0; so ALL roles capable of killing a player will not be able to do so.
2. Only the last PM sent from the Mafia stating the Nightkill will be counted. So Mafia may change their Nightkill after sending it in.
3. If the lynch is tied (multiple players have the same vote total after adding all modifiers), Civilians will have more priority than Mafia. If it is still tied, a random player among the lynched targets will be lynched.
4. No-lynch i.e. voting for no lynch in a day is NOT an option. These votes will be disregarded in the final count, and be considered No-vote for the casters.
5. All player roles, targeting, and actions will take effect during the Night Phase, unless stated otherwise.
6. The person who sends the last PM stating the Nightkill is considered to have performed the Nightkill as an action.
7. If someone immune to a lynch has the highest Vote total, no person is lynched during that Day phase.
Abbreviations and general terminology:
Lynch: The votes cast during the Day Phase to determine which player should be killed; the activity of killing a player in this way.
VP: Voting Power. The numerical power of your vote cast during the Lynch. So if you have 2 VP, you add 2 votes instead of 1 to the target you vote for.
VT: Vote Total. The sum of the VP of all players voting on you, plus any modifiers.
The following abbreviations specify the countdowns for secondary role uses:
ER: Every Round. These skills may be used once every day/night cycle (so once every Day phase+Night phase).
EoR: Every other Round. If you use this skill on a Day/Night cycle, it may not be used in the next Day/Night cycle.
E3R: Every three rounds. If you use this skill on a Day/Night cycle, it may not be used in the next two Day/Night cycle.
#U: # of uses, where # is a positive number. These skills have a prespecified limited amount of uses; once they're all used up, the skills may no longer be used.
Passive: These skills are always active.
Trigger: These skills become active when a certain condition is met. It may also have a limited number of uses: if the trigger has been activated for those no. of times, then it may not be triggered again.
Day Skill: This skill may only be used during the Day Phase.
Day/Night Skill: This skill may only be used during the Day Phase or the Night Phase.
ROLES:All players entering the game will receive ONE Primary role (also referred to as 'Faction') and ONE secondary role (also referred to as 'Identity'). The Faceless Men faction will have 20-25% of all players, rounded to the nearest integer. The Lords of Westeros faction will include the rest. There is only one copy of each Identity.
Primary Roles/FactionsLords of Westeros: The 'Townies' or civilians of the game. Throughout your life you've competed for the Iron Throne and the power to rule over the rest, but as of late you have creeping suspicions that something is amiss. Some of the other lords are plotting something far more darker than a political struggle, and the survival of your house depends on stopping it. The trouble is, who can you trust?
There are no special abilities associated with this Faction.
The Lords of Westeros win when all the Faceless Men have been eliminated.
The Faceless Men: The 'Mafia' of the game. Called in by some higher authority, the Faceless men have taken the places of some of the notable Lords of Westeros. They have a simple mission; find the payment for the price that must be payed. Only a life can be given up for a life, after all.
Every night, the Faceless Men send in a Nightkill (NK) target as a group. The person targeted by Nightkill is killed at the end of the Night.
The Faceless Men win when their numbers are equal to or outnumber all other Lords of Westeros..
Tertiary RolesTertiary Roles are extra roles that stack with primary and secondary ones.
Kingmaker: The Game of Thrones rests on a delicate balance. Few realize it, but those who do wield immense power. They know how to pull the strings of Westeros, and their will can allow them to place puppets on the Iron Throne.
There are two Kingmakers in the game, the Odds Kingmaker and the Evens Kingmaker. They may use this skill on those respective nights only (so the Odds Kingmaker can use his Kingmaker ability on Odd numbered nights (1, 3, 5...), and the Evens Kingmaker on Even numbered nights (0, 2, 4...).
There will always be a person with this ability in the game; when a Kingmaker dies, a new one will be chosen in his place.
A person may use the Kingmaker ability to designate another person as King for the next day phase. If a King is established, then the Kingmaker who established him will obtain a voting power of 0 for that day. The King's Identity/secondary role is publicly announced (but not his user name or faction), and he receives +2 Voting power for that day phase. The same person may not be made King twice over the course of the game by the Odds/Evens Kingmaker; so a person may be made King by the Odds Kingmaker and then by the Evens Kingmaker, but not twice by the Odds Kingmaker.
The Kingmaker cannot be a Faceless Man.
The Kingmaker is immune to becoming King if targeted by the other Kingmaker.
The Kingmaker has a secondary win condition in this game: If at any point of time a particular Kingmaker and the all the players he has made King can overpower the remaining players, that Kingmaker achieves a solo victory. Only the players a person has made King during his time as Kingmaker count towards this. Who will rise as the victorious puppet master, in this Game of Thrones?
Secondary Roles/IdentitiesJaime Lannister -
Kingsguard (Passive): Cannot become a King
Kingslayer's Sword (2U): Kill the target player. If the player you target was a King during the previous day, doesn't consume a use but gives a permanent +2 to your vote total.
Bronn the Sellsword - Has 1.5 voting power.
Survival of the Fittest (EoR, Day Skill): Target a player; whoever has higher voting power among you and your target is immune to being lynched this Day phase.
Catelyn Stark -
Lady Stoneheart (Trigger, 1U): After you death, you are returned to life with Voting Power of 3 and a permanent +3 to vote total.
