And if you kill the civvy, you lost.
I was active from the early beginning, tried to help whereever I could - yeah, first mafia, a bit hype - especially when there was almost no one else Sub could ask for some thoughts, because most people are inactive. As mafia, I could have just sit back the entire time, like Ruta or Root did, and then suddenly appearing not earlier than I am getting in trouble. Not sure what you need to be more suspicious than that.
The fact that I couldn't send these nice pills and so on is basically because I can't. But I used my extra voting power always for town, and always asked either Sub or jcj on who to target, and never failed. Unlike Ruta, who ruined town's plans on purpose at least once in that entro pill situation.
And Root claiming town, then being inactive while saying "oh I don't care, do whatever you want" and when he is targetted, he suddenly admits he was lying the whole time, but he has that role that allows him to hide so we don't "waste" our vote? I mean, seriously.
Another note: Hitmen, please be aware of the possibility of a mafia Security Guard.