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Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1210068#msg1210068
« Reply #576 on: October 13, 2015, 10:39:52 am »
The greatest plot twist, Discord was human

Offline Zyardran

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Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1210069#msg1210069
« Reply #577 on: October 13, 2015, 10:40:20 am »
Team :entropy War #14
The :light of my :fire guides the way...
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Offline KuroaitouTopic starter

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Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1210070#msg1210070
« Reply #578 on: October 13, 2015, 10:43:59 am »
So yeah... I was Painweaver.  The other Pyromaniac. :-[

Long story short, I thought I was doing a decent job at trying to find who was who by pretending to use the public message (while also trying to rack up 'gifts' from the merchants to improve my own special abilities), but due to Moonwolf's curse, having 'Bard' (which means even if I didn't vote, the next vote would still be stacked against me as I would be required to vote to avoid modkill and the person that I voted on would automatically be swapped) was actually a downfall. Gravedigger came too late, and because I couldn't get Shepard, I failed once more.

Sorry about all the 'WHO'S PAINWEAVER' messages and requests for the silly 'decryption' I put you guys through. It was a good run, but I failed to see who were the wolves, down to the very end (basically).

Offline Submachine

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Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1210088#msg1210088
« Reply #579 on: October 13, 2015, 01:27:24 pm »
Player Roles:

Spoiler for Hidden:
The werewolves were (in order of death):
  • qwerter: Witness Moonwolf
  • Naesala: Undertaker
  • theelkspeaks: Bard
  • Ginyu: Shepherd
  • worldwideweb3: Town Crier

Only worldwideweb3 survived.
Kuroaitou was inflicted by the Moonwolf's Curse after qwerter died.

Player namePrimarySecondaryTertiaryPhaseMethod
1skyironswordHumanWitch DoctorNight 1Wolfbite
2godisnowonlineHumanHerbalistChapter 2Daykill
3JonathanCrazyJHumanCourtesanNight 2Wolfbite
4qwerterWerewolfWitnessMoonwolfChapter 3Daykill
5rob77dpHumanUndertakerNight 3Wolfbite
6ZawadxHumanTrapmakerMayorNight 3Shadow Wolf
7LinkcatHumanTrapmakerChapter 4Daykill
8AD TienzuStormHumanPyromaniacNight 4Wolfbite
9UTAlanHumanWitnessNight 4Shadow Wolf
10NaesalaWerewolfUndertakerChapter 5Daykill
11killsdazombiesHumanWitnessNight 5Wolfbite
12iancudorinmarianHumanCourtesanChapter 6Daykill
13CoffeedittoHumanTown GuardNight 6Wolfbite
14savvy14112HumanWitch DoctorCourtesanChapter 7Daykill
15PhyssionHumanMerchantWitch Doctor
Chapter 7Modkill
16theelkspeaksWerewolfBardChapter 7Modkill
17MeowMeowCatHumanNobleNight 7Wolfbite
18CrockettRocketHumanNobleNight 7Shadow Wolf
19EspithelHumanTailorNight 8Wolfbite
20GinyuWerewolfShepherdChapter 9Daykill
21RavingRabbidHumanTown GuardNight 9Shadow Wolf
22dawn to duskHumanBardChapter 10Daykill
23eljoemoHumanMerchantTown CrierNight 10Wolfbite
24mathman101HumanTown CrierChapter 11Daykill
Town Crier
Night 11Wolfbite
26DiscordHumanShepherdChapter 12Endgamed
27worldwideweb3WerewolfTown CrierChapter 12ALIVE!

