The train on rut was started because it seemed as though he lied about light pill, because a rehab expert said to me no pill was sent.
I have been a little busy and missed the fact that he/she had been the target of the Electrical Engineer in order to confirm him as Civvy. Despite Physs dying due to Sub's misscalculation of the role priorities, his role was high priority, so that's how the confusion came about.
The other rehab expert has confirmed a
pill entered circulation, so Rut's story adds up, and while it doesn't fully confirm him, it makes it seem a shame to kill such a useful role on miss-information.
Nae's targeting makes sense up to a point, but I am going off what sub's interaction with her were. Having no other hunches at the moment, this is more his change of lynch than mine.
I am a little confused why you are voting gusxz, MMC. It's VERY suspicious. Feel free to PM me and I'll explain why, but please remove that vote. It does NOTHING for us at this point. In fact it's so suspicious to me that if it wasn't so close to the deadline i'd actually move to Lynch YOU. Seriously, I can only see one reason why you would vote on guszx. It has been noted.
It's worth noting that
Sub IS 100% confirmed now.