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Other Topics => Forum Games => Off-Topic Discussions => Forum Game Archive => Topic started by: Kamietsu on May 27, 2010, 08:27:20 am

Title: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Kamietsu on May 27, 2010, 08:27:20 am
Elements Mafia
by Mastermind79, Continued by killsdazombie

This is a land of Elementals, beings that can command the elements themselves. Within this land (and sea,and air, and time, blah blah blah), there was a village. Only 12 people lived in this village, but the False Gods deemed them a threat. As a test, they decided to send two false gods, within the bodies of villagers, to the little community. Thankfully, a saviour known only as zanzarino limited their power long ago. The villagers decided they would kill one person per day until the false gods were found. Meanwhile, the gods decided to kill one person per night until all were dead.

That's right. It's mafia.

Lord Sho tells us:

Mafia is a game. It is played in real life, and from that, we have derived an internet-friendly version that is playable here on the forums. In the most basic version of mafia, there are two teams [*1], an innocent (the good) side and a mafia (the bad) side. [*2] The two teams kill each other, and the remaining side is the victor.

Of course, you cannot just "kill" everyone too easily. A mafia game will go through two phases each "Day" [*3]; "Day" [*4] and "Night". During the "Day", every member of the game will vote [*5] for someone to be lynched [*6]. That person that is to be lynched will be killed at the end of "Day". In "Night", the mafia side will message the Host of who they want to kill, and that person will die. "Day" lasts the timeframe that the Host has set, and "Night" is instantaneous [*7]. This "Day" and "Night" continue until one side is the only one left, and then that side is declared the winner.

[*1] = Some games have more than two teams. It must have at least two teams, however, or else it is a different game altogether.
[*2] = In many games, the names of the "good" and "bad" side will differ, often based on a theme that the game plays on. However, the term "innocents" and "baddies" can be used across all mafia games.
[*3] = While the term "Day" is used here, it may not necessarily be 24 hours. Dependent on the timeframe that that the Host defines, it may be shorter or longer.
[*4] = This is different from the earlier usage of "Day".
[*5] = How to vote is defined by the Host of the game, however the general usage is to post a "Vote: Lord Sho", and bold your vote.
[*6] =This will be a majority of votes based on how many people voted.
[*7] = Well there's some lag as the host has to post the events of "Day" and "Night". But you can think of it as instantaneous.

12 players: one per element.
     Choose your own, it doesn't affect gameplay.

2 players are false gods.
     These players kill one player every "night". They must eliminate all innocents.

1 player is a seer.
     This player can see what job someone is every 2 "nights".

1 player is a doctor.
     This player can choose to save/protect a person from death every 2 "nights".

8 players are innocents.
     These players are ordinary, and do not have special powers.

A person not active for 2 consecutive "days" will be modkilled.
Only one mafia kill happens per night.
Roles will be decided through random number generator.

The game will begin on the first Friday, Sunday, or Wednesday after all the signups are filled.

Signups begin now! Choose your element.

Any questions will be answered before the game begins.

Please note the concept is by mastermind, and im just making the next one.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on May 27, 2010, 08:28:55 am
Here is the list of players. At the moment, I am the host. The list is in the order everyone signed up.

1. Xdude
2. Wardead
3. dekskose
4. Flying Fahrenheit
5. sSethia
6. Hobnob5000
7. implosion
8. killsdazombies
9. Helios
10. icybraker
11. bigbadbanana
12. JoshK
13. Amesjay
14. Azumi
15. Fixari

Thirteen people is enough to play. However, I will allow somewhere between 12-24 hours before starting the game. It just depends on how quick yall are in deciding the roles of the game. Yall should decide what extra roles should be included in the game, and how they should be distributed (either all separately, or some are primary roles and others secondary; refer to reply #30 in this thread for a description). If yall come up with any roles of your own, feel free to suggest them.

The next two people that sign up will also get spots.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on May 27, 2010, 10:34:48 am
im going on vacation, i cant host this.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: xdude on May 27, 2010, 11:29:54 am
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on May 27, 2010, 12:22:01 pm

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: dekskose on May 27, 2010, 12:28:44 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on May 27, 2010, 01:06:31 pm
Everyone Join Now!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Olidot on May 27, 2010, 02:48:05 pm

Kills, who should host this game?
Any idea?
*crosses fingers*
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: sSethia on May 27, 2010, 03:04:24 pm

First time playing :)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on May 27, 2010, 04:53:38 pm
5th time playing :)

I wish this was famous as it's previous versions.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Hobnob5000 on May 27, 2010, 05:04:46 pm
Nice ninja-ing work there xdude. I'll have Earth then
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on May 27, 2010, 05:46:52 pm
I'll host if you guys don't mind crappy killings... My imagination ran off with my sense of humor.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on May 27, 2010, 05:51:20 pm
Yay, new host. Make me the seer ;)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on May 27, 2010, 06:11:44 pm
Wardead is the seer.

Good luck.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on May 27, 2010, 06:20:40 pm
I ID Demagog and find out he is an FG. Kill him!

Everyone you know that the game didn't start yet, right?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: implosion on May 27, 2010, 08:43:24 pm
I'll play, I'll take  :gravity
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on May 27, 2010, 08:58:33 pm
I'll assign roles tomorrow if the game is full. Also, if yall are willing we can add three more people... Another FG, a nurse, and a lowly civilian. That will liven things up a bit... The nurses can save separate people. I was going to make it another seer instead, but since there is PMing, that would be too much of an advantage, I think.

I'm also trying to come up with another role entirely... If I think of one and you guys like it, I'll make that the new good position. I may think of a few and let yall pick... We'll see. And we don't actually have to do anything different, but I think a slight change could be fun.

So I'll take up to 15 or 16 people. If it's 16 it will just be another civilian. Yall decide.

Edit: Ok, so I went ahead and thought up some new roles ahead of schedule. These will replace existing roles (mostly civilians). I tried to make them as neutral as possible for the most part. If yall can come to an agreement on which ones yall would like to add to the game, I'll do so. We could use all of them or none of them, it's up to yall.

Gambler - Chooses two players ever other round. One player's role is revealed to the other. The gambler does not get this information.

Village Idiot - Your vote does not count. Only you know this (unless IDed).

Priest - Gets to see who the FG's are targeting every three days (I think this one may be too powerful)

Con Artist - May switch one player's vote every other round (sent by PM to the host).

Vigilante - Your vote counts twice. No one but you knows this.

The "Witness" - May save one person from being lynched during the game. Your role is revealed when you do this. You can't use this power on yourself.

Supreme Being - Negates one player's ability every turn. This player is an FG, but he gets an extra ability since the innocents have so many, and it's kinda like he/she is the boss :-p

I look forward to hearing yalls thoughts.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on May 27, 2010, 09:45:46 pm
demagog thanks, and sign me up :P ill be on from time to time :P twice or 3 times a day.  :life or aether :D
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on May 27, 2010, 09:52:07 pm
No problem. I'll create the list of players tomorrow. Yall should try to get 15 or 16 people total to play; that would make this much more fun. With PMing and such, 12 is too small.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Helios on May 28, 2010, 12:18:07 am
Though my most favoured elements are already occupied, I choose :air!

Adding more players is certain to improve the game.

Regarding the addition of more roles, I would rather observe their implementation in practice before becoming inclined towards or disinclined against any of them.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 28, 2010, 01:37:23 am
:aether . New rules, new DM; let's keep this perfect record ;)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: bigbadbanana on May 28, 2010, 02:11:08 am
I am joining with Entropy!!!

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: JoshK on May 28, 2010, 04:31:20 am
I'm in.. also do we really need to claim an element?? Seems kinda pointless.

I'd love to try a game where there is no outside thread communication allowed:

- mafia can only talk to each other at night via aim/pm etc
- innocents / special villiager roles can only use the thread
- no discussion of moderator pm's whatsoever

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on May 28, 2010, 04:44:26 am
It's impossible to moderate PM's. Also, the night phase is instant. If there were a night phase, the game would take forever.

I do agree that no discussion of moderator PM's should be allowed. If someone asks you about a PM I send to you, you may take a screenshot and PM me with a link to it. I'll either warn them or insta-kill them. You can ask people what their roles are, of course; just don't ask anything about PM's I send out.

Let's see how the new roles work out, and then perhaps next game we will *try* to have a new PMing rule. Perhaps no PMing someone unless you know their identity (by me telling you what it is). That seems like a good compromise.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on May 28, 2010, 10:34:39 am
Ok, I thought of a way to make the Priest more balanced (I think). The Priest may choose one person every other round. For the rest of the game, if that player is targeted by the FG's, the Priest knows.

Many of the good side's special people are truly only effective in conjunction with the other special people. The problem is figuring out who they are, and both (or all) players must trust each other in order to be successful.

Also, I think we should make it a "policy" to switch hosts every three games (Zombies just did it three times, right?). Once those three games are finished or the host "retires," the role is passed on to someone else. I'm not sure how we would transfer it, there are many ways to decide who gets to host next. Anyway, hosts can customize the game as they see fit (this way we aren't playing the same game over and over again). The only stipulation is that their rules be fair and enjoyable. A few people may not like them, but as long as the majority of the participants think they are good enough, we won't have the host edit his/her rules.

Also, I will allow spot reservations in my future hosted games. However, there will only be three spots available for reservation, and you may only reserve a spot if you were not in the previous game. If you tried to enter the previous game and there was not enough room, you will be considered first for a reserved spot above someone who did not try to join.