Revealing voting tallies:

Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Chapter 4:

Naesala (2 --> 3) - Linkcat[1],  killsdazombies[1], (Kuroaitou)[1]
Linkcat (3) - CrockettRockett[1], Naesala[1], Ginyu[1]
RavingRabbid (1 --> 0) - Kuroaitou[0](cursed)

Spoiler for Chapter 6:

iancudorinmarian (4 --> 7) - iancudorinmarian[0], Espithel[1], Ginyu[1], CR[1], (Kuro)[4]
Ginyu (4 --> 6) - RavingRabbid[1], eljoemo[2], dawn2dusk[3], Kuro[0](cursed)
dawn (2) - MMC[1], Discord[1]

Spoiler for Chapter 10:

Discord (4 --> 3) - dawn to dusk[0](illusion), Kuroaitou[0](cursed), eljoemo[2], worldwideweb3[1]
dawn to dusk (1 --> 3,5) - Discord[1], (Kuro)[2,5]

Spoiler for Chapter 11:

Discord (3 --> 2) - worldwideweb3[1], Kuroaitou[0](cursed), mathman101[1]
mathman101[randomized] (0 --> 2) - (Kuro)[2]

Initial nicknames and Mayor votes (embedded in a spreadsheet):

Spoiler for Hidden:
Fun fact: someone voted on RootRanger to become a Mayor.

Memorable ability uses:

Spoiler for Hidden:
  • During Night 2, Zawadx attempted to use Reputation on rob77dp, but Espithel also used Disguise on rob77dp and qwerter, redirecting the investigation to qwerter.
  • After Chapter 3, qwerter decided to use the Moonwolf's Curse on Kuroaitou, who had only 1 voting power. Kuro only received Bard later from eljoemo, making ~4 voting power fly around randomly.
  • During Night 3, Naesala used Grave Digging on JonathanCrazyJ to use Seduce on Zawadx to target Zawadx. Then when UTAlan attempted to use Follow on Zawadx (to see who targets him by the Shadow Wolf, but he probably confused it with Hide), UTAlan got trapped, not only failing with the investigation, but also made the wolves realize that UTA is a Witness.
  • During Night 4, after MeowMeowCat cracked the code of Painweaver, he figured out that the Merchant will attempt to Sell to Kuroaitou, but then he forgot and decided to use Invite on Kuroaitou instead of dawn to dusk, as opposed to Painweaver's plan.

Voting powers:

Spoiler for Hidden:
Chapter 1: no vote. (doesn't count)
Chapter 2: Illusions.
Chapter 3: votes on qwerter. (-0,5 for dawn and elk)
Chapter 4: no vote.
Chapter 5: votes on Naesala. (-0,5 for dawn and elk)
Night 5: eljoe Sells to Kuro. (+1 for eljoe)
Chapter 6: Kuro on Ginyu --> ian, elk no vote, dawn on Ginyu. (-0,5 for Kuro and dawn)
Chapter 7: no vote. Elk died with 3 voting power.
Chapter 8: votes on Ginyu. (-0,5 for Kuro and dawn)
Chapter 9: votes on Ginyu. (-0,5 for Kuro and dawn)
Chapter 10: dawn votes Illusion, Kuro on Discord. Dawn died with 1,5 voting power. (-0,5 for Kuro)
Night 10: eljoe Sells to Kuro. (+1 to eljoe)
Chapter 11: Kuro on Discord --> math. (-0,5 for Kuro)

Final voting powers:
elk:  3
dawn: 1,5
eljo: 3
Kuro: 1,5

Test game:

Spoiler for Hidden:
Before the game started, I randomized a test game when there were only 23 people in the signup list. It went like this:

Zawadx - Town Crier
worldwideweb3 - Werewolf - Pyromaniac
dawn to dusk - Witness
Kuroaitou - Werewolf - Witness
skyironsword - Trapmaker
UTAlan - Werewolf - Pyromaniac
qwerter - Courtesan
JonathanCrazyJ - Undertaker
theelkspeaks - Merchant
iancudorinmarian - Merchant
Naesala - Witness
MeowMeowCat - Witch Doctor
Espithel - Town Guard
Ginyu - Noble
Discord - Werewolf - Moonwolf - Courtesan
Linkcat - Noble
CrockettRocket - Town Crier
godisnowonline - Shepherd
mathman101 - Werewolf - Shepherd
eljoemo - Herbalist
Coffeeditto - Tailor
AD TienzuStorm - Pyromaniac
killsdazombies - Bard

Funnily enough, www3 was a werewolf in both the test and the real game. One Shepherd also became a wolf in both cases.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2015, 01:43:26 pm by Submachine »
And we keep driving into the night
It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye...

