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Re: Elements Mafia 47 - by skyironsword https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=57813.msg1184744#msg1184744
« Reply #132 on: April 03, 2015, 08:47:31 pm »
Phoenix: Target the unconfirmed. '2U' roles are confirmed townies.
#U is a type on its own. 2U is not separate from 1U.

Offline DoubleCapitals

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Re: Elements Mafia 47 - by skyironsword https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=57813.msg1184769#msg1184769
« Reply #133 on: April 04, 2015, 03:43:37 am »
(Ack! That didn't go so well.)

Physsion (1) - Physsion
mathman101 (2) - ddevans96, qwerter
eljoemo (1) - gusxz
dawn to dusk (1) - dawn to dusk

Joining the mathman train because well, we need a train or mafia will have control of the votes. Just to clarify my accusation on elk not based on 'elk voted Kuro and Kuro died' but 'elk seems to not know how this mafia works'. But I trust dd on this one.
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Re: Elements Mafia 47 - by skyironsword https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=57813.msg1184776#msg1184776
« Reply #134 on: April 04, 2015, 04:32:28 am »
[00:27:44] ‹dawn_to_dusk› just sayin, im gonna laugh hard if i turn out to be mafia
[00:27:50] ‹dawn_to_dusk› with 3 self votes in a row

Physsion (1) - Physsion
mathman101 (2) - ddevans96, qwerter
eljoemo (1) - gusxz
dawn to dusk (2) - dawn to dusk, Zblader

After 3 rounds of running around with these comments, I'm beginning to suspect dawn is either A) a civvy troll or B) actually mafia, possibly one with a redirection skill like Daryan Crescend or Luke Atmey. I think we should vote train on him instead - if someone else is lynched, he's likely to be Daryan, and if he turns out to be civvy, we're getting rid of a player that has contributed nothing but rude comments to this mafia.

Offline dawn to dusk

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Re: Elements Mafia 47 - by skyironsword https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=57813.msg1184780#msg1184780
« Reply #135 on: April 04, 2015, 06:08:13 am »
awlright, ya got me, im a civvy

now time to be serious

List Read (excluded those who voted R1 since if blackquill and apollo did their thing, those people are confirmed)(the rest will come later)
Day 1: only post answered RQS, didn’t do anything other than that in the post. Showed signs of newb in z's RQS, then contradicted that in coffee's when he was making some attempt at strategizing.
Day 2: voted giving filler text, confirmed thoughts on rules, nothing about strategizing itself.
Verdict: null, possible lean town.
Reason: being quiet, while often may seem scum, can also be a heavy town trait as scum would be louder to try to confirm themselves as civvy rather than remain null. Especially from a nub player (no offense I guess) like him, I doubt he would know that and try to voice to be civvy read. Seems to be playing differently from his scum game which is a good sign I guess…

Day 1: posted about z's RQS, didn’t mention coffee's.
Day 2: didn’t post until very late in the day. Posted to vote, bandwagonning.
Verdict: null
Reason: not enough information

Day 2: posted to vote, filler vote, confirmed kirby's absence
Day 3: posted for confirmation on current game plan.
Verdict: null
Reason: not enough info, too many filler posts. Looking back, he is a quite player anyway so…

Day 1: abstained from voting (obviously) but posted RQS and posted filler post, that could have had more info
Day 2: suggested getting apollo to avoid posting twice. This could just be a lack of understanding of the rules, since he removed the post containing his RQS, however I had also personally spoke to him about EBWOP so idk…
Day 3: posted asking who would want to target who which could either be a townie trying to bring order or a scum trying to direct attention away. In any case, since this mafia seems to be a "follow the leader" sort of thing, the question seemed kinda useless. In any case, it was answered.