Does all of that sound good to yall? These are just suggestions that I think would allow us to continue this game while keeping it fun and exciting.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on May 28, 2010, 12:24:20 pm
Not bad ideas. Just a wee bit complicated. Maybe slimmer it down by taking of unnecessary roles like the Village Idiot.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Amesjay on May 28, 2010, 12:30:49 pm
Yeah I'll play as well
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on May 28, 2010, 12:38:50 pm
Haha the village idiot is my favorite, I can't take it out... Besides, that one is to balance out the vigilante role.

And the village idiot is useful because he is a "dead" player. Like a meat shield. If the FG's target this player, they basically lost a turn. It's just one of the many ideas though, and if yall don't like it I'll take it out. But it's a pretty balanced role that can both help and hinder the innocents.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on May 28, 2010, 01:10:57 pm
Ok I just want this to get started already.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: JoshK on May 28, 2010, 01:26:14 pm
The easiest way to combat the discussion of moderator pm's at least for role assignment is to make sure to send the same message to innocents, same message to fg's.

Then in your day 1 post just say here are the pm's sent to each role.

Also the no outside communication thing would basically just have to rely on trust. 

It just really furthers the gameplay when you cannot discuss things outside of the thread.  Seer has to drop hints of who he has peeked w/o making it too obvious.  Innocents need to fake seer to allow the seer to do this.

In our current setup the innocents just have too large of an advantage over FG's with proper play.

If another special role is included I think it should be towards the FG side. 
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on May 28, 2010, 01:47:01 pm
That's why I tried to make the roles either neutral or they could help/harm either side. It's hard to come up with balanced things for the FG's. You can't directly let them choose a person and know who they are, like the seer can. It may not be a good idea to give them the same power as the con artist (change a person's vote).

I thought about making some roles overlap. Such as an FG could be a village idiot or the doctor could also be the priest. The FG's, seer, and doctor would all be primary roles, while the others would be secondary roles. Or maybe the ones that don't involve votes are primary roles, and the ones that do involve votes are secondary roles. A person can have up to one of both. That's just one way it could be done.

I just got to the library so I'm going to edit my original post and make a list of who has signed up so far. I'm ignoring the whole "elements" part of the list.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Azumi on May 28, 2010, 06:45:03 pm
I'll join. skimmed throught he rules and stuff for not but I'll read them again...just give me what ever element/spot is open.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Fixari on May 28, 2010, 07:32:02 pm
Well, this seems like an interesting idea...Count me in!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Decktrya on May 28, 2010, 07:47:09 pm
as demagog said later on others can make the rulse so hey you could make improvements for fg and
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on May 28, 2010, 07:57:50 pm
The game is now full. I'll send out roles soon. We'll see how my ideas work out, and if there needs to be any changes, we will do so. I'm going to assign the roles as originally planned, meaning each role will go to a separate person. The list of roles:

FG's x 3
    - One FG is a supreme being role as well.
Seer x 1
Doctor/Nurse x 1 (I prefer the latter :-p )
Gambler x 1
Village Idiot x 1
Priest x 1 (the role was changed from its original version, refer to post #24 for the description)
Con Artist x 1
Vigilante x 1
Witness x 1
Civilians x 4

Refer to post #16 for the descriptions of every new role, other than the priest. The FG, seer, doctor, and civilian roles are still the same.

It may seem like the FG's are vastly outnumbered, but they aren't really. With 12 people, two of which were FG's, the FG's had to eliminate six people in order to win (two more if one of them was lynched). That's three times the number of FG's. So, keeping that ratio in mind, 3 FG's must eliminate 9 innocents in order to win. Five more if one is lynched, two more than that if two are lynched.

I will go type out all of the PM's I will be sending out and post them here as JoshK suggested. Once that is done, I will randomly assign the roles and we may begin the game.

Decktrya, finish your post and I'll respond to you when I'm done typing these roles.

The PM's I will send to everyone.

Regular FG - You are an FG. Your partners are _____ and ______. Please PM me on who yall would like to kill (you must agree). Also, include a backup victim in case your target is lynched.

Supreme Being FG (We'll call him the Supreme FG) - You are an FG. Your partners are _____ and ______. Please PM me on who yall would like to kill (you must agree) each round. Also, include a backup victim in case your target is lynched. You are also the Supreme Being. You may choose one person each round and cancel out their ability. Do this by PMing me the person you would like to use this ability on.

Seer - You are the seer. You may learn the identity of a person you choose every other round. Do this by PMing me the person you would like to use this ability on.

Doctor - You are the doctor. You may choose a person every other round. If this person is targeted by the FG's that round, that person is saved. Do this by PMing me the person you would like to use this ability on.

Civilian - You are a civilian. Good luck!

Gambler - You are the gambler. You must choose two people every other round. One of them (it's random) will learn the identity of the other. You will not get this information. Do this by PMing me the two people you would like to use this ability on.

Village Idiot - You are the village idiot. Sorry. Your vote does not count. Don't think you don't matter, though. Try to have fun with this role and use it in an interesting way. And just know that deep down, everyone wants to be the village idiot.

Priest - You are the priest. You may choose a person every other round. For the rest of the game, if this person is targeted by the FG's, you will know. Do this by PMing me the person you would like to use this ability on.

Con Artist - You are the con artist. You may switch one player's vote every other round. Do this by PMing me the person you would like to use this ability on and the person you would like to switch their vote to.

Vigilante - You are the vigilante. Because of your hunt, no, lust for justice, your vote counts twice. Isn't democracy fun?

Witness - You are the witness. Once during the game, you may choose to save a person from being lynched. Do this by PMing me who you would like to use this ability on. If the person you tried to use your ability on is not the lynch victim, your ability is not used. Remember, you can use this ability only once, but you can use it any time during the game. When you use this ability, your identity is revealed to everyone.

Those are all of the roles. I will now randomly assign these roles. Hopefully I didn't leave anything off, but if I did, please let me know. If yall think any role is overpowered, let me know as soon as possible and I will switch that person to a civilian. After the first round, I will not remove any roles. I will also not remove the supreme being role (because obviously all of the innocents would say it's overpowered just to get an advantage :-p ). Oh, and the order of the PM's I send out will be the order in which everyone is listed in my first post (reply #1, I believe).

Good luck, have fun, don't die, make babies.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Fixari on May 28, 2010, 08:46:26 pm
*snickers* I love the Village Idiot PM.

Also it seems I'm getting my PM last. Ah well.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: dekskose on May 28, 2010, 08:53:23 pm
does it start ? when yes i vote for icy you know why becouse evryone heares icys gut and if icy is the fake god then were all donew couse his gut willl mislead us so its for now icy and when icy will go for his gut i will chose that what his gut choosen and if it was wrong i know hes the fake god couse his gut is never wrong wu complicated
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on May 28, 2010, 09:00:41 pm
Stupid reason, Dekskose. But when I think about it, I remember the last Mafia game. You wrote a very "dum" reason to lynch me and Hobnob, and we thought you were the FG. So...either you're just saying this for no reason or you're the FG and you're counter-counter-bluffing us. ???

I will vote later. And how long does a day last?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: dekskose on May 28, 2010, 09:05:34 pm
this was more a random vote but dont forget we always gotten the fake gods couse of random markiller last round tell me a single reason why anyone markiller out?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on May 28, 2010, 09:06:48 pm
Did I vote for him? I had no idea  :P
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on May 28, 2010, 09:23:54 pm
The role messages are all sent. If somehow I didn't send you your role message, PM me. I have everyone's names checked on my list though.

Also, please note that the gambler is the only person that MUST use his ability. Anyone else that has an activated ability may choose to use it or not.

Dekskose, Mark isn't playing because he didn't sign up.

The day phase lasts 48 hours. The night phase is instant. So about 3-5 PM on Sunday (US central time), the day phase will end.

And yes, the game has now started (after my previous post).

Edit: Oh, and at the bottom of everyone's message I should have said "Feel free to PM me if you have any questions." If anyone asks you about that part, that is what I sent you. It really doesn't matter, but I figured I'd mention it anyway.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Hobnob5000 on May 28, 2010, 09:28:29 pm
Lets get this show on the road! This will be an... interesting game.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: bigbadbanana on May 28, 2010, 10:42:52 pm
I wonder how people would react if someone posted "I am an FG." I mean, if he really was an FG, then why would he be announcing it to the world? But then again, if he was innocent, why should he be putting  himself in danger? Just wondering, would you still put your vote on him, or would you be so frustrated trying to decipher this post that you would spontaneously combust? Man, saying that would make this game so much more interesting.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on May 28, 2010, 10:46:02 pm
Haha Banana, your post reminds me of the funny philosophies from brainofbrian.com (which everyone should check out if you want a good laugh).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: JoshK on May 28, 2010, 11:16:44 pm
I wonder how people would react if someone posted "I am an FG." I mean, if he really was an FG, then why would he be announcing it to the world? But then again, if he was innocent, why should he be putting  himself in danger? Just wondering, would you still put your vote on him, or would you be so frustrated trying to decipher this post that you would spontaneously combust? Man, saying that would make this game so much more interesting.
I've done this as both a wolf and a villager a few times.

