"Give it up mathman, we know it's you."
"lul, wot u guyz talkin bout ha."
"We know that you're one of them. One of the trolls. We know that you've been trying to destroy this community one member at a time, turning friend on to friend. We know you've been insulting, demeaning and otherwise bullying people to the point of utter frustration. Give it up now and make this easy on yourself."
"wot i swer i never did eny of dat stuf u cant prove it was me ha!"
"Maybe we can't, but we don't have to. You can't outrun a bandwagon, my friend."
"thats not fair tho omg u cant do this i didnt do it"
"People want you gone, no-one wants you to stay. Sounds pretty fair to me. You're account will be closed in just a minute. And by the way, you really should work on your sentence structure and prose; it's a bit lacking."
"screw u u cant tell me wot to do i swer imma gonna find u an burn ur house down an tee bag ur furnitur haha u aint seen nottin yet brah"
mathman101 was perma-banned. He was A Troll.