And then the vote on me :3 (this is gonna sound OMGUS'y as hell but whatever)(this is my defense)
For reference
After 3 rounds of running around with these comments, I'm beginning to suspect dawn is either A) a civvy troll or B) actually mafia, possibly one with a redirection skill like Daryan Crescend or Luke Atmey. I think we should vote train on him instead - if someone else is lynched, he's likely to be Daryan, and if he turns out to be civvy, we're getting rid of a player that has contributed nothing but rude comments to this mafia.
Now, while it is true that I have basically been bullshitting my way through this, saying I have been doing nothing but that is a complete lie. I mean, in day 2 I posted 2 whole non-crap posts! Two of them! Amazing amirite? I actually have personal reasons for the bullshitting which I have no need to say however…
There are benefits to doing this however as it allows for people to underestimate me then I come out with a list read such as this.
[2015-04-04 15:29:09] dawn_to_dusk: nah i have my workings
[2015-04-04 15:29:44] dawn_to_dusk: while im not dead, i can still analyse mafia and give predictions to various individuals

Only posting half of what I said discomforts me.
Mafia knows that if apollo ad blackquill did their job, the people who voted day 1 are confirmed. They are picking off these people. It's not a hard deduction. So you think I am just a useless townie? In the end, numbers are numbers and if we have the numbers we win. I am not being particularly harmful to town, and have had conversations with various people. If im not harmful, why kill a confirmed townie? Like seriously, why? I have a role and that role can do stuff so would it not be a better idea to properly theorise like I am doing now rather than just kill for the sake of killing?
For some reason your actions are screaming mafia at me, especially with going from incredibly voiced civvy one mafia to quiet 'who knows what' this mafia. But I won't vote you yet. I will vote for someone else who didn’t vote D1 and was still being kinda shifty.

Sorry elk
Physsion (1) - Physsion
mathman101 (2) - ddevans96, qwerter
eljoemo (1) - gusxz
dawn to dusk (1) - Zblader
theelkspeaks (1) - dawn to dusk

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Re: Elements Mafia 47 - by skyironsword https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=57813.msg1184781#msg1184781
« Reply #136 on: April 04, 2015, 06:10:56 am »
As I said in chat, I only speak in this form when I have an out of game issue with a player's behavior. You've gotten your warning and I would prefer you not mix my gameplay with my duties as a staff member. Thank you.

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Re: Elements Mafia 47 - by skyironsword https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=57813.msg1184782#msg1184782
« Reply #137 on: April 04, 2015, 06:22:03 am »
For some reason your actions are screaming mafia at me, especially with going from incredibly voiced civvy one mafia to quiet 'who knows what' this mafia. But I won't vote you yet. I will vote for someone else who didn’t vote D1 and was still being kinda shifty.
I clarified at the beginning of this mafia in chat, as well as the one before that, that my playstyle between mafias would change each time in the interest of game diversity.  Again, I would like to request you please stop using out of game decisions as your logic to find scumtells.

I would like to repeat this is not me speaking as a player: this is me speaking as a staff member and forum user who finds your behavior non-constructive to the game's flow.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2015, 06:24:07 am by Zblader »

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Re: Elements Mafia 47 - by skyironsword https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=57813.msg1184785#msg1184785
« Reply #138 on: April 04, 2015, 07:13:37 am »
Long posts have a long history of being mafia.

I know this first-hand, second-hand, and third-hand now.

Voting on Theelk out of the blue just adds to the idea that the mafia killed Kuro this night to make Theelk look even more suspicious. And no, qwerter, you're not safe from that suspicion. I just didn't raise it with you because it was the start of the day and I didn't state that suspicion yet.

However, we need a bit of a stronger train, so...

Physsion (1) - Physsion
mathman101 (3) - ddevans96, qwerter, Frozengaia
eljoemo (1) - gusxz
dawn to dusk (1) - Zblader
theelkspeaks (1) - dawn to dusk

I'd be behind Zblader otherwise.

Offline ZephyrPhantom

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Re: Elements Mafia 47 - by skyironsword https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=57813.msg1184786#msg1184786
« Reply #139 on: April 04, 2015, 07:25:26 am »
[02:11:27] ‹dawn_to_dusk› alrighty that slap in the face was a nice wake up call
[02:12:37] ‹Zblader› ‹@dawn_to_dusk› If you continue to mix my opinion as an Arena Moderator and my opinion as a Mafia Player, as I have asked you not to, I will ask for the host to modkill me because I am not putting up with CrockettRocket-like behavior. Thank you.
[02:12:54] dawn_to_dusk left.

