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Re: Elements Mafia 5 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #264 on: June 03, 2010, 03:43:32 pm »
Can I reserve the spot of Gambler? Ok kidding, I just want to reserve a spot.


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Re: Elements Mafia 5 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #265 on: June 03, 2010, 03:48:16 pm »
me too


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Re: Elements Mafia 5 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #266 on: June 03, 2010, 04:28:41 pm »
There are no elements...
Oh really? Well, there used to be. Anyways, I just want to reserve a spot for Mafia 6.

Offline Demagog

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Re: Elements Mafia 5 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #267 on: June 03, 2010, 06:04:37 pm »
Ok, I'm ending the day a few hours early because I'm tired and may go to bed at any moment... check back soon for the typed up end of day junk.

End of Day 3

"Guys, I'm not playing any of your stupid games today," said Zombies. "That's ok," replied Fixari, "we were going lynch you anyway." "What!?!?!" Zombies was shocked. He turn to ran, but tripped over Icy, who was laying on the ground. "Ouch," said Icy as others jumped on Zombies to subdue him, "watch where you're walking!" From beneath the dog-pile, Zombies yelled, "What on earth are you doing laying on the ground?" "Looking at the stars, of course," replied Icy. "But it's the middle of the day, you idiot!" "Ok, we're definitely lynching him now," said Hobnob. With that, they tied Zombies to a chair, cut off his eyelids, and made him watch reruns of Walker, Texas Ranger. He died within the hour, a look of pure terror and anguish on his face.

Killsdazombies was an FG.

"Well guys, it looks like our work here is done," said Wardead. "Hold on guys," Helios said. "I love this episode!"

 And so, peace settled upon the little town of Elements City. The survivors moved on with their lives, paying tribute to their fallen brethren on the anniversaries of their victory over the False Gods. They and their descendants  continued to play hopscotch and duck-duck-goose for another century, when the False Gods would rise again.


1. Xdude                                   - FG                                           

2. Wardead                              - Doctor                                     

3. Dekskose                              - Civilian                                   

4. Flying Fahrenheit                  - Priest                                   

5. Ssethia                                  - Civilian                                   

6. Hobnob5000                         - Seer                                         

7. Implosion                              - Vigilante                                 

8. Killsdazombies                      - FG + Supreme being             

9. Helios                                     - Witness                               

10. Icybraker                              - Village Idiot                       

11. Bigbadbanana                       - Civilian                               

12. JoshK                                   - Con Artist                             

13. Ames jay                               - Gambler                             

14. Azumi                                   - FG                                       

15. Fixari                                    - Civilian                               

Round 1

FG’s - Target JoshK
Supreme Being -  Used on Fixari (civilian)
Seer - ID’s sSethia
Doctor - Saves JoshK
Gambler - no action
Con Artist - no action
Priest -  Used on Wardead
Witness -  no action
Lynched - Amesjay

Round 2

FG’s - JoshK
Supreme Being -  Icy (village idiot)
Seer - no action
Doctor - no action
Gambler - dead
Con Artist - No action (dies)
Priest - no action
Witness - no action
Lynched - Xdude
Mod-kill - Azumi

Round 3

FG’s - hobnob
Supreme Being - Icy (village idiot)
Seer - Dekskose
Doctor - hobnob
Priest - no action
Witness - no action
Lynched - killsdazombies

Ok, I'm going to PM Kami and let him know we're ready for another game.

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Re: Elements Mafia 5 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #268 on: June 03, 2010, 07:32:54 pm »
Im gunna be the host this time :D more fun.


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Re: Elements Mafia 5 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #269 on: June 03, 2010, 07:36:08 pm »
LOLZ.... Icy was the village idiot no wonder he knew that you guys who are saying they are idiots were directly cought lolwut


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Re: Elements Mafia 5 (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #270 on: June 03, 2010, 07:38:44 pm »
Topic Locked!

