The Traveler can be a very powerful role, but only if it's used right. If a Traveler targets a Zombie, but nobody knows who the Traveler was targeting, the Traveler dies for no purpose. Thus, it's important that we know who the Travelers are targeting (without revealing their identities to the Zombies.)
I request that both Travelers target me. If they both die, I'm a zombie. If I'm confirmed not to be a Zombie, then the Travelers can tell me their targets each night, so that once they hit a Zombie, we know who to go after.
This strategy fails if I'm killed or converted, of course. Unfortunately, the Doctors can only target every other round, but I've got a way around this. Kinda.
The Doctors should each flip a coin. If it's heads, target me this night. If it's tails, target me the next night. This ensures I have a 75% chance of surviving this round, and quite likely the next round as well. Just as an extra precaution, for those of you who suspect I am Government, the Doctors should not reveal their identities to me.
Lastly, I honestly think the Government should *not* send in a night kill (if that's allowed). There would be a higher chance of killing a Priest/Traveler/Matchmaker than an actual zombie. If the Government takes out all of the civilian's power roles, then both sides will fall to the Zombies. If the Government kills a vanilla civilian, it barely even improves their chances of winning in the long run. Lastly, if the Government learns the identity of any power roles, they should definitely not kill them until the Zombies are eliminated.