I hope this does not sound hypocritical, but Dawn, why are you still online in forums and not responding to my PM or chat queries regarding your unfair conduct? If you're going to be a responsible mafia player, please explain why you haven't immediately replied to my queries and instead appear to be lurking for at least 2 hours after I asked you to resolve this with me. In the process of unfairly attacking me, you've done something very odd ingame that isn't doing you any favors.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2015, 07:27:33 am by Zblader »

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Re: Elements Mafia 47 - by skyironsword https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=57813.msg1184787#msg1184787
« Reply #140 on: April 04, 2015, 07:33:47 am »

Physsion (1) - Physsion
mathman101 (4) - ddevans96, qwerter, Frozengaia, Zblader
eljoemo (1) - gusxz
theelkspeaks (1) - dawn to dusk

In the meantime, following to train to weaken Luke/Kristoph.

Offline dawn to dusk

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Re: Elements Mafia 47 - by skyironsword https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=57813.msg1184789#msg1184789
« Reply #141 on: April 04, 2015, 07:43:32 am »
i close all tabs when watching anime. i didnt see that and closed the chat tab without looking at it.
regarding why i didnt respond, ive never been the type to defend myself for my own unfair conduct. if someone thinks im being an ass, i dont complain or try to say im not, i just say "if thats what you think youre probably right". if you would like me to apologise for my actions, i would do it without hesitation, but i saw that comment as more of a warning than a plea for apology. i wont make the mistake of doing that again however so i am sorry for offending you.

if you would like the confirmation that i have read and do respect what you said, then here it is. if there is anything further that i am not seeing then please do tell me

everything that has happened not involving my actions and what i said is completely coincidental.

Offline DoubleCapitals

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Re: Elements Mafia 47 - by skyironsword https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=57813.msg1184797#msg1184797
« Reply #142 on: April 04, 2015, 11:15:05 am »
Long posts have a long history of being mafia. Wrong.

I know this first-hand, second-hand, and third-hand now.

Voting on Theelk out of the blue just adds to the idea that the mafia killed Kuro this night to make Theelk look even more suspicious. And no, qwerter, you're not safe from that suspicion. I just didn't raise it with you because it was the start of the day and I didn't state that suspicion yet. I like to live life dangerously, man. Nah jk. But seriously I suspect elk not because 'elk voted Kuro and Kuro died', rather I don't buy that elk being an experience player claims to not understand how things work in this game.

However, we need a bit of a stronger train, so...

Physsion (1) - Physsion
mathman101 (3) - ddevans96, qwerter, Frozengaia
eljoemo (1) - gusxz
dawn to dusk (1) - Zblader
theelkspeaks (1) - dawn to dusk

I'd be behind Zblader otherwise. About d2d, regardless of how useful he is as a town member (I'll dodge the issue between Z and him for now), the thing is that the assumption is that Apollo/Blackquill did their jobs, which makes him confirmed. I wouldn't vote him, still.
L R L R STOP & DASH & UP & TALK B B A B S(tart)

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Re: Elements Mafia 47 - by skyironsword https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=57813.msg1184799#msg1184799
« Reply #143 on: April 04, 2015, 12:07:26 pm »
I'm finding it very difficult to distinguish between Mafia and Non-Mafia related tells in the D2D v Zblader dialogue, but there is certainly a lot to think about on both sides.
I'd really like to contribute more to this discussion but I guess I haven't had enough conversations with people about mafia yet. I imagine that the people who voted round one have more info if blackquil / Apollo did their jobs, so for the moment I am going to train, but only on trains started by someone who voted on round 1 because i am assuming they know more than we do.

This mathman train started by qwerter:

Joining the mathman train because well, we need a train or mafia will have control of the votes. Just to clarify my accusation on elk not based on 'elk voted Kuro and Kuro died' but 'elk seems to not know how this mafia works'. But I trust dd on this one.

This on the face of it makes sense as a statement. We want trains. But it was fairly early in the day, surely it made more sense to SAY that we wanted a train, and waiting for more discussion about what people might KNOW before starting one and potentially killing off a power civvy role - assuming that civvies that didn't vote round one are likely to be the more cautious ones, and apollo.

I'm not going to vote yet, I may do later in the day when more has been discussed. I may even end up voting on the mathman train,  but it strikes me a little of "I'm doing this for no reason (that I am telling you)"
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