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Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1204683#msg1204683
« Reply #144 on: September 09, 2015, 09:31:44 am »
Publicly claiming is just bad for civvies. The Shadow Wolf was designed for this purpose; anyone confirmed would be easy pickings for death.
The only reason to publicly claim is if you will definitely be lynched, then the lynch may be instead used to kill a potential mafia. But still risky, so try to defend yourself without public claims if possible.

I doubt gino is the herbalist. He's obviously not depicting rules properly (he's not going to take three days to kill once outed, he'll die in a night). If you are the real herbalist, take care who you send your role to. But please don't claim here, no matter what you do.

I'm pretty sure gino was trying to force a Raving bid, so I'd guess that one of the people on the Raving train when he voted is a Bard (RavingRabbid (5) - iancudorinmarian, Discord, Naesala, Coffeeditto, Godisnowonline) If gino doesn't flip bard, we have another mafia right there. On that note, everyone please move votes to gino because Bard will mess us up.

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Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1204689#msg1204689
« Reply #145 on: September 09, 2015, 10:48:36 am »
Posting your secondary is a very bad move in this mafia, so either god didn't read them fully or she knows somehow she is safe from the Shadow Wolf.
It's the most suspicious person we have so far, and even in the worst case scenario, we at least don't lose two civvies because of the Wolf next night.

iancudorinmarian (2) - RavingRabbid, dawn to dusk
eljoemo (3) - killsdazombies, UTAlan, mathman101
Espithel (2) - eljoemo, AD TienzuStorm
RavingRabbid (5) - iancudorinmarian, Discord, Naesala, Coffeeditto, Godisnowonline
Godisnowonline (7) - Linkcat, jonathancrazyj, Espithel, Zawadx, MeowMeowCat, savvy14112, Ginyu
Linkcat (1) - qwerter
killsdazombies (1) - Kuroaitou
Kuroaitou (1) - rob77dp
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Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1204710#msg1204710
« Reply #146 on: September 09, 2015, 01:42:49 pm »
I stand by my ian vote. OMGUS vote is actually a perfect early round strategy for bad wolves.
[I had to google what OMGUS stands for, if anyone else doesn't know, it's basically revenge vote for having voted him.]

Also, gino's reasoning for voting me is insane. Vote me, so if I die next round you lynch eljoemo, and if eljoemo dies you lynch me next round. If he were Wolf/Shadow Wolf and Herbalist, since I take it no one else has claimed it, this is an excellent way of wasting two turns by driving votes on non wolves, giving up the chance for two nightkills. Actually, him being the shadow wolf is moderately unlikely.

He either has no clue, or is a wolf.

Also, reposting votes for completeness:

iancudorinmarian (2) - RavingRabbid, dawn to dusk
eljoemo (3) - killsdazombies, UTAlan, mathman101
Espithel (2) - eljoemo, AD TienzuStorm
RavingRabbid (5) - iancudorinmarian, Discord, Naesala, Coffeeditto, Godisnowonline
Godisnowonline (7) - Linkcat, jonathancrazyj, Espithel, Zawadx, MeowMeowCat, savvy14112, Ginyu
Linkcat (1) - qwerter
killsdazombies (1) - Kuroaitou
Kuroaitou (1) - rob77dp
There are things worse than eating tuna directly from the tin

Offline Submachine

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Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1204713#msg1204713
« Reply #147 on: September 09, 2015, 01:53:29 pm »

I see many people didn't read "Details, special cases and exceptions" yet. Confusion about rules is bad, so let me clear the fog a bit:
Spoiler for Herbalist:
  • Only one alive Herbalist can be in the game, therefore the Merchant cannot generate a second Herbalist while the first one is alive.
  • The first Herbalist will be human.
This doesn't mean that other players cannot claim it, this only means that whoever is the REAL Herbalist (be it godisnowonline or anyone else), cannot be a werewolf.
And we keep driving into the night
It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye...

~ Platinum Quest ~

Offline iancudorinmarian

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Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1204714#msg1204714
« Reply #148 on: September 09, 2015, 02:00:29 pm »
I stand by my ian vote. OMGUS vote is actually a perfect early round strategy for bad wolves.
[I had to google what OMGUS stands for, if anyone else doesn't know, it's basically revenge vote for having voted him.]

Also, gino's reasoning for voting me is insane. Vote me, so if I die next round you lynch eljoemo, and if eljoemo dies you lynch me next round. If he were Wolf/Shadow Wolf and Herbalist, since I take it no one else has claimed it, this is an excellent way of wasting two turns by driving votes on non wolves, giving up the chance for two nightkills. Actually, him being the shadow wolf is moderately unlikely.

He either has no clue, or is a wolf.

