Dm (1) - Dm
Submachine (1) - Submachine
Elbirn (2)- ddevans96, theelkspeaks
RootRanger (2) - iancudorinmarian, CrockettRocket
No Vote (3) - kirbylover314, Kuroaitou, bossitron
No Lynch (8) - Frozengaia, Zawadx, UTAlan, Elbirn, skyironsword, flyingcat, Coffeeditto, RootRanger
It's nice to see that I won't be lynched after all.
While elk makes a good point, a first round lynch does not really help the civilians any more than it helps the mafia, since the probability that we lynch a mafioso is pretty much equivalent to the proportion of players they represent. Furthermore, a prolonged game will allow for more information to be found, which is an advantage for the civilians.
I do love these rules, by the way. The mafia can't simply kill me tonight because they can't be certain that I'm not one of them. How delightful.