The door burst open and 5 men entered, each wearing a mask and each armed with some kind of weapon. The ringleader stepped forward and loosed a few shots into the ceiling. "Everybody on your knees!" Within seconds only the intruders were left standing. "Alright then" he continued "That's what I like to see. Keep your hands where I can see them, no funny business." The whole room watched, fearfully attentive.
"Now, you're probably wondering why I've gathered you all here toda-"
"This is a military warehouse! Are you crazy?" one hostage interrupted. The ringleader stalked his way over to the worker, towering over him. "You know" he replied with a cold smile, "I think I might just be." The leader drew his pistol and fired a bullet in the man's forehead. "Where was I?" He asked casually, as the body slumped to the ground.
"Somewhere in this facility, hidden in with all the usual tat, is something very special. Something that an interested party is willing to pay a lot of money to get their hands on, and trust me; I mean a lot. Your employer has gone to great lengths to ensure that this technology remains secret. I'm willing to bet most of you don't even know what these things are. But you're gonna help me find what I'm looking for, or you're going to end up like your friend over there." He gestures to the corpse, flat out in a puddle of blood.
The leader glanced around the room, scanning all the terrified faces. "So who's first, hmm?" His gazed settled on a young woman cowering behind her desk. "How about you missy? Do you know what I'm looking for?" The girl quivered as she shook her head. "No? How very disappointing." He drew his gun once more, aiming at the woman's temple. Suddenly, a small canister flew in through a side door and began spewing smoke into the room. "Quick! Everybody move! Hurry!"a voice called out as the dense smoke obscured the room. "No don't you dare move!" the leader commanded as he fired shots blindly into the fog, which only spurred the hostages to clamber their way out even faster. By the time the smoke cleared, only the 5 intruders and the lifeless corpse remained.
"SON OF A BITCH!" the ringleader cursed. His eyes danced with anger; his hands clenched into fists. The leader whirled around and glared at the other four men, barely moved from where they entered. "Alright" he growled, "if they want to play games, we'll play games. Take out the cameras. We're going hunting..."
"Take out the cameras. We're going hunting..." The monitor broke into static. "How long ago was this taken?" the Director asked.
"9 minutes ago, sir."
"Good. Then there's still time." He touched his stubbled chin thoughtfully. "Scramble any agents you can. Have them briefed and find them a way into that compound."
"Yes, sir." the soldier replied as she turned and left, leaving him alone. The General let out a long sigh and leaned back in his chair. "They can't be allowed to succeed" he said to no one in particular. "If they get away with that technology, there'll be no stopping them..."
GENERAL RULES (Some changes have been made, you should probably re-read these.)
Spoiler for General Rules:
1. No posting during the 'Night Phase' whatsoever. Everyone gets '~1' warning per night phase if they mess this up.
2. Do not post, chat, OR PM ANY revealing information if you have been killed/removed from mafia (except for minor 'BLARGH'/murloc TM death noises). This also means that if you withdraw from mafia, you cannot reveal any information after withdrawing from the game.3. All Secondary roles/targeting/actions are to be messaged during the NIGHT phase, unless stated otherwise.
4. No player may do the 'No-Vote'/AFK for
THREE consecutive days without a viable reason. Holidays, funerals, etc count as viable reasons. Mafia on other sites, just forgetting, etc, do not. If you wish to withdraw, post in this thread; but do NOT reveal any secret information.
Players without viable reasons will be modkilled. Breaking this rule repeatedly may result in a ban from future mafias.5. Post in the topic if you want to sign up. No need for any 'role' choosing or whatnot, everything is randomized and assigned.
6. Do not quote PMs. Ever.
7. You are allowed to talk in chat about mafia, but please remember general chat rules.8. You are not allowed to edit AND/OR remove your post. Instead, EBWOP will take effect. This means, to edit your post, post again with the correct fixes. Any posts breaking this rule will result in the post being deleted on sight.9. Any flaming/trolling/cursing will not be tolerated. Appropriate actions will be taken if any of this occurs.*
10. The mod/host has the final say in any dispute. Do not argue with the mod/host. Do not impersonate the mod/host.11. Breaking rules 2, 6, 9 or 10 may result in ban from future mafias or forum games in general.**
12. When PM-ing the Host for anything associated with Mafia, please include "Mafia" in the subject line. Otherwise, your PM may be ignored or overlooked.
13. Please wait for the Host to announce that the game has ended before declaring it so yourself and/or posting as though it has. If you believe that one team cannot fail to win the game, send a PM to the Host and wait for their response.
* Abbreviations of curse words doesn't count. But please do keep it PG-13.
** Banning from future mafias will be on a case by case basis and is entirely in the Forum Games Organizer(s) hands.
Spoiler for How to Play Mafia:
Mafia is generally played between two teams: Civilians and Mafia. The civilians are the main group, and they enjoy the minor advantage of being a majority. Every day, the civilians post in the thread to discuss who is likely to be mafia, and place a vote on who they think is being scummy (a.k.a. mafia-like or anti-civilian). One thing to note is that your Voting Total signifies the total of votes placed on you, and Voting Power stands for how many votes you actually place on someone when you vote on them (everyone has a standard Voting Power of 1). At the end of the day the host tallies up all the votes and considers all skills affecting the voting; the person with the most votes on them is killed (termed as lynching), and all their info is revealed. Then Night falls...