Bran Stark -
Warg (E3R, Day Skill): Target a player. You can direct their vote for this Day phase and learn their secondary role. You also gain their secondary role as a Tertiary role for the next Night phase only.
Arya Stark -
Silent Killer (2U): Kill the target player. While performing this action, you are disguised as a random other player. Gives a permanent +1 to you vote total.
Walder Frey -
Red Wedding (2U): Target a player and state their secondary role. If it matches OR if they target you that night phase, kill them.
Theon - Has 3 voting power.
Captive Prince (Trigger): If targeted on any any night, decrease VP permanently by 1. If VP is reduced to 0 at any point, permanently gain +5 to vote total.
Petyr Baelish - Has 1.5 voting power. Starts as the Odds Kingmaker.
The Ladder climber (Passive): Whenever you target a player, you learn their primary role/faction as well.
Varys the Eunuch - Has 1.5 voting power. Starts as the Evens Kingmaker.
Little Birds (Passive): Whenever you target a player, you learn whom they targeted and who they were targeted by for the Night phase..
Danaerys Targaryen - Has 3 voting power.
Three-headed Dragon (Trigger): Whenever your vote total is greater than 3 at the end of the day, your voting power is permanently decreased by 1.
Heir of the Conqueror (Passive): If you are a king, you gain +4 voting power instead of the standard +2.
Jon Snow - Has 3 voting power.
Knows Nothing (Passive): Doesn't receive host PMs regarding this mafia (after the initial role PM).
Lord of the Watch (Trigger, 2U): If you vote on a player of the opposite faction and your vote target isn't lynched normally, he dies at the end of the Day Phase.
Reek -
Stinking enigma (Passive): Has a voting power of -2.
Roose Bolton -
The Flayer (EoR): Target a player; their voting power is permanently decreased by 1. Permanently increase your own vote total by 1.
Jojen Reed -
Kingsguard (Passive): Cannot become a King
Song of Earth and Water (EoR, Day/Night Skill): Target a player; his vote is negated and he gains immunity from the Lynch for the current/next Day phase.
Meera Reed -
Kingsguard (Passive): Cannot become a King
Song of Bronze and Iron (EoR, Day/Night Skill): Target a player; he temporarily gains +1 voting power each round for the next 2 rounds (So next round he gains +1, the round after that he gains +2 to his base voting power, and finally it reverts to a +0 modifier.)
Rhaegar Targaryen -
Kingsguard (Passive): Cannot become a King
Song of Ice and Fire (EoR, Day/Night Skill): Target a player; he learns the roles of the person he votes for during the current/next Day phase.
Aemon Targeryen -
Scion of the Dragon (ER): Target a player. If they are the king the next day Phase, you permanently gain -1 to your vote total.
Khal Drogo - Has 1.5 voting power.
Hero of the Dothraki (EoR): Target a player; whoever has higher voting power among you and your target gains a copy of the other's secondary role as a Tertiary role.
Melisandre of Assha'i -
King's Blood (EoR): Target a player; if he was a king during the previous Day Phase, remove his skill and grant him a permanent +2 to Voting power.
Margaery Tyrell -
Seductress (EoR): Target a player; their secondary role and vote is negated for the next two Day/Night phases. If you target a King, you may use this skill again the next Day/Night cycle (as if it were ER).
Renly Baratheon - Has 1.5 Voting Power.
Prince Charming (EoR, Day skill): Target a player; whoever has lower voting power among you and your target permanently gains -1 to their Voting Power and Kingsguard.
Stannis Baratheon -
Iron Fist (2U, Day Skill): Negate all modifiers to Voting Power and Voting Totals for this Day Phase.
Robert 'Sweetrobin' Arryn - Has 0.5 Voting Power.
Lord of the Peaks (ER): Target a player; whoever has lower voting power among you and your target learns the roles of the one with the higher Voting power.
Barristan Selmy -
Kingsguard (Passive): Cannot become a King
Lord Commander of the Kingsguard (ER): Target a player; if he is to be Nightkilled this night, prevent it. You and the person sending in the Nightkill both die.
Eddard Stark - Has 4 Voting Power, Immune to death unless it is caused by a Secondary role.
Sean Bean always dies (Trigger) - At the end of Day 3, you die.
Oberyn Martell -
Pit of the Viper (ER) - Target a player. If that player were to die this night, prevent it and kill the person who activated the death.
Thoros of Myr - At the end of each day, your voting total is permanently increased by 1.
Blessing of R'hllor (E3R) - Revive a dead player; they lose all secondary and tertiary roles upon revival. Increases your Vote Total by 5.
Tyrion Lannister -
Cunning of the Imp (EoR) - Target a player and state their primary or secondary role. If it matches, learn their roles.
Tywin Lannister -
The Hand of the King (EoR) - Target a player; if he was a king during the previous Day Phase, learn his Primary role. You can direct his vote for the next day phase.
Brienne of Tarth -
The Westeros Wanderer (EoR) - Learn all the roles that were used in this Day/Night Phase.
Role PriorityPassives aren't accounted here; they all occur at the end simultaneously.
Day: Jojen > Rhaegar > Renly > Bronn > Bran > Stannis > Catelyn > Jon > Daenarys
Kingmaker > Barristan > Oberyn > Margaery > Tywin > Tyrion > Jojen > Rhaegar > Swetrobin > Arya >
Nightkill > Walder Frey > Thoros > Theon > Catelyn
Sign-ups: No Time Left!Sign-up list
dawn to dusk15.