mathman101 suddenly woke up.
Woke up? Why was I asleep? Why does my head hurt?He tried to look around, still dazed.
It's really dark in here. Where even is here? My head really hurts.His eyes started to adjust to the dark; the room began to reveal itself.
I'm sat on a chair. Did I fall asleep in a chair? No. Can I get up?He tried to stand, but ropes kept him in place.
I'm tied up! Someone knocked me out and tied me up. It must have been the intruders!Just then the room burst into light, blinding him for a moment. He could barely make out a figure walking towards him.
Who's this? Is this the one that tied me up? Oh I'm gonna kill him."Sorry about the head. That looks pretty nasty."
I knew my head was hurting! Wait, does he know who I am? There's no way he could know."Look, we know who you are."
Crap! He knows who I am. Well maybe he isn't going to kill me."And that means we're going to have to kill you."
Double crap. There's got to be a way of this. Think math, think."There's absolutely no way out of this."
Did I bring my pliers? Or did I leave them in the car? Could I wiggle free? Is there a lazer in my watch?He pulled a gun from his belt. "Goodbye Agent."
Oh this isn't fair!
mathman101 has been nightkilled.
He was an
Agent. He was carrying a Taser and a Bugged Microphone.
Day 5Day 5 has endeddawn to dusk must vote today to avoid being mod killed.
Spoiler for Players:
Name | Role | Equipment | Status |
MeowMeowCat | ??? | ??? | Alive |
UTAlan | ??? | ??? | Alive |
Ginyu | ??? | ??? | Alive |
rob77dp | ??? | ??? | Alive |
kirbylover314 | ??? | ??? | Alive |
flyingcat | ??? | ??? | Alive |
dawn to dusk | ??? | ??? | Alive |
RavingRabbid | ??? | ??? | Alive |
JonathanCrazyJ | ??? | ??? | Alive |
ddevans96 | ??? | ??? | Alive |
Espithel | ??? | ??? | Alive |
worldwideweb3 | ??? | ??? | Alive |
mathman101 | Agent | Taser, Bugged Microphone | Nightkilled N4 |
Kuroaitou | Mafia | Tommy Gun, I.T.D.G., Zip Ties | Lynched D4 |
killsdazombies | Agent | Taser, Bugged Microphone | Nightkilled N3 |
Linkcat | Civillian | Ammo Box, Flashlight, Barricade, Barricade | Lynched D3 |
skyironsword | Civillian | Flash Grenade, Supply Crate, Defibrillator, H.A.C.S. | Nightkilled N2 |
Dm | Civilian | Combat Knife, Spy Drone, Q.W.M.T. | Lynched D2 |
Zawadx | Civilian | Signal Jammer, Barricade, Flashlight | Nightkilled N1 |
Coffeeditto | Civilian | Defibrillator, Ammo Box, Combat Knife | Lynched D1 |