It normally leads to a lynch.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 29, 2010, 12:13:07 am
I am an FG.
Being a guinea pig is fun!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on May 29, 2010, 12:40:52 am
I'm off to bed everyone, I'll respond to any PM's I get tomorrow.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: dekskose on May 29, 2010, 10:31:23 am
icys gut tells us that hes the fg lol
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 29, 2010, 12:58:14 pm
So? Who are you going to vote for? :P
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Hobnob5000 on May 29, 2010, 01:59:38 pm
Well I'm gonna wait for more votes to come in before I decide. What I'm worried about is that with all these new roles, someone with a role will almost certainly be killed each day. Oh well.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: implosion on May 29, 2010, 02:16:59 pm
True, but not all of the roles would be that bad to kill. The seer, doctor, priest and witness are obviously roles that we want to keep alive. And the con artist and vigilante could be useful late-game if we're running low on people and need to kill a fake god. But the gambler and village idiot wouldn't necessarily be that awful to kill, because their roles aren't necessarily positive. They're on the same level of usefulness as innocents, in my opinion. So we have 3 targets that would be good to lynch, 6 (four civilians, gambler, village idiot) that wouldn't be awful, two (con artist and vigilante) that could be okay to kill but could wind up useful, and four that would be very bad to lynch. So we actually have a 9/15 or 60% chance of missing anything too bad and a 20% chance of killing a fake god. Still these aren't great odds, so I'm gonna wait until there's some more votes or evidence to vote.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Hobnob5000 on May 29, 2010, 02:55:30 pm
. So we have 3 targets that would be good to lynch, 6 (four witnesses, gambler, village idiot) that wouldn't be awful, two (con artist and vigilante) that could be okay to kill but could wind up useful, and four that would be very bad to lynch.
I presume you meant civillians
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: implosion on May 29, 2010, 02:57:53 pm
er, yeah.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 29, 2010, 03:01:41 pm
Let's see. I'll start this off, I guess.

1 - Amesjay (Icybraker)

I used an RNG. :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: bigbadbanana on May 29, 2010, 03:22:27 pm
Let's see. I'll start this off, I guess.

1 - Amesjay (Icybraker)

I used an RNG. :)

Shouldn't it be:

Amesjay-1 (Icybraker)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 29, 2010, 03:23:10 pm
It matters not.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on May 29, 2010, 05:16:21 pm
Trying to cheat, Icy? :-p

Icybraker - 1 (dekskose)
Amesjay  - 1 (Icybraker)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 29, 2010, 05:22:58 pm
Cheat is mah middle name. ;)

If you strike me down, I'll kill you with my FG powers.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on May 29, 2010, 05:25:29 pm
I'll be quiet then.

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: bigbadbanana on May 29, 2010, 05:43:17 pm

Icybraker - 1 (dekskose)
Amesjay  - 1 (Icybraker)
JoshK- 1 (BigBadBanana)

Sorry Josh, but the first vote is always random. I have nothing against you, so don't worry, my vote will probably change.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on May 29, 2010, 05:47:39 pm

Icybraker-1 (dekskose)
Amesjay-2 (Icybraker, Wardead)
JoshK-1 (banana)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: implosion on May 29, 2010, 05:50:34 pm
The RNG is turning into a bandwagon of sorts :) and so I used it too.

Icybraker-1 (dekskose)
Amesjay-2 (Icybraker, Wardead)
JoshK-1 (banana)
killsdazombies-1 (implosion)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: JoshK on May 29, 2010, 05:51:59 pm

Icybraker-1 (dekskose)
Amesjay-2 (Icybraker, Wardead)
BigBadBanana - 1 (JoshK)
JoshK-1 (banana)
killsdazombies-1 (implosion)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: dekskose on May 29, 2010, 06:03:57 pm
and im taking my vote against icy and vote for Wardead so we got 6 1 votes lol

Amesjay-2 (Icybraker, Wardead)
BigBadBanana - 1 (JoshK)
JoshK-1 (banana)
killsdazombies-1 (implosion)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on May 29, 2010, 06:18:59 pm
What...me? How dare you, you...dekskose (I can't think of any worse word).  :P
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Helios on May 29, 2010, 08:58:39 pm
I hold no personal grievance against you kills; blame the RNG.

Amesjay-2 (Icybraker, Wardead)
BigBadBanana - 1 (JoshK)
JoshK-1 (banana)
killsdazombies-2 (implosion, Helios)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on May 29, 2010, 09:07:26 pm
The gambler still must perform his action. Don't forget Mr. Gambler.

The priest, con artist, and supreme being still have the option to use their abilities. None of you have to use them, but the priest and supreme being will probably want to use theirs.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Hobnob5000 on May 29, 2010, 10:33:39 pm
Vote: Amesjay. No reason other than it's random first time

Amesjay - 2 (Icybraker, Wardead, Hobnob5000)
BigBadBanana - 1 (JoshK)
JoshK - 1 (banana)
killsdazombies - 2 (implosion, Helios)
Wardead - 1 (dekskose)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 29, 2010, 10:34:35 pm
Amesjay - 3 (Icybraker, Wardead, Hobnob5000)
BigBadBanana - 1 (JoshK)
JoshK - 1 (banana)
killsdazombies - 2 (implosion, Helios)
Wardead - 1 (dekskose)

Edit numbers too, pl0cks.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: markilleruk on May 29, 2010, 10:52:44 pm
Hey all, been very busy the past couple of days so i decided to sit this one out. ill probably join the next one. love the new roles by the way.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: bigbadbanana on May 30, 2010, 12:49:08 am
Poor Amesjay.... RNGs don't like him.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Fixari on May 30, 2010, 03:35:31 am
Sorry Josh, but the RNG has spoken.

Amesjay - 3 (Icybraker, Wardead, Hobnob5000)
BigBadBanana - 1 (JoshK)
JoshK - 2 (banana, Fixari)
killsdazombies - 2 (implosion, Helios)
Wardead - 1 (dekskose)

Also, would anyone be interested in the numbers that I get after 100 times?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: sSethia on May 30, 2010, 06:27:52 am
Amesjay - 4 (Icybraker, Wardead, Hobnob5000, sSethia)
BigBadBanana - 1 (JoshK)
JoshK - 2 (banana, Fixari)
killsdazombies - 2 (implosion, Helios)
Wardead - 1 (dekskose)

I'm just going with the flow.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Amesjay on May 30, 2010, 08:31:10 am
Hmm... I always seem to be killed first in these games

Amesjay - 4 (Icybraker, Wardead, Hobnob5000, sSethia)
BigBadBanana - 1 (JoshK)
JoshK - 3 (banana, Fixari,Amesjay)
killsdazombies - 2 (implosion, Helios)
Wardead - 1 (dekskose)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on May 30, 2010, 11:35:19 am
Going with the flow is the right choice...until the game is over.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: xdude on May 30, 2010, 12:14:32 pm
Amesjay - 5 (Icybraker, Wardead, Hobnob5000, sSethia, xdude)
BigBadBanana - 1 (JoshK)
JoshK - 3 (banana, Fixari,Amesjay)
killsdazombies - 2 (implosion, Helios)
Wardead - 1 (dekskose)

I just met Amesjay in chat, and was like "Hey Amesjay, time to lynch you!". So yeah. Never come in chat again :P
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 30, 2010, 12:19:00 pm
I'm the one who FIRST wanted to kill someone off. That seems slightly suspicious.

Whoo! RNG + Peer pressure = wanton murder!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: JoshK on May 30, 2010, 12:39:28 pm
Amesjay - 6 (Icybraker, Wardead, Hobnob5000, sSethia, xdude, joshk)
JoshK - 3 (banana, Fixari,Amesjay)
killsdazombies - 2 (implosion, Helios)
Wardead - 1 (dekskose)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: implosion on May 30, 2010, 01:08:04 pm
Sorry Amesjay, but the bandwagon has spoken.

Amesjay - 7 (Icybraker, Wardead, Hobnob5000, sSethia, xdude, joshk, implosion)
JoshK - 3 (banana, Fixari,Amesjay)
killsdazombies - 1 (Helios)
Wardead - 1 (dekskose)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: dekskose on May 30, 2010, 01:48:04 pm
lol well i going to safe him and go for josh common evryone for josh till we have 7/7 and then evrything depends on whos the gambler
Amesjay - 7 (Icybraker, Wardead, Hobnob5000, sSethia, xdude, joshk, implosion)
JoshK - 4 (banana, Fixari,Amesjay,dekskose)
killsdazombies - 1 (Helios)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Helios on May 30, 2010, 02:22:30 pm
Sorry Amesjay, but the bandwagon has spoken.

Amesjay - 7 (Icybraker, Wardead, Hobnob5000, sSethia, xdude, joshk, implosion)
JoshK - 3 (banana, Fixari,Amesjay)
killsdazombies - 1 (Helios)
Wardead - 1 (dekskose)
So be it.

Amesjay - 8 (Icybraker, Wardead, Hobnob5000, sSethia, xdude, joshk, implosion, Helios)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on May 30, 2010, 03:42:58 pm
I swear Icy said this on chat:

[15:40:02] Icybraker: I'm a Mafia

I'll vote for him next round. And he is possibly one of em.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on May 30, 2010, 03:48:02 pm

More evidence. All true.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 30, 2010, 03:51:26 pm
[15:49:47] Wardead [»] Icybraker: Haha okay the third word of my PM was "an".

All the roles start with consonants and take "a" EXCEPT "FG" (an FG).

Thus, Wardead must be a Mafia! KILL HIM!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on May 30, 2010, 03:53:04 pm
That's a lie, but my ones are true...right Icy?

I have a witness too, Helios.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 30, 2010, 03:57:26 pm
Wardead's quotes are fabricated. Seriously? Even if I were an FG, why would I shout this to everyone? In caps? Not in a PM, no less?

