I stand by my ian vote. OMGUS vote is actually a perfect early round strategy for bad wolves.
[I had to google what OMGUS stands for, if anyone else doesn't know, it's basically revenge vote for having voted him.]
Also, gino's reasoning for voting me is insane. Vote me, so if I die next round you lynch eljoemo, and if eljoemo dies you lynch me next round. If he were Wolf/Shadow Wolf and Herbalist, since I take it no one else has claimed it, this is an excellent way of wasting two turns by driving votes on non wolves, giving up the chance for two nightkills. Actually, him being the shadow wolf is moderately unlikely.
He either has no clue, or is a wolf.
Also, reposting votes for completeness:
iancudorinmarian (2) - RavingRabbid, dawn to dusk
eljoemo (3) - killsdazombies, UTAlan, mathman101
Espithel (2) - eljoemo, AD TienzuStorm
RavingRabbid (5) - iancudorinmarian, Discord, Naesala, Coffeeditto, Godisnowonline
Godisnowonline (7) - Linkcat, jonathancrazyj, Espithel, Zawadx, MeowMeowCat, savvy14112, Ginyu
Linkcat (1) - qwerter
killsdazombies (1) - Kuroaitou
Kuroaitou (1) - rob77dp