~ Platinum Quest ~

Offline Ginyu

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Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1210091#msg1210091
« Reply #580 on: October 13, 2015, 01:46:02 pm »
This mafia was a lot of fun. Thanks to Submachine for planning and hosting this event!
One of my favor factors were the Town Crier messages, that made strategizing well possible. (Fun fact: All three Criers managed to survive until short before the end. ^^)
Do you have a great idea for a Weekly Tournament? Post it here!
:aether War #8 :aether          :gravity Trials #9 :gravity
:gravity War #9 :gravity
:water War #10 :water

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Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1210099#msg1210099
« Reply #581 on: October 13, 2015, 02:50:58 pm »
Zawadx: Why have me target you and then set a trap? It just gave the wolves a free kill. :(

Offline worldwideweb3

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Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1210100#msg1210100
« Reply #582 on: October 13, 2015, 02:53:40 pm »
Oh boy, Mafia in the test game and the real one. Hope it doesn't come to haunt me in next game. Also, woohoo, 1st Mafia, 1st win.
First player to become master of 3 different elements.
WC 2016 - #2. WC 2015 - #3 Devil's gate, Trinity, War #10, 12 lives - #2.
Avvy by rob77dp
Rightful winner of war #14 - Team Air

Offline Ginyu

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Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1210104#msg1210104
« Reply #583 on: October 13, 2015, 03:07:29 pm »
So, my fellow wolf mates, time to have a party and torture what remains from those human bodies.
Our plans worked out well, even with some unlovely happenings, but that made it exciting until the end.
Do you have a great idea for a Weekly Tournament? Post it here!
:aether War #8 :aether          :gravity Trials #9 :gravity
:gravity War #9 :gravity
:water War #10 :water

Offline Zawadx

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Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1210106#msg1210106
« Reply #584 on: October 13, 2015, 03:09:58 pm »
Zawadx: Why have me target you and then set a trap? It just gave the wolves a free kill. :(

Targetted link, had no idea Mafia'd be capable of redirect. I'd hoped it'd be shadow vvolf on me and vvolfbite on Link, in that case there'd be party time all around. Sometimes every single one of your ability uses is blocked tho :/
When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

Offline Submachine

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  • Who needs a Sub?
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Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1210109#msg1210109
« Reply #585 on: October 13, 2015, 03:18:33 pm »
UTAlan, Zawadx:

During Night 3, Naesala used Grave Digging on JonathanCrazyJ to use Seduce on Zawadx to target Zawadx. Then when UTAlan attempted to use Follow on Zawadx (to see who targets him by the Shadow Wolf, but he probably confused it with Hide), UTAlan got trapped, not only failing with the investigation, but also made the wolves realize that UTA is a Witness.
Found in the spoiler called 'Memorable ability uses'.
And we keep driving into the night
It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye...

~ Platinum Quest ~

Offline Solaris

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  • Awards: Slice of Elements 8th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 7th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 6th Birthday Cake
Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1210122#msg1210122
« Reply #586 on: October 13, 2015, 03:58:44 pm »
GG wolves, and hooray for another MMC misplay, a-la Mafia 50
« Last Edit: October 13, 2015, 04:58:12 pm by MeowMeowCat »

Offline Naesala

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Re: Elements Mafia 51 - by Submachine https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59311.msg1210138#msg1210138
« Reply #587 on: October 13, 2015, 06:50:21 pm »
Now I get to eat you all, yay!
Your favorite Hotyugh


blarg: Zawadx,UTAlan