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Re: Elements Mafia 44 - by qwerter https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56988.msg1172343#msg1172343
« Reply #264 on: December 21, 2014, 09:22:52 pm »
Theelk explains it much better than I could.

The rule that is being technically not broken is rule six, found in qwerter's OP:

6.   Do not quote PMs. Ever. Furthermore no one is permitted to declare themselves to be a scum, either publicly or through PMs.

The idea is to catch Root out, because logically, the colour if he was mafia wouldn't be what it is if it was civilian.
Root refused to answer, Crockett claims Root is scum for that reason and a few others.

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Re: Elements Mafia 44 - by qwerter https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56988.msg1172344#msg1172344
« Reply #265 on: December 21, 2014, 09:23:21 pm »
Root, I'm in the same boat. For several months, I was lynched or under scrutiny first round because there was a chat mafia where justa and I were scum, he threw the game like he always did at the time, and I single-handedly won it - so I was too threatening. Mafia has never been as fun for me since.

I do care about Crocket's cheating, but he claims what he did was technically not against the letter of the rules when he did it (in fact, it was added to the rules as a result.)

You're right, he possibly didn't technically cheat, by the rules of this mafia. However, we are not a mafia forum, so our rules aren't, and have never been, exhaustive. I'm pretty sure there's been several mafias here where what he did would have been cheating, it would be cheating on MafiaScum, it would be cheating on most chat mafias, and it should be a universal rule. We simply need a complete overview of our forum's mafia rules before any further mafias can happen to ensure these situations never happen again.
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Re: Elements Mafia 44 - by qwerter https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56988.msg1172345#msg1172345
« Reply #266 on: December 21, 2014, 09:23:25 pm »
Elk, thank you for your decision. I agree with it. In mafia 25 it was used, and not many ppl of the community disaproved of it so I figured I was fine. I didn't know how ppl would react, Im not gonna try to do stuff like that anymore. Root, stop saying I cheated, because I didn't cheat. And stop saying Im accusing you of cheating.. people will look at previous mafia games to see how a specific player played in that game and compare it to now to see if theirs any difference. Example: in previous mafia games you dont strategize with me, except for the one with andretima you and I, where you are civvy. But you were willing to strategize with me in the unfinished mafia game because you were mafia. Its stuff like that which can be useful for now, but can't generate a 100% valid reason for lynching you, just for suspecting you, suspected people get investigated by a rule of thumb because mafia at the end want themselves and suspicious people sitting next to them at the last round. Reguarding what I said earlier, my miscounting was really ridiculous and i apologize. What Im not understanding is how Im, for real, at 2 people who havnt claimed and theirs 3 roles not mentioned. As well as no double claims, so thats what im trying to conquar right now. Im merely hoping that one of the remaining 2 ppl to role claim will double claim.
A world war? Am I invited?
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Re: Elements Mafia 44 - by qwerter https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56988.msg1172347#msg1172347
« Reply #267 on: December 21, 2014, 09:24:34 pm »
what did crockett actually do anyway?
He asked me for the color of the word "Civilian" in my private message from qweter. The idea was that a civilian would answer correctly, while a mafioso would not answer. I did not answer because it would be cheating, which made Crockett more suspicious of me. The reason you cannot ask for superficial details like this is, of course, because they would be used to unfairly confirm people. Rule #6 states that you cannot quote PMs, which is essentially the same thing. I suppose there's a little bit of room for debate as to whether or not the rules explicitly prohibited Crockett's actions, but they were certainly unethical at the very least.

Crockett claims he's actually lynching me because a policeman said I was mafia. But if it turns out that he made up the whole policeman just to get me lynched, we're definitely going to look deeper into this.
Somehow still around, somewhat

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Re: Elements Mafia 44 - by qwerter https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56988.msg1172349#msg1172349
« Reply #268 on: December 21, 2014, 09:29:27 pm »
No no no. I didn't make up shit. And yes it was unethical, but no I have never cheated in this mafia game or previous. Im highly interested in mafia so I ask people for claims after im dead. You know how interesting mafia gets when you're behind the scenes watching it all go down? Its like 10x better then being alive. But dont kill me plz xD. I wont ask people for claims after I die anymore, so you don't question my ethics. Im still gonna try as hard as I can at mafia, so if that means being a civvy leader I don't think this should correspond with me being a civvy leader. Why tie someones hands, regardless of what he is? Im sorry for the incident people.
A world war? Am I invited?
Thanks to skotadi for saying this in chat. Made me laugh pretty hard, and fits with me not getting drafted. :silly:

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Re: Elements Mafia 44 - by qwerter https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56988.msg1172351#msg1172351
« Reply #269 on: December 21, 2014, 09:33:41 pm »
Too much whining
Not enough playing

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Re: Elements Mafia 44 - by qwerter https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56988.msg1172352#msg1172352
« Reply #270 on: December 21, 2014, 09:35:33 pm »
Too much whining
Not enough playing

Give us something to do that isn't whining, then.
Whining is fun

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Re: Elements Mafia 44 - by qwerter https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56988.msg1172353#msg1172353
« Reply #271 on: December 21, 2014, 09:36:23 pm »
If whining sways people and removes the 14 votes on your name, whining is arguably playing.
A world war? Am I invited?
Thanks to skotadi for saying this in chat. Made me laugh pretty hard, and fits with me not getting drafted. :silly:

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Re: Elements Mafia 44 - by qwerter https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56988.msg1172355#msg1172355
« Reply #272 on: December 21, 2014, 09:37:56 pm »
Too much whining
Not enough playing

There are clearly issues that need to be resolved. Talking about them is the only way that will happen.
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Re: Elements Mafia 44 - by qwerter https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56988.msg1172363#msg1172363
« Reply #273 on: December 21, 2014, 09:48:46 pm »

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Re: Elements Mafia 44 - by qwerter https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56988.msg1172373#msg1172373
« Reply #274 on: December 21, 2014, 10:04:08 pm »
Tired of roleclaims, early chaos and leadership problems in Mafia games? Worry not!
Join Mafia 52!

What I can offer:

- anti-roleclaim incentive,
- balanced roles,
- thinking of every possibility,
- exciting flavour,
- no dependence on others,
- fun experience in all!
And we keep driving into the night
It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye...

~ Platinum Quest ~

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Re: Elements Mafia 44 - by qwerter https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56988.msg1172378#msg1172378
« Reply #275 on: December 21, 2014, 10:15:20 pm »
Sub, wanna help me set up my mafia? Why wait for mafia 52, when we can make it more fun earlier.
A world war? Am I invited?
Thanks to skotadi for saying this in chat. Made me laugh pretty hard, and fits with me not getting drafted. :silly:

