See, Frozen, this is what happens when you spend 3 lines explaining your thoughts and have all the nuance completely faded.
Perhaps don't try something that requires you not explaining what the lol you're doing to work next time, future Frozen? Kthanx.
I think discarding my actions and explaining them is probably what I should do right now.
And what I've been attempting to do is save the experienced people by killing them... I was trying to show a front, a bluff of killing the experienced... Which would then cause the experienced to survive. Yes, that sounds stupid. No, it isn't. If I had worded my bluff a lot better, that could've worked, but mweh.
Note that everything I've been attempting to do is to curb the deadliness of the cult. I should point out that merely saying all of my reasoning causes a giant, ugly, paradoxical WIFOM that throws a giant spanner into
everything I'm about to say, making it completely irrelevant.
But you know what? Causing a giant, ugly, paradoxical WIFOM would probably injure the non-town much more than the town itself.
Spoiler for Reasoning continuation you don't care about:
The question is simple: What will mafia and cult target?
Mafia will default to lynching the experienced. This much is a given. What would the cult do?
Another truth is that people value other people differently. I believe there are three "levels" of experience, based on how people think.
You have the genuinely experienced at the top. Everyone agrees that these are good players. These get nightkilled a lot and not because people think they're stupid annoying people. The mafia default to targeting these people. #Root
You have the fringe experience in the middle - some people will value thier opinion, but not everyone. The mafia might nightkill these people, but all in all, I suspect the cult will default to targeting these people. #Sky
And then in the bottom you have the nubcaiks. Due to thier newness and lack of contribution, these people seem to not be lynched or really mentioned a lot. Unless they're deemed annoying. In which case... They get lynched very quickly. #Me
Assuming that death wasn't a factor somehow, It would always be best case for the mafia and cult to target the most skilled they can, slightly attempting to deviate from each other. However, with the mafia killing the top, the cult is best converting the middle.
This is where the town comes in. If the town attacks the middle, and is open about it, that will force the cult to convert the bottom. Why is this important?
1) The middle is more alive - By killing the experienced, we save the experienced. It's an utter paradox, but it works, with the cult not hitting them. The benefits here are obvious.
2) I believe people converted at the bottom pile are easier to identify. Having thier entire objective changed will make them act suddenly very different.
Thus, we hinder the cult and slightly hinder the mafia.
And there we have it.
And with that done, I'll just see myself out.
skyironsword (1) - Zblader
jonathancrazyj (2) - godisnowonline, iancudorinmarian
Frozengaia (5) - Linkcat, jonathancrazyj, qwerter, Dm, Frozengaia