Also, reposting votes for completeness:

iancudorinmarian (2) - RavingRabbid, dawn to dusk
eljoemo (3) - killsdazombies, UTAlan, mathman101
Espithel (2) - eljoemo, AD TienzuStorm
RavingRabbid (5) - iancudorinmarian, Discord, Naesala, Coffeeditto, Godisnowonline
Godisnowonline (7) - Linkcat, jonathancrazyj, Espithel, Zawadx, MeowMeowCat, savvy14112, Ginyu
Linkcat (1) - qwerter
killsdazombies (1) - Kuroaitou
Kuroaitou (1) - rob77dp
I really have no idea who to vote on atm. So it might as well be you, since you started it :P

Offline UTAlan

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Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1204717#msg1204717
« Reply #149 on: September 09, 2015, 02:44:32 pm »
Lots of back and forth since I last checked. Sheesh. Ginyu's argument about Shadow Wolf is enough for me here.

iancudorinmarian (2) - RavingRabbid, dawn to dusk
eljoemo (2) - killsdazombies, mathman101
Espithel (2) - eljoemo, AD TienzuStorm
RavingRabbid (5) - iancudorinmarian, Discord, Naesala, Coffeeditto, Godisnowonline
Godisnowonline (8) - Linkcat, jonathancrazyj, Espithel, Zawadx, MeowMeowCat, savvy14112, Ginyu, UTAlan
Linkcat (1) - qwerter
killsdazombies (1) - Kuroaitou
Kuroaitou (1) - rob77dp

Offline godisnowonline

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Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1204726#msg1204726
« Reply #150 on: September 09, 2015, 03:33:19 pm »
HERBALIST CANNOT BE MAFIA. Sorry, i don't get how that isn't clear by now. Now that i am outed i have only a few moves left. But, and here's the big part of it we can actually keep our protective role for longer. it's day phase 2 for christ sakes and we are already going for "scum" lynches? That's ridiculous. The reason i gave for my vote was based off of the voting mechanics last two mafias where it was first come first lynched, not ties go away from mafia and to random humans. Either way it was a misplay on my part and this should be hilarious to watch from the sidelines after town has lynched its support role.

Offline AD TienzuStorm

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  • I'm back bitches
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Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1204734#msg1204734
« Reply #151 on: September 09, 2015, 05:38:59 pm »
HERBALIST CANNOT BE MAFIA. Sorry, i don't get how that isn't clear by now. Now that i am outed [snip]

Okay, yeah, Herbalist can't be Mafia. However, you aren't confirmed to be the Herbalist (as far as I can tell), so you can't use that as a defense. And it's understandable that Linkcat hasn't gotten back to us on any potential CCs, since:

1) Linkcat isn't confirmed in the first place and could be a Werewolf, thus making the Herbalist wary
2) Herbalist might not have been seen this thread ever since Linkcat posted that "ad" of sorts

iancudorinmarian (2) - RavingRabbid, dawn to dusk
eljoemo (2) - killsdazombies, mathman101
Espithel (1) - eljoemo
RavingRabbid (5) - iancudorinmarian, Discord, Naesala, Coffeeditto, Godisnowonline
Godisnowonline (9) - Linkcat, jonathancrazyj, Espithel, Zawadx, MeowMeowCat, savvy14112, Ginyu, UTAlan, AD TienzuStorm
Linkcat (1) - qwerter
killsdazombies (1) - Kuroaitou
Kuroaitou (1) - rob77dp

I'm switching my vote, although not like my vote really matters now :/
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Offline DoubleCapitals

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Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1204735#msg1204735
« Reply #152 on: September 09, 2015, 05:43:27 pm »
I'm willing to give Gino the benefit of the doubt. Mafia won't be so dumb as to fakeclaim Herbalist to save their asses.
L R L R STOP & DASH & UP & TALK B B A B S(tart)

Offline DoubleCapitals

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Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1204736#msg1204736
« Reply #153 on: September 09, 2015, 05:44:15 pm »
EBWOP he's still gonna die to Shadow Wolf though (riperino)
L R L R STOP & DASH & UP & TALK B B A B S(tart)

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Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1204738#msg1204738
« Reply #154 on: September 09, 2015, 05:49:54 pm »
I'm willing to give Gino the benefit of the doubt. Mafia won't be so dumb as to fakeclaim Herbalist to save their asses.

You say that. They did that literally last game (though not quite so publicly)
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Offline killsdazombies

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Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1204739#msg1204739
« Reply #155 on: September 09, 2015, 06:07:52 pm »

iancudorinmarian (2) - RavingRabbid, dawn to dusk
eljoemo (1) -mathman101
Espithel (1) - eljoemo
RavingRabbid (5) - iancudorinmarian, Discord, Naesala, Coffeeditto, Godisnowonline
Godisnowonline (9) - Linkcat, jonathancrazyj, Espithel, Zawadx, MeowMeowCat, savvy14112, Ginyu, UTAlan, AD TienzuStorm
Linkcat (1) - qwerter
killsdazombies (1) - Kuroaitou
Kuroaitou (2) - rob77dp, Killsdazombies

The only reason to vote for someone who kills zombies, is if you are in fact a zombie. My logic is bulletproof