That’s when the mafia come in. The Mafia are a minority of players who know each other’s identity. Their job is to eliminate all the other players using deception and nightkills. They interact with the town during the day, trying to mislead them away from lynching any mafia members. And when night falls, Mafia discusses in secret and chooses a person to kill (termed as nightkill). Also during the night the civilians use their skills. Some of the noteworthy skills include the cop/seer, who investigate other players to find their allegiance, and the doctor (usually called Archangel here) who can protect a specific player from any nightkills for that night.
Does the stupid game ever end, you ask? Well contrary to popular belief, it does. The Civilians win when whenever they manage to lynch all the Mafia members. And Mafia wins when their combined Voting Power is enough to control the vote entirely, i.e. if all Mafia members vote on the same Civilian and all Civilians vote on a Mafia ember, the civilian will be lynched.
RULESSpoiler for Rules:
There will be 5 mafia members. Each will begin the game with a different Weapon and 2 (ish) pieces of Equipment.
There will be 2 agents. Each will begin the game with the two pieces of Agent Equipment.
Everyone else will be a civilian. Each will begin the game with 3 (ish) pieces of Equipment.
All players may only use 1 piece of Equipment per night.
Both Agent Equipment and mafia Weapons are treated as Equipment, unless otherwise specified.
Equipment that requires a "target player" may also be used on yourself, unless otherwise specified.
There are also 3 Top Secret Prototypes, referred to by their 4 letter acronym. These count as Equipment and will be treated as such. What these do specifically will only be revealed to anyone who acquires one, either by starting with one or otherwise.
The phrase "first Equipment use" refers to the Equipment priority list, not the order in which PMs were sent to the host.
Mafia members may chose to nightkill a target OR use a Weapon on a target, but they may not do both during the same night phase. The collective mafia may not use more than one Weapon between them in one night phase.
The mafia nightkill is treated as a group action and not an Equipment use. Only Equipment that specifies that it affects nightkills will do so. Mafia Weapons are treated as single player actions and Equipment uses.
If the votes are tied at the end of a day phase (including Equipment uses), the lynch will be randomized between those involved, unless all players are tied in which case there will be no lynch.
Upon a player's death, their role (mafia, agent, civilian) will be revealed along with the Equipment (used and unused) that they had at their death and how the they were killed (lynch, mafia kill, Combat Knife, etc). Kills from non-weapon Equipment are revealed with the name of the player that used said Equipment.
Ammo Box - (1U) Give an additional use to every 1U Equipment that the target player has already used (except another Ammo Box).
Barricade - (1U) Target player is immune to any Equipment use / nightkill for this night. However, if they target another player with Equipment, it will be redirected back onto themselves.
Combat Knife - (1U) The first player to target you with any Equipment this night will be killed. Refunded if no player targets you.
Defibrillator - (1U) If the target player would die during the next 2 day and night phases, save them from death once. If not, kill them once this period ends.
Electromagnet - (1U) Steal a piece of Equipment from the target player. Will not steal Equipment with 0 uses remaining.
Flashlight - (1U) Learn the identity, role, and any remaining Equipment of the first player to target you this night phase. Refunded if no player targets you.
Flash Grenade - (1U) Any Equipment that the target player, or anyone who voted on them in the last day phase, uses this night will be redirected to a random target, if applicable. May target the player who was lynched during the last day phase.
Motion Sensor - (1U) Learn all the players that used (or attempted to use) a piece of Equipment this night phase, and who they targeted if applicable. The Equipment used is not revealed.
RFID Scanner - (1U) Name a non-Agent non-Weapon piece of Equipment. Learn the identity of all players that have a copy of that Equipment.
Signal Jammer - (1U) Any Equipment that would return information (Flashlight, Motion Sensor, RFID Scanner, Spy Drone, Bugged Microphone etc.) will fail to do so for this night phase and the next.
Spy Drone - (1U) Learn all of the target player's Equipment uses (or attempted uses) for three nights, starting this night phase.
Supply Crate - (1U) You and the target player both receive a copy of a random piece of non-Agent non-Weapon Equipment. May not self target.
Zip Ties - (1U) Target player will be unable to use Equipment on the next night phase.
2. Linkcat
3. Kuroaitou
4. MeowMeowCat
5. UTAlan
6. Ginyu
7. rob77dp
8. kirbylover314
9. flyingcat
10. killsdazombies
11. Zawadx
12. dawn to dusk
13. Coffeeditto
14. mathman101
15. RavingRabbid
16. JonathanCrazyJ
17. Dm
18. ddevans96
19. Espithel
20. worldwideweb3
Sign Ups Closed