Wardead's is much more suspicious.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Helios on May 30, 2010, 04:39:04 pm
Simply to ensure that the objective truth is uncovered and heard:

(http://imageplay.net/m7Gbd65899/Picture_24_thumb.jpg) (http://imageplay.net/view/m7Gbd65899/Picture_24)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 30, 2010, 04:42:51 pm
1) Photoshopped, but shopped quite well. Look at the stuff on the timestamp and how it lines up with the timestamp above from it. It's close, but it's about 2 pixels off. I applaud you, though, for doing quite a good job. The background fits nearly perfectly.


If I were a False God... why would I say this? I'm clearly joking.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: implosion on May 30, 2010, 04:45:38 pm
I was there, it's definitely not photoshopped. Though i didn't take a screenshot I remember Icy saying exactly that.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 30, 2010, 08:28:10 pm
Maybe Wardead tampered with your memories! :D

Also, here's another real chat quote.

[20:26:45] implosion: Someone post in mafia so i can ask when the day ends, i don't wanna double post
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: implosion on May 30, 2010, 08:29:22 pm
So when does the day end  :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Hobnob5000 on May 30, 2010, 09:18:24 pm
I guess the day ends 2 days after the game was started.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on May 30, 2010, 09:32:06 pm

I need to catch up on reading.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on May 30, 2010, 09:37:30 pm
Amesjay sat, tied up, a look of desperation in his eyes. "Please everyone, you've got me all wrong! The closest I've ever come to killing a person is dealing them a dead man's hand! You must believe me!" "That may be true," said JoshK, "but we each agreed that we would kill whoever lost at hopscotch, and, well, your hopping just wasn't up to par today." With that, a giant fist descended from the heavens and crushed Amesjay into an unrecognizable mixture of flesh and wood. He was the gambler.

Later that night, as JoshK was laying in bed, thinking about how he was lucky enough to have grown up with girls who played hopscotch every day, all noise in the night suddenly stopped. Noticing this, he quickly sat up in bed and looked outside the window. Nothing out of the ordinary was there. Still, he opened the window to get a better look. Just then, a powerful shock wave from outside blew him across the room and through the front door. He was carried another twenty feet before hitting the ground, and then bounced and skidded for twenty more before he came to a stop at the edge of the lake. Legs broken and coughing up copious amounts of blood, JoshK looked across the lake for what he thought would be the last time. Then, something caught his eye. Not three feet away was a miracle, and JoshK was miraculously saved.

Let day 2 begin.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 30, 2010, 09:41:26 pm
Well, we got the Gambler... not necessarily a bad thing.

Wardead-1 (Icybraker)

For fabricating chats.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on May 30, 2010, 09:48:39 pm
I'm keeping a log of all the special player actions. Do you guys want me to post the log when the game is over so yall can see in detail what all happened? It will also include the list of who had what roles.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on May 30, 2010, 09:52:04 pm
duh :D

OK i vote for icy.... because i can!

Icybraker - 1 (killsdazombies)
Wardead-1 (Icybraker)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 30, 2010, 09:59:11 pm
Sure, Demagog.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: JoshK on May 31, 2010, 12:25:27 am
innocents side can you guys pm me your roles?

Lets get this party started.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Hobnob5000 on May 31, 2010, 07:18:24 am
Pah Josh, so you can kill the people with the more important roles?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: JoshK on May 31, 2010, 12:05:12 pm
Pah Josh, so you can kill the people with the more important roles?
An observant one arn't you...

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Hobnob5000 on May 31, 2010, 12:06:31 pm
As usual, because you SO are an FG :P
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: JoshK on May 31, 2010, 12:11:38 pm
Since the doctor can only save every other day it's important for you guys to message me your roles so we can get the next few days set up with targets and a strategy.

We have a huge advantage that I'm now cleared.

If everybody messages me their roles then we can see where we overlap. 

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: JoshK on May 31, 2010, 12:32:13 pm
I'm voting xdude

Icybraker - 1 (killsdazombies)
Wardead-1 (Icybraker)
Xdude- 1 (joshk)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: dekskose on May 31, 2010, 12:35:07 pm
Icy needs to die becouse God loves me
Icybraker -1 (killsdazombies)(dekskose)
Wardead-1 (Icybraker)
Xdude- 1 (joshk)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: xdude on May 31, 2010, 12:43:42 pm
Icy needs to die becouse God loves me
Icybraker -2 (killsdazombies, dekskose)
Wardead-1 (Icybraker)
Xdude- 1 (joshk)
Fix'd. Learn to count, people!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: JoshK on May 31, 2010, 12:46:22 pm
Icybraker -2 (killsdazombies, dekskose)
Wardead-1 (Icybraker)
killsdazombies- 1 (joshk)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 31, 2010, 12:57:56 pm
Guys, vote for whatever JoshK votes for. Remember, he's in the clear; he's an innocent and he has all the information!

Icybraker -2 (killsdazombies, dekskose)
killsdazombies- 2 (joshk, killsdazombies)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: xdude on May 31, 2010, 01:11:45 pm
Guys, vote for whatever JoshK votes for. Remember, he's in the clear; he's an innocent and he has all the information!

Icybraker -2 (killsdazombies, dekskose)
killsdazombies- 2 (joshk, killsdazombies)
Said he hoping to get saved :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 31, 2010, 01:13:04 pm
I couldn't care less about survivability. I care about keeping my perfect Mafia record!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: JoshK on May 31, 2010, 01:18:16 pm
Icy I'm just fixing your post.

Icybraker -2 (killsdazombies, dekskose)
killsdazombies- 2 (joshk, icybreaker)

Also nothing is set in stone yet until I keep receiving info, likely the vote will keep changing a bit.  Make sure to keep checking.  We'll get ourselves an FG or at least highly likely targets.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Hobnob5000 on May 31, 2010, 01:21:36 pm
Voting for kills

Icybraker -2 (killsdazombies, dekskose)
killsdazombies- 3 (joshk, icybreaker, Hobnob5000)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: implosion on May 31, 2010, 01:35:36 pm
Going with what JoshK said.

Icybraker - 2 (killsdazombies, dekskose)
killsdazombies - 4 (joshk, icybreaker, Hobnob5000, implosion)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 31, 2010, 01:36:30 pm
Corrected spelling errors ;)

Icybraker - 2 (killsdazombies, dekskose)
killsdazombies - 4 (joshk, icybraker, Hobnoob5000, implosion)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on May 31, 2010, 01:44:56 pm
So I apologize; this game was unfair even before it started. Because there are so many roles, it's easy to narrow down who the FG's are as soon as someone is obviously innocent. Maybe they have a chance still, but it will probably be pretty tough.

This problem will be resolved in the next game. With a little bit of Icy's help and feedback, I've come up with several new roles, bringing the total amount of new roles to fifteen (unless I can't count). These roles will be secondary roles. This means, they will be randomly distributed between everyone. The primary roles will be distributed as they always have been (FG's, seer, doctor, civilians). Some of these roles are "occupationally" based like the ones now, others are based on elements creatures. With a secondary role for everyone, each game will be drastically different from the last. Just to get some feedback from everyone else, let me know what you think of these roles.

Tradesman - Switches secondary roles with the target player

Ghost - If killed with this secondary ability, can still vote.

Fallen Elf = Randomly reassigns a person’s secondary ability.

Immortal = Automatically saved from death once per game.

Vulture = vote power starts at 0 and increases by a half each time a person dies.

Armagio = Can sacrifice self to save another person from death. Does not target a player. You simply say if you want to save the lynched person or the mafia hit person. This trumps the doctor's ability (if the doctor guesses correctly, the armagio still dies). However, if the doctor targeted the armagio, then the armagio is saved. The doctor's ability saves a person from any death, except lynching and the user of virus. Another "however," however (haha): the armagio's ability can't be turned off, so during the next turn they will sacrifice themselves to save either the lynched or mafia target person (whichever option they chose in the previous round).

Shrieker = can burrow self to become immune to abilities but loses voting power while burrowed

Virus - Kills self and target player.

I'm thinking the tradesman, fallen elf, and shrieker abilities should be used every turn. The rest are either passive or one time use only.

Some of these abilities have complex interactions in terms of what order they take place in during a round. I won't go into all of that just now though. So ya, let me know what yall think, and, again, I apologize for messing the current game up.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: JoshK on May 31, 2010, 01:48:50 pm
Just play regular mafia, with a couple more people.  Then add one or two additional roles.

We need the majority of people to be innocent imo.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: JoshK on May 31, 2010, 01:49:46 pm
I'm switching my vote to somebody I feel is expendable to prevent a mislynch on somebody i'm unsure of yet (kills)

Icybraker - 2 (killsdazombies, dekskose)
killsdazombies - 3 (icybraker, Hobnoob5000, implosion)
xdude - 1 (joshk)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on May 31, 2010, 01:57:15 pm
No, we can play it with the fifteen secondary roles. I just didn't realize having lots of primary roles would lead to trouble. Making them secondary roles fixes everything as far as I can tell.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Decktrya on May 31, 2010, 02:27:16 pm
didnt you noticed that joshk is only for sure no fake god but that doesnt makes him too seer or lets him no who is the fake god so only dont vote for joshk and the only reason icy said vote for what he votes so that he doesnt gets killed the only way to prove whos the fake god is too kill icy
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: JoshK on May 31, 2010, 02:33:29 pm
didnt you noticed that joshk is only for sure no fake god but that doesnt makes him too seer or lets him no who is the fake god so only dont vote for joshk and the only reason icy said vote for what he votes so that he doesnt gets killed the only way to prove whos the fake god is too kill icy
Um are you even in the game?

