Kuroaitou died by a Wolfbite last night.

He was a
Human Pyromaniac and also a
Bard, an
Undertaker, a
Town Crier and the
Mayor. To top it off, he also had the
Town Guard's badge, but it's taken back by the last werewolf now.
There were only 2 survivors left:
Our 2 survivors are left in Town Central, one of them is the last Town Crier. He stands out in the middle and prepares to make his last announcement, while the other is shakily watching from next to a village house.
Hear ye! Hear ye! The following roles has been used during the night:
Grave Digging
Ears of the public, listen to my words:
Oh, were did I leave my manners? It's only us now, darling. There's no need to shout for such a lady as madame.
>> the woman throws a horrified glance at the town crier then notices a man behind him <<
Discord: Impossible.. Y-you were dead.
Man in Armor: Darling, it was only my host that died. From the book you got from the Librarian, you should have already known that the Ancients' descendants were capable of Mind Control. All I did was using you as puppets while I was watching from the Shadows.
Discord: H-how are you not dead... ?
Town Crier: You would be surprised how many people are not dead. All your friends from the village are still alive in the cave where you killed our last friend.
>>the man takes down his armor<<
Moonwolf: Indeed. We only needed your friends to sap their life energy, because that was the only way to revive the last Ancient. Now that the resurrection is complete, we don't need them any more. If you want, you can still go and find them in the cave ruins.
Moonwolf: For now, my job is done here. You served me well, minion. As a reward, you will take a high position in the new Empire that we'll build with the leadership of the Ancient Shadow Wolf.
THE END - The werewolves won, because in a tie between a Wolf and a Human, always the Human loses and no matter how long the Shepherd will be able to block attacks, it will eventually fail once.In the end, it turned out that all humans were alive, locked in the Shadow Wolf's altar, but now the Ancient is alive again and they will all fall to the new Empire's tyranny and suffer during their entire life as servants.
EDIT: Sorry, I forgot Painweaver's last message on the blackboard of Town Central: