In no way, shape, or form did I ever communicate to Gino that he should give even a hint of his role to anybody. Your reason for lynching me is completely false. Please confirm this with him. If he disagrees, I can show him the chat logs.
Alright, let's go with you did not
tell Gino to claim. Part of my point remains, that being the forcefulness of your tactics to get votes onto Gino leaves
me suspicious. My reason for lynching you may be somewhat suspect but stating it as completely false is over the top.
If you are the Herbalist, please message me, or we will take the lynch off of Gino.
Do not make a public counterclaim.
Do not tell me you are the Herbalist if you are not the Herbalist.
If there are suggestions for a different lynch target, now is the time.
THIS is a request by you (Linkcat) for information that I do not know how could help village or you unless you are mafia (this is NOT stating any certainty about you being mafia, just a matter of this being mafia-like in my view).
Erm, If link was mafia, then asking for a PRIVATE claim of herbalist AFTER someone had claimed herbalist is completely pointless. Unless both him AND godisnowonline are mafia, in which case that's an insane early gambit, and just wouldn't happen.
-snip part directed at elk-
My vote stays where it is for now, though I like that rob is trying to think of a plan. 
By asking for this sort of claim, Link can then be more sure that Gino is truly Herbalist if no other claims come in - which if Link can be convincing would not come in. If they do come in, then mafia has a short-list of who might be Herbalist, possibly.
You know, if gino was a civvie herbalist, why on earth would he be throwing his role away and joking about it? Bad play? Yeah... no.
Bad play? Why can this not be the case? I am sure a review of nearly every mafia on this forum would show each version had no less than one (usually a lot more I'd guess) mistake/error/bad play.
As for myself, Gino is 99% likely to be Herbalist (goes beyond just his simple forum claim) which then means not mafia which means I will view how other players treat Gino (while he survives) through such a lens.
Caveat: it is still VERY early in the game so 100% known or confirmed information is very sparse. I would not categorize anything I have stated above as 100% for sure.