Don't vote icy yet.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 31, 2010, 02:36:04 pm
didnt you noticed that joshk is only for sure no fake god but that doesnt makes him too seer or lets him no who is the fake god so only dont vote for joshk and the only reason icy said vote for what he votes so that he doesnt gets killed the only way to prove whos the fake god is too kill icy
1) You're not in the game. :)
2) Did you read his post telling everyone to PM him their roles?
3) Icybraker is an honest citizen. He wouldn't want to save himself, he would want to save EVERYONE!

Icybraker - 2 (killsdazombies, dekskose)
killsdazombies - 2 (Hobnoob5000, implosion)
xdude - 2 (joshk, Icybraker)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: implosion on May 31, 2010, 02:41:14 pm
Going with JoshK, and deleting an extraneous o :)

Icybraker - 2 (killsdazombies, dekskose)
killsdazombies - 1 (Hobnob5000)
xdude - 3 (joshk, Icybraker, implosion)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 31, 2010, 02:44:42 pm

Don't vote icy yet.
Does this imply that you want to lynch me later? :P
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: xdude on May 31, 2010, 02:57:07 pm
What? :(

Icybraker - 3 (killsdazombies, dekskose, xdude)
killsdazombies - 1 (Hobnob5000)
xdude - 3 (joshk, Icybraker, implosion)

It's not me :(
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: dekskose on May 31, 2010, 05:19:36 pm
well also if evryone pmed josh their rules they could lie too him so let say icy told him hes tha doctor but hes the fake god i think deck is right (he isnt playing this weird dude )
P.S he should have an extra role weird stranger
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 31, 2010, 05:22:03 pm
Well, don't you understand? That's the entire plan. Of COURSE the False Gods would lie when they PM'd Josh. However, Josh knows that there are only 2 civilians and 1 person from each role; thus, he can figure out exactly who may be the False God by looking at whether roles were repeated or not.

We know what we're doing, so please vote with us if you want to win this.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Hobnob5000 on May 31, 2010, 05:27:50 pm
You mean 4 civillians Icy

I'm with Josh on this one.

Icybraker - 3 (killsdazombies, dekskose, xdude)
xdude - 4 (joshk, Icybraker, implosion, Hobnob5000)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: dekskose on May 31, 2010, 05:37:09 pm
i bet icy xdude is innocent this whole stuff is looking pretty mistery icy needs to die i bet icy and Hobnob are da fake gods
Edit: ment xdude
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on May 31, 2010, 05:39:38 pm
Could be...I believe Icy is not the FG. Hobnob, Helios or implosion...one of 'em is an FG.

Icybraker - 3 (killsdazombies, dekskose, xdude)
xdude - 5 (joshk, Icybraker, implosion, Hobnob5000, Wardead)

Sorry man, but gotta jump on ze bandwagon ;)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: xdude on May 31, 2010, 05:40:41 pm
I'm switching my vote to somebody I feel is expendable to prevent a mislynch on somebody i'm unsure of yet (kills)
What does that make you think? What am I? Oh yeah, I'm this game's Icy... I'm... DUH!!! So yep, not a FG. IMO, risking is better, because by tomorrow Josh could be dead and all the info lost. So, don't kill me :P
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: implosion on May 31, 2010, 05:41:55 pm
i bet icy is innocent this whole stuff is looking pretty mistery icy needs to die i bet icy and Hobnob are da fake gods
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: JoshK on May 31, 2010, 05:48:56 pm
If xdude is not an FG when we lynch him and I'm killed I'd recommend voting Icy next.

Demagog: can I get a confirmation on when day voting ends please?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 31, 2010, 05:53:47 pm
Yeah, I'd recommend voting for me, too...

WAITWHAT you can't do this to me! I draw the line here! :P

But right now, let's just kill xdude and be done with it.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on May 31, 2010, 05:55:11 pm
The Gambler used his skill, right?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: bigbadbanana on May 31, 2010, 06:25:54 pm
Jumpin' on the bandwagon....

Icybraker - 3 (killsdazombies, dekskose, xdude)
xdude - 6 (joshk, Icybraker, implosion, Hobnob5000, Wardead, BigBadBanana)

P.S. deskose, please add punctuation to your posts. It's kinda getting hard to read. :P
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Olidot on May 31, 2010, 06:27:00 pm
I trust JoshK, as he cannot be an FG.

Icybraker - 3 (killsdazombies, dekskose, xdude)
xdude - 7 (joshk, Icybraker, implosion, Hobnob5000, Wardead, BigBadBanana, Flying Farenheit)

Sorry xdude.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: dekskose on May 31, 2010, 06:48:12 pm
i dont care if icy wont be dead now couse whne xdude was the f ake god they were right but when not i amsure that icy lost PAh we got you icy(or xdude)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 31, 2010, 06:52:22 pm
i amsure that icy lost
Haha, Icy never loses. ;)

we got you icy
You do realize that "we" is only 2 other people: xdude and killsdazombies. No one's with you here.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: dekskose on May 31, 2010, 06:53:30 pm
well but you noticed what happens when xdude was no fake god then youre done icy becouse then
If xdude is not an FG when we lynch him and I'm killed I'd recommend voting Icy next.

Demagog: can I get a confirmation on when day voting ends please?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 31, 2010, 06:56:38 pm
Looks like you need a little lesson in logic.

The word "and" implies that BOTH conjoined conditions must be fulfilled before this happens.


1) xdude must NOT be a False God.
2) JoshK must be killed.

And because JoshK will not be killed (I'll make sure of it), I'll never be killed.

And there are tons of other holes in your argument. Who says that everyone will follow what JoshK says? Even if I die, who says that it's game over for me? As long as the innocents win, I win too.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on May 31, 2010, 06:58:49 pm
Seriously Deks, how dum can you get?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Fixari on May 31, 2010, 07:00:27 pm
War, unstrike that. He needs to see it.

Since I honestly don't know who to vote for this round, I will vote for the most annoying person here.

Icybraker - 3 (killsdazombies, dekskose, xdude)
xdude - 7 (joshk, Icybraker, implosion, Hobnob5000, Wardead, BigBadBanana, Flying Farenheit)
dekskose - 1 (Fixari)

=D Hate me all you want.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 31, 2010, 07:02:22 pm
Yeah, seriously. I'm voting for deks, too.

But don't you all follow me. Kill xdude. I just don't like deks. :P Also my vote doesn't count.

Icybraker - 3 (killsdazombies, dekskose, xdude)
xdude - 6 (joshk, implosion, Hobnob5000, Wardead, BigBadBanana, Flying Farenheit)
dekskose - 2 (Fixari, Icybraker)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on May 31, 2010, 07:15:56 pm
icy your so a fg :P
my reasons?
1st..... hes icy
2nd..... IDK
3rd...... HES A FG
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 31, 2010, 07:17:30 pm
Killsdazombies, you're an FG. My reasons?

Reason 1: You said that I was an FG
Reason 2: ? ? ?
Reason 3: Profit
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Fixari on May 31, 2010, 07:18:40 pm
...Is this going to become a statement fest?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Hobnob5000 on May 31, 2010, 07:21:28 pm
:L, voting for the most annoying person is one attitude. I personally am going to stick. If xdude is innocent, then I know who I am lynching
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 31, 2010, 07:27:07 pm
This is the logic I'm using here.

Fact: If xdude is not an FG, then Icybraker must be an FG.
Fact: Icybraker is not an FG.
Thus, xdude is an FG.

You can trust me. You guys can lynch me for all I care if xdude turns out to be innocent. But he's not. ;)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Fixari on May 31, 2010, 07:27:27 pm
:L, voting for the most annoying person is one attitude. I personally am going to stick. If xdude is innocent, then I know who I am lynching
Meh, might make it a game tradition to vote for Deks if we're both in the second round. It'll be fun to do.

What? All I really see from him is random gibberish.

Hell, I've see-Okay, I'll shut up now.

Also, what would be the best choice for the free weapon?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: JoshK on May 31, 2010, 07:29:07 pm
Do azumi, helios, and ssetha participate?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on May 31, 2010, 07:33:47 pm
OK icy ill trust you if xdude is a fg, but if he isnt.... your dead.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 31, 2010, 07:35:29 pm
I know. If he isn't, then my logical statement will be as follows:

Fact: xdude is not an FG.
Fact: If xdude is not an FG, then Icybraker must be an FG.
Thus, Icybraker must be an FG.

I would even lynch myself! I want us to win! :P But that's not possible.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: xdude on May 31, 2010, 07:50:39 pm
Yeah, seriously. I'm voting for deks, too.

But don't you all follow me. Kill xdude. I just don't like deks. :P Also my vote doesn't count.

Icybraker - 2 (killsdazombies, dekskose)
xdude - 6 (joshk, implosion, Hobnob5000, Wardead, BigBadBanana, Flying Farenheit)
dekskose - 2 (Fixari, Icybraker, xdude)
Let's all start a revolution and kill the annoying guy talking gibberish. :P
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Fixari on May 31, 2010, 07:51:26 pm
Yeah, seriously. I'm voting for deks, too.

But don't you all follow me. Kill xdude. I just don't like deks. :P Also my vote doesn't count.

Icybraker - 2 (killsdazombies, dekskose)
xdude - 6 (joshk, implosion, Hobnob5000, Wardead, BigBadBanana, Flying Farenheit)
dekskose - 3 (Fixari, Icybraker, xdude)
Let's all start a revolution and kill the annoying guy talking gibberish. :P
Correct the numbers next time.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: sSethia on May 31, 2010, 10:02:26 pm
Do azumi, helios, and ssetha participate?
Just got back from vacation.

