Good day, everyone.
Such a racket already occurring? How tense!
Anyway, Frozengaia took himself to the limelight. Though I understand his notions of killing the experienced players of this game, I disagree with it.
We have to concern the fact that
Sky is good
Sky must die
Kill all the experienced players before the zombies get them
This is basically his argument.
Let's go to his best case scenario
This is very detrimental for town. While we know that zombie faction is the biggest threat here, government can easily take over once they're taken care of. IF we lynch skyironsword, the zombie's will just get another veteran. Then this goes both ways
- We got the "converted" veteran, hooray!
- Oh yey a veteran government guy!
- We didn't, kek
First choice scenario? Good for government. Bad for town. Basically if this happens every time, we slowly dwindle our numbers while keeping Gov't in minimal risk.
Second choice, okay. This is more likely to happen, they're a lot. THOUGH this is more power to zombies.
Last choice, bad for town basically. Common sense.
Just hope that government and zombies target each other. And of course, villy roles to do their job well.
Now that I think of it, town's in a really bad situation

I just think that Government is a bit overlooked.
But should a lynch occur and sky's the first of the wise veterans to die, I'd like to hear his plea first. I think a random lynch would be okay until more info gathers but... on veterans? Not all veterans are bad guys already, it takes 1 veteran to get converted every night(zombies might just get a lowlier if this is such a commotion) and more chances that they are NK'ed by the gov't.
I got my eyes on Frozengaia though,
Really. I personally don't think we should use the "experienced" label to mark our lynches/nightkills/conversions. An experienced player has the same completely random chance of being good or evil. And seems like you already refuted your own statement: Zombies won't convert the experienced because by your notion, the mafia will kill the same person and waste their conversions.
Good point! Hear hear!