Signup timer: Signups have ended!
Signup list:1) UTAlan
2) qwerter
3) eljoemo
4) gusxz
5) iancudorinmarian
6) linkcat
7) Christopaz
) CrockettRocket
9) MeowMeowCat
10) Zawadx
11) theelkspeaks (Zombie Journalist, Night 2 Priest)
12) Physsion
13) rob77dp
14) kirbylover314
15) Frozengaia (Village Vanilla, Day 1 Lynch)
16) RootRanger (Village Priest, Night 2 Government)
17) savvy14112
18) dawn to dusk
19) Treldon
20) Kuroaitou
21) jonathancrazyj
22) Coffeeditto
23) Aknelo
24) mathman101
25) skyironsword (Village Vanilla, Day 2 Lynch)
26) Dm
27) godisnowonline
28) flyingcat
29) Zblader
30) Ge0metry v1.2
Rule Changelog: No further rule changes will be made in the last 48 hours of signups.
June 5, 2045 GMT: Edited rule 14 for clarity of intent, fixed miscalculated government percentages (25% ---> 20%, rounded up)
EDIT: For the purposes of closure, I have decided to post my Excel file regarding this game to this thread for reference. It contains the full log of the game up until, but not including, the round I decided to cancel it, as well as a couple fun quotes I saved for reference and amusement.
You can view it
here, or just the game log as a picture in the spoiler below. A legend is also in the spoiler below.
Spoiler for Game Log:
o = player voted this round, empty means no vote this round
x = ability is cooling down this round
L/G/P/S = method of death - lynch, government, priest, sniper
P kirby = indicates the Lich ability 'Protect' was used on kirby, to differentiate from the Lich having a second ability, 'Transfer'
numbers on bottom = players voted this round over players alive
Everything else should be self-explanatory, but I welcome questions in PM if something is unclear.
What this spreadsheet does not explain is why I ended the game. I have discussed it in chat, but I'll put it in a permanent setting here.
In the fifth night, the zombies chose to infect a member of the government - which one, I fail to remember. I realized that a single government being converted, by my rules, exposed all the government to the zombies, thus giving zombies a huge advantage at the expense of the government, making the game extremely imbalanced. At the time, I was strongly against any rule being changed mid-game, so I chose to end it rather than play out the inevitable. If this happened again today, I would amend the rule for balance purposes and continue the game.
The spreadsheet uses usernames of participants at the time the game occurred. For clarity, the following username changes have been made since.