Icybraker - 3 (killsdazombies, dekskose, sSethia)
xdude - 6 (joshk, implosion, Hobnob5000, Wardead, BigBadBanana, Flying Farenheit)
dekskose - 3 (Fixari, Icybraker, xdude)

No idea why, but I have a hunch from the way he's talking.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Helios on May 31, 2010, 10:32:44 pm
Do azumi, helios, and ssetha participate?
Was briefly preoccupied with other matters;

Icybraker - 3 (killsdazombies, dekskose, sSethia)
xdude - 7 (joshk, implosion, Hobnob5000, Wardead, BigBadBanana, Flying Farenheit, Helios)
dekskose - 3 (Fixari, Icybraker, xdude)

Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on May 31, 2010, 11:39:32 pm
Icybraker - 3 (killsdazombies, dekskose, sSethia)
xdude - 8 (joshk, implosion, Hobnob5000, Wardead, BigBadBanana, Flying Farenheit, Helios, Icybraker)
dekskose - 2 (Fixari, xdude)

Lol sSethia, I always talk confusing. It helps me win. Sometimes.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: JoshK on May 31, 2010, 11:47:50 pm
So Azumi hasn't logged in recently.  Didn't vote last day and is the only person who has not sent me a pm :( sigh.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Fixari on June 01, 2010, 12:13:29 am
Too bad for Azumi. Gets to be the first person mod-killed.

On the plus side, it makes up for Josh surviving. *brick'd*
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on June 01, 2010, 06:58:29 am
Ya Azumi hasn't posted in the earth way area lately either, so he's most likely on hiatus. But you don't get killed unless you were inactive for two rounds in a row, and this will be his first. He still has over twelve hours before the round ends though.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: dekskose on June 01, 2010, 11:01:39 am
icy is a bad liar me Ezio auditore will kill him and take revenge for my father xdude(who wants to lynch me)
Off topic:Why? do you got something against assasins creed 2 its the most awesomest game(after elements for sure)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2010, 11:04:24 am
assassin creed 2 fail?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: bigbadbanana on June 01, 2010, 03:06:18 pm
Before I fix it:
icy is a bad liar me Ezio auditore will kill him and take revenge for my father xdude(who wants to lynch me)
Off topic:Why? do you got something against assasins creed 2 its the most awesomest game(after elements for sure)
After I fix it:
Icybraker is a bad liar. I, Ezio Auditore, will kill him and take revenge for my father, xdude, who wants to lynch me.
Off topic: Why do you have something against Assassin's Creed 2? It's the most awesome game (after elements).
Isn't that so much easier to read?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: xdude on June 01, 2010, 03:13:26 pm
Before I fix it:
icy is a bad liar me Ezio auditore will kill him and take revenge for my father xdude(who wants to lynch me)
Off topic:Why? do you got something against assasins creed 2 its the most awesomest game(after elements for sure)
After I fix it:
Icybraker is a bad liar. I, Ezio Auditore, will kill him and take revenge for my father, xdude, who wants to lynch me.
Off topic:Why do you have something against assasins creed 2? It's the most awesome game (after elements).
Isn't that so much easier to read?
Before you fix it: Engrish

After you fix it: English
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on June 01, 2010, 03:28:06 pm
Before I fix it:
icy is a bad liar me Ezio auditore will kill him and take revenge for my father xdude(who wants to lynch me)
Off topic:Why? do you got something against assasins creed 2 its the most awesomest game(after elements for sure)
After I fix it:
Icybraker is a bad liar. I, Ezio Auditore, will kill him and take revenge for my father, xdude, who wants to lynch me.
Off topic:Why do you have something against assasins creed 2? It's the most awesome game (after elements).
Isn't that so much easier to read?
You misspelled "assassin's."
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: bigbadbanana on June 01, 2010, 05:10:35 pm
Before I fix it:
icy is a bad liar me Ezio auditore will kill him and take revenge for my father xdude(who wants to lynch me)
Off topic:Why? do you got something against assasins creed 2 its the most awesomest game(after elements for sure)
After I fix it:
Icybraker is a bad liar. I, Ezio Auditore, will kill him and take revenge for my father, xdude, who wants to lynch me.
Off topic:Why do you have something against assasins creed 2? It's the most awesome game (after elements).
Isn't that so much easier to read?
You misspelled "assassin's."
Fixed. Sorry, my bad.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on June 01, 2010, 09:41:52 pm
Did the day end yet? Let's kill some xdude.

Deks, I find it rather hilarious how your argument starts off with "Icy is a bad liar". Even If I AM a liar (which I'm not), my lies seem to be convincing everyone except you and xdude. So I'm pretty good. ;)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Hobnob5000 on June 01, 2010, 09:46:25 pm
Actually, Deks is completely right. Icy, you are a bad liar. Good thing you aren't lying :L (though if you are)  I'm with Icy, until the result of this round's lynching. If xdude is an FG, then I trust him. If he isn't and is what I think he might POSSIBLY be, then I know who to lynch next round :L.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on June 01, 2010, 09:48:32 pm
Ok, day ended. Hold on while I double check all of the actions and type out the death scenes.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on June 01, 2010, 09:53:09 pm
Moment of truth, guys. ;) Remember, even if I die, follow JoshK... if JoshK dies, follow me!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Hobnob5000 on June 01, 2010, 09:55:53 pm
if joshK dies, follow me. Trust me on this one icy, we have talked a lot.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: JoshK on June 01, 2010, 10:04:53 pm
Icy doesn't know anything I have given some people information if I die they will help lead.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on June 01, 2010, 10:05:39 pm
I've talked to lots of people you've talked to, JoshK. ;) I think I know almost as much as yall.

But whatevs.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: JoshK on June 01, 2010, 10:06:38 pm
Then those people are dumb for sharing anythign with you atm.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on June 01, 2010, 10:15:47 pm
Day Two End

"Guys, you can't be serious." Xdude was panting, exhausted after the game of duck-duck-goose. "Well Xdude, you lost. There's really nothing you can do to stop this," replied JoshK. Beginning to panic, Xdude whined, "But it's unfair! I can't help it if I was born with a bum leg! I had a hard enough time beating you at hopscotch yesterday! There's no way I could not lose at this!" "Well," said JoshK, "we'll be sure to nominate you for a Darwin award." With that, Xdude turned into a goose, whose neck was promptly wrung and taken to the butcher shop. "Dibs on the breasts," called dekskose.

Xdude was an FG.

Later that night, while rummaging through the wreckage of his house and sucking out the brains of Xdude's goose skull, JoshK began to feel ill. "Bleh," he thought, "I shouldn't have eaten the stomach." Then he doubled over, his body convulsing. Trying to call out for help, all he could get out was "bleghuhgah" (or something like that). Then, he bit off his tounge and his body arched until his back broke. He started to scream from the pain, but was quickly silenced by the blood filling his mouth. He choked to death soon after. Later, when the coroner's report came back on JoshK's death, it was found that he had been poisoned. The same poison was found in what remained of Xdude's goose stomach. They concluded that Xdude must have consumed the poison shortly before turning into a goose.

JoshK was the con artist.

The third day begins!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Hobnob5000 on June 01, 2010, 10:18:26 pm
Right, I will take over the role of JoshK, as I was in collusion with him. More info to be posted later
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: JoshK on June 01, 2010, 10:18:55 pm
gl guys.. does azumi get modkilled?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on June 01, 2010, 10:20:03 pm
No, he has another day left.

Never mind. I swear he voted in the first day.

Azumi, wandered around aimlessly, looking for nothing in particular (as most people do who wander around aimlessly). He just so happened to look up, for no reason in particular. Up there in the great big sky, he saw a message in the clouds. "If you want to hear a really good joke, come here." Being an avid lover of jokes, especially really good jokes, Azumi began chasing the cloud. He ran and he ran and he ran and he ran and he ran and he ran and he ran and he ran and he died.

Azumi was an FG.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on June 01, 2010, 10:25:45 pm
"Dibs on the breasts," called dekskose.
I love goose breast. For that, dekskose, you shall die!

dekskose - 1 (Icybraker)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Hobnob5000 on June 01, 2010, 10:25:55 pm
When you say day, do you mean Day as in 24 hours, or a mafia day?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on June 01, 2010, 10:27:07 pm
Mafia day. But usually I mean an entire round. But it's basically all the day phase.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2010, 10:30:40 pm
one fg down two to go, lets get em.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on June 01, 2010, 10:31:22 pm
Azumi - 1 (Icybraker)

Ya Azumi hasn't posted in the earth way area lately either, so he's most likely on hiatus. But you don't get killed unless you were inactive for two rounds in a row, and this will be his first. He still has over twelve hours before the round ends though.
This is what Demagog said about Azumi. Remember, the silent are more dangerous than the loud, making him a big suspect. Also, it sounds like he just made it up on the spot so that Azumi doesn't get modkilled. This means that he has an important position, furthering his FGness. Finally... remember in Mafia 2 when Mafidufa went AFK? He was an FG. Deja Vu?

I'm going with my gut here. Everyone vote Azumi!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Hobnob5000 on June 01, 2010, 10:32:11 pm
I'm with Icy.

Azumi - 2 (Icybraker, Hobnob5000)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2010, 10:32:38 pm
azumi was modkilled..... and he was a fg....
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: implosion on June 01, 2010, 10:32:55 pm
No, he has another day left.

