KDZ... I will avenge you 
iancudorinmarian (1) - iancudorinmarian
Ginyu (2) - RavingRabbid, eljoemo
dawn to dusk (1) - MeowMeowCat
Werewolf suspicions. I've been mulling over the PM situation from a few nights ago, and his story is not adding up to me.
you know the pm first hand
tell me, how the frack would that EVER reveal my primary role? if it reveals my secondary, so be it. but im not going to openly claim it to you in case youre mafia. also what story? i didnt tell you a story, i just told you that when i flip town, you would be suspected for trying to lynch me.
regardless, there are a few things that dont add up about MMC to me:
firstly, why would MMC post the results of the decryptions openly? why not pm it to those who are involved? i asked him and he said that it would have been a good idea had he thought of it, however anyone can say that. see, last mafia when we nearly let of a scum because he "misplayed".
so out of curiosity, why lynch me? linkcat is 100% civ and is pretty much saying ginyu is 100% scum, which is incredibly strange to want to go against, unless you are protecting him by leading a lynch against me
not voting MMC yet i guess, just going with what was here before
iancudorinmarian (2) - iancudorinmarian, Espithel
Ginyu (3) - RavingRabbid, eljoemo, dawn to dusk
dawn to dusk (3) - MeowMeowCat, Kuroaitou, Discord