Amesjay sat, tied up, a look of desperation in his eyes. "Please everyone, you've got me all wrong! The closest I've ever come to killing a person is dealing them a dead man's hand! You must believe me!" "That may be true," said JoshK, "but we each agreed that we would kill whoever lost at hopscotch, and, well, your hopping just wasn't up to par today." With that, a giant fist descended from the heavens and crushed Amesjay into an unrecognizable mixture of flesh and wood. He was the gambler.
Later that night, as JoshK was laying in bed, thinking about how he was lucky enough to have grown up with girls who played hopscotch every day, all noise in the night suddenly stopped. Noticing this, he quickly sat up in bed and looked outside the window. Nothing out of the ordinary was there. Still, he opened the window to get a better look. Just then, a powerful shock wave from outside blew him across the room and through the front door. He was carried another twenty feet before hitting the ground, and then bounced and skidded for twenty more before he came to a stop at the edge of the lake. Legs broken and coughing up copious amounts of blood, JoshK looked across the lake for what he thought would be the last time. Then, something caught his eye. Not three feet away was a miracle, and JoshK was miraculously saved.
Let day 2 begin.