Never mind. I swear he voted in the first day.

Azumi, wandered around aimlessly, looking for nothing in particular (as most people do who wander around aimlessly). He just so happened to look up, for no reason in particular. Up there in the great big sky, he saw a message in the clouds. "If you want to hear a really good joke, come here." Being an avid lover of jokes, especially really good jokes, Azumi began chasing the cloud. He ran and he ran and he ran and he ran and he ran and he ran and he ran and he ran and he died.

Azumi was an FG.
Good instinct Icy :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on June 01, 2010, 10:34:47 pm
LOL! ;) I told you guys to trust me. I got skillzorz!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: implosion on June 01, 2010, 10:35:48 pm
The last fg is the supreme being right?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on June 01, 2010, 10:37:10 pm
Maybe... unless Dema doesn't specify.

Back to picking on Deks.

Dekskose - 1 (Icybraker)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on June 01, 2010, 10:41:59 pm
Ya, he is. I would specify.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2010, 10:43:24 pm
there are still 2 fgs left......
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: implosion on June 01, 2010, 10:44:24 pm
there are still 2 fgs left......
No, we killed xdude and Azumi was modkilled and happened to be an fg.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on June 01, 2010, 10:45:39 pm
Okay, you know what, RNG.

killsdazombies - 1 (Icybraker)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on June 01, 2010, 10:48:33 pm
You guys should all use an RNG. I've got a good death story for it. Well I have the idea anyway... haven't written it yet.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Hobnob5000 on June 01, 2010, 10:49:57 pm
With Icy again

Killsdazombies - 2 (Icybreaker, Hobnob5000)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: implosion on June 01, 2010, 10:54:36 pm
Lets get this bandwagon going (sorry Demagog, save it for the first vote next game :))

Killsdazombies - 2 (Icybreaker, Hobnob5000, implosion)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Hobnob5000 on June 01, 2010, 10:55:17 pm
Lets get this bandwagon going (sorry Demagog, save it for the first vote next game :))

Killsdazombies - 3 (Icybreaker, Hobnob5000, implosion)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: implosion on June 01, 2010, 11:01:56 pm
Sorry, my internet died as I was posting that :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on June 01, 2010, 11:13:43 pm
icy i highly doubt that was an rng..... :P

dont know who to vote for right now
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Fixari on June 02, 2010, 12:10:36 am
Killsdazombies - 4 (Icybreaker, Hobnob5000, implosion, Fixari)

Doing it because I can. Also, might change it later.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2010, 12:12:54 am
lol icy lies about RNG he just wants me dead so he can progess his fg powers
da karma police are gunna get ya
&feature=related (ps ur the fat guy)
Killsdazombies - 4 (Icybreaker, Hobnob5000, implosion, Fixari)
Icybraker - 1 (killsdazombies)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on June 02, 2010, 12:13:52 am

Yeah, you're dead. Somebody kill him so we can win this already.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2010, 12:20:50 am
please icy, to win you still have to kill about 10 others
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Fixari on June 02, 2010, 12:29:47 am
And what if neither of you guys are FGs?

Also, if I die, I would like to die via mosquito! =D
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on June 02, 2010, 12:43:28 am
And what if neither of you guys are FGs?

Also, if I die, I would like to die via mosquito! =D
Icy isn't a mosquito...

Just kidding.

Duly noted.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on June 02, 2010, 12:44:35 am
Wow. This GM SURE is unbiased! :)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Fixari on June 02, 2010, 12:45:34 am
And what if neither of you guys are FGs?

Also, if I die, I would like to die via mosquito! =D
Icy isn't a mosquito...

Just kidding.

Duly noted.
=D Thank you! Now I can sleep knowing I'll die in a ridiculous way.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on June 02, 2010, 12:51:46 am
Wow. This GM SURE is unbiased! :)
You know me, always rootin' for the referee!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Olidot on June 02, 2010, 07:33:11 am
Not voting yet, post to avoid Modkill.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: dekskose on June 02, 2010, 01:18:31 pm
i will kill idk icy is not the fg thats now for sure it could be killsdazombies hmm Random vote time i vote for fixari
Killsdazombies - 4 (Icybreaker, Hobnob5000, implosion, Fixari)
Fixari -1 (dekskose)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Fixari on June 02, 2010, 03:35:32 pm
While flattered that your random vote chose me, I am afraid I have to retaliate.

*places a neon sign on Deks' head* =D I feel better now.

Killsdazombies - 3 (Icybreaker, Hobnob5000, implosion)
Icybraker - 1 (killsdazombies)
Fixari - 1 (dekskose)
dekskose - 1 (Fixari)

Six down, five to vote! Unless I've done my math wrong...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Helios on June 02, 2010, 06:00:18 pm
Killsdazombies - 4 (Icybreaker, Hobnob5000, implosion, Helios)
Icybraker - 1 (killsdazombies)
Fixari - 1 (dekskose)
dekskose - 1 (Fixari)

In Icy's gut I trust.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Olidot on June 02, 2010, 06:18:40 pm
Killsdazombies - 4 (Icybreaker, Hobnob5000, implosion, Helios)
Icybraker - 1 (killsdazombies)
Fixari - 1 (dekskose)
dekskose - 1 (Fixari)

In Icy's gut I trust.
Me too! ;D
Icy's gut has never let us down!

Killsdazombies - 5 (Icybreaker, Hobnob5000, implosion, Helios, Flying Farenheit)
Icybraker - 1 (killsdazombies)
Fixari - 1 (dekskose)
dekskose - 1 (Fixari)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on June 02, 2010, 06:53:06 pm
I actually support Dekskose, this time. Trust me, either Kills or Fixari is the FG. And I'm taking my chances.

Killsdazombies - 5 (Icybreaker, Hobnob5000, implosion, Helios, Flying Farenheit)
Icybraker - 1 (killsdazombies)
Fixari - 2 (dekskose, Wardead)
dekskose - 1 (Fixari)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Fixari on June 02, 2010, 07:05:37 pm
And here comes my moquito-y death! Yay!

I happen to like mosquitos...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on June 02, 2010, 07:09:58 pm
Ok Fixari, due to some complications in my theory, I know that you are innocent or a VERY GOOD FG.

Killsdazombies - 6 (Icybreaker, Hobnob5000, implosion, Helios, Flying Farenheit,Wardead)
Icybraker - 1 (killsdazombies)
Fixari - 1 (dekskose)
dekskose - 1 (Fixari)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Fixari on June 02, 2010, 07:13:23 pm
=D I'm just an oddball who hasn't had their calming sugar for the day.

Which could explain my love for the Village Idiot role.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on June 02, 2010, 07:15:18 pm
So...you're the Vigilante. Another role discovered!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Fixari on June 02, 2010, 07:16:47 pm
O.o What? I never said that! PM time now, Wardead.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on June 02, 2010, 07:23:15 pm
Sorry, you could be the FG.

I suspect you highly.

What is your role then? PM it to me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: bigbadbanana on June 02, 2010, 07:34:54 pm
Deskose seems very suspicious to me....

Killsdazombies - 6 (Icybreaker, Hobnob5000, implosion, Helios, Flying Farenheit,Wardead)
Icybraker - 1 (killsdazombies)
Fixari - 1 (dekskose)
dekskose - 2 (Fixari, BigBadBanana)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Fixari on June 02, 2010, 07:35:44 pm
...Okay, lack of sugar is making me get the urge to call Dead something I know he doesn't like.

Quick, to the Batmobile!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on June 02, 2010, 07:36:35 pm
Don't even dare to call me that!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Fixari on June 02, 2010, 07:37:47 pm
=D Okay, I won't!

Not here, anyways...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on June 02, 2010, 07:51:49 pm
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Fixari on June 02, 2010, 07:54:24 pm
:P Doesn't matter, 'cause I've called you it anyways. In my head...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on June 02, 2010, 07:59:32 pm
Stop...Let's get back on topic.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Fixari on June 02, 2010, 08:00:53 pm
Ahh, the topic.

So, if you could die in the game, how would you like to die?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on June 02, 2010, 08:03:51 pm
Normally, my last request would be that Dekskose reveal himself as you. You both are the SAME!
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Fixari on June 02, 2010, 08:05:27 pm
Okay, where the swear word did you get that logic from?

Deks and I are nothing alike. I can't even type like that.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on June 02, 2010, 08:08:34 pm
You can, if you ignore grammar.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2010, 08:10:21 pm

i want to be burned alive :D
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on June 02, 2010, 08:13:20 pm
*Burns the Warmaster alive* Happy?
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: bigbadbanana on June 02, 2010, 08:14:25 pm
Five Leopards Upchucked Four Fake Yetis.

