I'm in, but I'd like to voice a few comments/concerns.
1. The mafia get to kill 2 players a night, and that's pretty redonkulous. And lynching results in 2 players dead. Last mafia had 18 players, if this game is any similar, we're looking at 4 rounds of gameplay. This is a setup that calls for a lot of players, and War tends to result in less activity/less people willing to join mafia as well; it's what killed that one game I hosted. (aside from a few hosting mishaps of my own but yeah)
2. I'm not really a fan of roles that modify voting totals; they're more complicated than they need to be, require tedious keeping track of, and are pretty much only known to the host. 12 of 24 roles fall under this category. Every day phase is pretty much guaranteed to be a crapshoot. Then again, it's entirely probable that, with this game looking to be only be 3-4 rounds max, maybe it won't matter much.
3. "Note that NK doesn't result in the second person dying as well."
Why not? If the concept behind a "Lovers" mafia is that you suicide when your partner dies, why doesn't that apply to all scenarios?
4. "Virus- Sacrifice yourself to kill target player. Can't target partner. (OU)"
If Virus sacrifices him/herself, does their partner die?