iancudorinmarian (2) - RavingRabbid, dawn to dusk
eljoemo (1) -mathman101
Espithel (1) - eljoemo
RavingRabbid (5) - iancudorinmarian, Discord, Naesala, Coffeeditto, Godisnowonline
Godisnowonline (9) - Linkcat, jonathancrazyj, Espithel, Zawadx, MeowMeowCat, savvy14112, Ginyu, UTAlan, AD TienzuStorm
Linkcat (1) - qwerter
killsdazombies (1) - Kuroaitou
Kuroaitou (1) - killsdazombies
JonathanCrazyJ (1) - theelkspeaks
I have very good reason not to lynch Gino. It has nothing to with Link or vote patterns or anything so vague. Well, not vague as in it is concrete to me but will remain secret to the public.

I chose Kuro by a verifiable random method - chat die roll of 1d27. Link, qwert, Kuro, Gino, dawn, maybe others can confirm this die roll ended on 4 = Kuro... so if early game no-info random is your kind of gig (verifiable random... qwert-cough-qwert!), then here ya go?
Instead of that, how about a suggested plan for town? Poke thy holes and provide thy input now fellow Villagers!
1. Do not lynch Gino- town needs a confirmed Herbalist alive. I was given Herbs last game-night and Gino knew this information which only the target and targeter would know.
1a. Also, do not random-lynch Kuro... yet. I did randomize to his number on chat dice but random is not as good for town as a plan. Popular players, as I perceive Kuro to be, probably received more Mayor votes. We don't want to risk random-lynching the Mayor already.
2. Tailor - please
Disguise Linkcat and Gino tonight (Shadow Wolf protection).
3. A small band of Villagers is working a few things - don't ignore important-looking communications in-game/topic/Inbox.
4. We need a new lynch target now... and I do not have any additional ideas here for a possible target. Villagers, let's get logical and come up with a good way to get a decent-level suspect for lynching.