Naesala (3) - Linkcat, MeowMeowCat, killsdazombies
Linkcat (2) - Naesala, CrockettRocket
Ill be going back to through the day votes and seeing if theirs any consistancy between linkcat, MMC, and killzda.
Linkcat has been constantly trying to sway the day votes each time, and I really don't believe in his far fetched reason for lynching someone. Thats typically something that would make me suspicious of the person enough to use my role on them or whatever, but not preach to the public to lynch someone for it. If thats how linkcat is gonna be basing his lynch votes, then he'll be too easily manipulated by the smallest of things a mafioso could say to him, making him more detrimental to town then to mafia in the long run while the mafia try to decieve us into thinking linkcat is doing good for town.
TL;DR Linkcats reasoning to lynch someone is so weak that it makes him a perfect target for mafia to manipulate, which is really detrimental to town.
If you are town, I take this as a personal insult.
Nobody can manipulate me just through words.
I want to note a couple things. CR believes that I am town, and still wants to lynch me. He also didn't even consider that I might be mafia. This may be because he knows I am town.
I received a PM a couple of days ago, names withheld for reasons. I didn't answer it. However, someone NOT on the send list responded, meaning that they were Blind Carbon Copied in it, and they were not mentioned in the PM. Would you guys be for or against lynching the person who was not mentioned, yet replied?
There are a few possibilities for this. A mafia would probably put the PM in the pad instead of BCC'ing the other members, so as it is I wouldn't see it as more likely mafia. More information would be helpful. You can't quote the PMs, but you can paraphrase them. We shouldn't pile votes on dawn until he gives an explanation.
@Discord: Blindly doing what somebody else says is a bad idea. Form your own opinions.
My lynch logic is not dumb, far-fetched, or sketchy. A werewolf posted a message using a pseudonym. I have established a connection between Naesala and that pseudonym. That is reason enough.