Thanks, Obama.
Welp, there goes our alliance maker. If this means what I think it does, then it means Doctor's already flipped sides, or Government's playing for themselves. Probably both.
In theory, civvy/gov should have a 2 kill per round advantage over zombie's 1 convert per round action, but without knowing who to kill, it looks like it's way too easy for zombies to gain ground. Government's er.... lack of coordination means this inevitably turns into Gov vs. Zombies, which means the best Town can do as of right now is play kingmaker while we try to fend for ourselves.
(Alternatively, zombies got into Government early and converted a majority; if that's the case, this game is basically an auto-win for zombies.)
That being said: We need a new plan; assuming Travelers are on our side, we can attempt to risk confirming another civvy, but judging from what happened to Root, whoever gets confirmed needs to stay a secret. If no new plan shows up: Travelers, can at least one of you select someone you feel is likely to be Town and confirm them?