Frankly I don't like the idea of either of us being eliminated. I'm the only confirmed Civ I've got, and if root's a civ he has proven on many occasions that he is beyond useful.
At this point my vote is on Root for defensive reasons, and vice versa I have to imagine. Root, you unvote me, and I'll unvote you. We're not going to find scum by having a standoff day 1.
Dm (1) - Dm
Submachine (1) - Submachine
Zawadx (1) - Zawadx
Elbirn (5)- ian, ddevans96, theelkspeaks, skyironsword, RootRanger
RootRanger (4) - flyingcat, CR, Frozengaia, kirbylover314
No Vote (1) - Elbirn