Root is mafia. One of the policemen contacted me N1, then role claimed and said he/she didn't want their ability negated as it would be a waste. Only me and this policemen knew about this, and it confirms him as a police officer if only 1 police target me that night. Only one did, so he was a confirmed police officer. He told me Root is mafia. If his result was civvy, I would've had both police officers target him to confirm him. But since he told me root is mafia, root has to be mafia. If the mafia police's result was mafia, he'd tell me civilian. Thus we'll lynch Root today and the policemen that targeted me N1, and the other police officer Day 3. Since the police officer didn't want to role claim to me, everyone needs to role claim to me to find that police officer.
RootRanger (1) -CrockettRocket