^Wardead will understand.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2010, 08:22:04 pm
lol fluffy.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: dekskose on June 02, 2010, 08:54:03 pm
i want to die eaten by my own stomach wich was poisoned by a chicken vampire
lol iwtdebmoswwpbacv
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on June 02, 2010, 09:37:05 pm
I want to die of young age.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Helios on June 02, 2010, 09:55:29 pm
The Gods
I want to die of young age.
Those whom the Gods love die young, after all.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: dekskose on June 02, 2010, 10:00:35 pm
something weird happened i just started beeing emo so
Killsdazombies - 6 (Icybreaker, Hobnob5000, implosion, Helios, Flying Farenheit,Wardead)
Icybraker - 1 (killsdazombies)
dekskose - 3 (Fixari, BigBadBanana. dekskose)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2010, 10:03:13 pm
Killsdazombies - 6 (Icybreaker, Hobnob5000, implosion, Helios, Flying Farenheit,Wardead)
dekskose - 4 (Fixari, BigBadBanana. dekskose, killsdazombies)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: dekskose on June 02, 2010, 10:05:43 pm
killsdazombies just wants to safe himself but i dont think it will be enough i dont know what i want more too kill myself or too let the fake god been killed so well i dont care D
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2010, 10:07:30 pm
killsdazombies just wants to safe himself but i dont think it will be enough i dont know what i want more too kill myself or too let the fake god been killed so well i dont care D
nah, the village idiot just doesn't want to die :C
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on June 02, 2010, 10:23:14 pm
You know who else said he was a Village Idiot? Xdude. He wasn't. :P
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2010, 10:31:28 pm
yea, xdude was a fg, im not. just cause u want to pin you false godyness on me doesnt mean i should die :C
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: dekskose on June 02, 2010, 10:33:15 pm
when i learned something today evryone who says that hes a idiot (not only village idiot) is in reality a fake god
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on June 02, 2010, 10:34:47 pm
killsdazombies just wants to safe himself but i dont think it will be enough i dont know what i want more too kill myself or too let the fake god been killed so well i dont care D
nah, the village idiot just doesn't want to die :C
Haha, once you said this, I knew EXACTLY who you were. And so does Hobnob and everyone else. You're dead. This was the stupidest thing to say.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2010, 10:35:34 pm
Fix claimed to be the idiot, and the idiot is the least likely to be targeted :P

also im really just innocent but im afraid of icy targeting me.... :C
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on June 02, 2010, 10:37:34 pm
Directly contradicting a blatant statement? That means that one of those is a lie. Saying that won't really make people trust you, my friend.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: dekskose on June 02, 2010, 10:38:32 pm
killsdazombies just wants to safe himself but i dont think it will be enough i dont know what i want more too kill myself or too let the fake god been killed so well i dont care D
nah, the village idiot just doesn't want to die :C

Haha, once you said this, I knew EXACTLY who you were. And so does Hobnob and everyone else. You're dead. This was the stupidest thing to say.
those who are idiots but dont tell it (like me) are either inocents or village idiots and and those who say they are idiots (if true or not) are fake gods
and if he isnt the fake god then im the fake god(or simply want to ddie becosue im a bit emo today)
either idiot(fake god ) forever or never been a idiot(fake god) so hes still a fg no matter if he now says hes innocent(not fake god)
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2010, 10:40:51 pm
VI = safe, no fg would waste a kill on them
innocent, safeish fgs might target them
everything else, targeted because fgs want to win

i tried to act as the VI so i wouldnt be target, im innocent. now watch as icy targets me.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: dekskose on June 02, 2010, 10:45:18 pm
VI is a ideot he cant be that smart like me who isnt understanding what you are saying killsdaz is the fake god
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: implosion on June 02, 2010, 10:46:56 pm
VI = safe, no fg would waste a kill on them
innocent, safeish fgs might target them
everything else, targeted because fgs want to win

i tried to act as the VI so i wouldnt be target, im innocent. now watch as icy targets me.
If you're innocent, you should have no aversion to being targeted. If an innocent dies, it isn't a huge deal. If the seer or the doctor dies, the fg might have a chance. One of the roles of innocents is to act as bait for the higher roles. And if the good guys win, then every innocent wins as well, regardless of whether they died or not.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2010, 10:57:40 pm
my name is not killdaz :D and im not a fg, i just trying to not die via icy fg powers.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: icybraker on June 02, 2010, 11:26:02 pm
We won't have to target you. You're getting lynched, no questions asked.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on June 02, 2010, 11:30:06 pm
the seer or WE can ID me, i dont care, im innocent.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Fixari on June 02, 2010, 11:33:12 pm
Fix claimed to be the idiot, and the idiot is the least likely to be targeted :P
I never directly said that I was the VI.

If you're innocent, you should have no aversion to being targeted. If an innocent dies, it isn't a huge deal. If the seer or the doctor dies, the fg might have a chance. One of the roles of innocents is to act as bait for the higher roles. And if the good guys win, then every innocent wins as well, regardless of whether they died or not.
Hence why I have no problems with dying during this game. As long as I die via mosquito, I am happy. Yes, I am obsessed with them. Almost as much as scorpions.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Helios on June 03, 2010, 12:23:48 am
VI = safe, no fg would waste a kill on them
innocent, safeish fgs might target them
everything else, targeted because fgs want to win

i tried to act as the VI so i wouldnt be target, im innocent. now watch as icy targets me.
If you're innocent, you should have no aversion to being targeted. If an innocent dies, it isn't a huge deal. If the seer or the doctor dies, the fg might have a chance. One of the roles of innocents is to act as bait for the higher roles. And if the good guys win, then every innocent wins as well, regardless of whether they died or not.
kills, if you actually are innocent, you need have no fear, for your sacrifice would not have been in vain, and you would have died gloriously for the greater good. If that proves to be the case, we will erect a bronze monument in town square as a tribute to you. 

But if anything, your persistent fear of death creates a substantial amount of suspicion.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Hobnob5000 on June 03, 2010, 08:08:18 am
Yeah kills, if you are innocent, then we know who to target next.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on June 03, 2010, 11:03:52 am
both mafia wars im the 3rd to die. not too fun :/
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on June 03, 2010, 01:21:59 pm
Don't worry, I played in all 5 and never survived to the end.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: xdude on June 03, 2010, 02:58:41 pm
You know who else said he was a Village Idiot? Xdude. He wasn't. :P
No, I just said I'm an idiot :P
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on June 03, 2010, 03:04:04 pm
You sure are (no offense).
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: bigbadbanana on June 03, 2010, 03:12:17 pm
Can we reserve spots for the next mafia? If so, I want to be  :earth in Mafia 6.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on June 03, 2010, 03:29:48 pm
There are no elements...
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Wardead on June 03, 2010, 03:43:32 pm
Can I reserve the spot of Gambler? Ok kidding, I just want to reserve a spot.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: dekskose on June 03, 2010, 03:48:16 pm
me too
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: bigbadbanana on June 03, 2010, 04:28:41 pm
There are no elements...
Oh really? Well, there used to be. Anyways, I just want to reserve a spot for Mafia 6.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Demagog on June 03, 2010, 06:04:37 pm
Ok, I'm ending the day a few hours early because I'm tired and may go to bed at any moment... check back soon for the typed up end of day junk.

End of Day 3

"Guys, I'm not playing any of your stupid games today," said Zombies. "That's ok," replied Fixari, "we were going lynch you anyway." "What!?!?!" Zombies was shocked. He turn to ran, but tripped over Icy, who was laying on the ground. "Ouch," said Icy as others jumped on Zombies to subdue him, "watch where you're walking!" From beneath the dog-pile, Zombies yelled, "What on earth are you doing laying on the ground?" "Looking at the stars, of course," replied Icy. "But it's the middle of the day, you idiot!" "Ok, we're definitely lynching him now," said Hobnob. With that, they tied Zombies to a chair, cut off his eyelids, and made him watch reruns of Walker, Texas Ranger. He died within the hour, a look of pure terror and anguish on his face.

Killsdazombies was an FG.

"Well guys, it looks like our work here is done," said Wardead. "Hold on guys," Helios said. "I love this episode!"

 And so, peace settled upon the little town of Elements City. The survivors moved on with their lives, paying tribute to their fallen brethren on the anniversaries of their victory over the False Gods. They and their descendants  continued to play hopscotch and duck-duck-goose for another century, when the False Gods would rise again.


1. Xdude                                   - FG                                           

2. Wardead                              - Doctor                                     

3. Dekskose                              - Civilian                                   

4. Flying Fahrenheit                  - Priest                                   

5. Ssethia                                  - Civilian                                   

6. Hobnob5000                         - Seer                                         

7. Implosion                              - Vigilante                                 

8. Killsdazombies                      - FG + Supreme being             

9. Helios                                     - Witness                               

10. Icybraker                              - Village Idiot                       

11. Bigbadbanana                       - Civilian                               

12. JoshK                                   - Con Artist                             

13. Ames jay                               - Gambler                             

14. Azumi                                   - FG                                       

15. Fixari                                    - Civilian                               

Round 1

FG’s - Target JoshK
Supreme Being -  Used on Fixari (civilian)
Seer - ID’s sSethia
Doctor - Saves JoshK
Gambler - no action
Con Artist - no action
Priest -  Used on Wardead
Witness -  no action
Lynched - Amesjay

Round 2

FG’s - JoshK
Supreme Being -  Icy (village idiot)
Seer - no action
Doctor - no action
Gambler - dead
Con Artist - No action (dies)
Priest - no action
Witness - no action
Lynched - Xdude
Mod-kill - Azumi

Round 3

FG’s - hobnob
Supreme Being - Icy (village idiot)
Seer - Dekskose
Doctor - hobnob
Priest - no action
Witness - no action
Lynched - killsdazombies

Ok, I'm going to PM Kami and let him know we're ready for another game.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: killsdazombies on June 03, 2010, 07:32:54 pm
Im gunna be the host this time :D more fun.
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: dekskose on June 03, 2010, 07:36:08 pm
LOLZ.... Icy was the village idiot no wonder he knew that you guys who are saying they are idiots were directly cought lolwut
Title: Re: Elements Mafia 5
Post by: Purity_Riot on June 03, 2010, 07:38:44 pm
Topic Locked!