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Re: Elements Mafia 39 - by eljoemo https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54601.msg1139524#msg1139524
« Reply #144 on: June 08, 2014, 04:02:03 pm »
The only remaining vote is:

Dm1321 (1) - justaburd

I believe.

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Re: Elements Mafia 39 - by eljoemo https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54601.msg1139536#msg1139536
« Reply #145 on: June 08, 2014, 05:20:01 pm »
So, let's summarize the story happened so far, including the No Votes as well. (Those who are using a mobile can't copy/paste the list.)

Dm1321 (1) – justaburd
No Vote (12) –  RootRanger, Fippe94, Mort, dawn to dusk, skyironsword, Ungaros, ddevans96, Aneninen, SpikeSpiegel, Kuroaitou, iancudorinmarian, qwerter
(Technically, Dm1321 can be added to the No Vote list since he posted "I refuse to vote".)

The following players haven't posted anything about their votes (not even a No Vote) : theelkspeaks, Zawadx, Pineapple, CrockettRocket, mathman101. With the exception of mathman101 the other 4 players haven't posted anything since the day started.

Kuroaitou, thanks for the sidenote ^_^

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Re: Elements Mafia 39 - by eljoemo https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54601.msg1139539#msg1139539
« Reply #146 on: June 08, 2014, 05:38:59 pm »
or you could use the remove format thing

how do you use that btw?

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Re: Elements Mafia 39 - by eljoemo https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54601.msg1139568#msg1139568
« Reply #147 on: June 08, 2014, 10:18:46 pm »
Ok, I think I'm gonna throw my vote in with the no voters, but I have a question first:

Is it possible for no one to be lynched during a day phase?  i.e. everyone survives the day into the night.
                    As in, do the 'No Votes' count as just not posting a vote and the highest vote on a member is lynched?
                    or do the 'No Votes' count as making no one lynched in the day phase?


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Re: Elements Mafia 39 - by eljoemo https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54601.msg1139574#msg1139574
« Reply #148 on: June 08, 2014, 10:42:37 pm »
I'm thinking if we don't want to kill anyone today, we vote no-lynch as opposed to no vote.

No vote is for people not voting

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Re: Elements Mafia 39 - by eljoemo https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54601.msg1139580#msg1139580
« Reply #149 on: June 09, 2014, 12:20:38 am »
Just to let you guys know, if everyone no votes, I randomize who gets perma-banned. I will still count the Veteran and Helper abilities on this though.
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Re: Elements Mafia 39 - by eljoemo https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54601.msg1139581#msg1139581
« Reply #150 on: June 09, 2014, 12:32:26 am »
Lateness  :-[

Here's my RQS:

1. What do you think is the best ability available in this mafia?
2. Why do you like playing mafia?
3. What is the best strategy for the town to take with their abilities?

1. The Veteran is a good role, cause it makes the perfect person to become a confirmed civvy. Personally I like Hacker; I liked D2D's mafia where all investigations were revealed.
2. Because it's fun and requires some strategizing/investigating. Logic + Fun = Win!
3. What Root said. Some personal analyses:

The PvPer is kinda useless skill, cause of the randomness. Voting powers come into play near LyLo, but at LyLo the PvPer's skill can be very risky. :/
Lurker Shouldn't draw attention to themselves. Their skill will become crucial at or near LyLo
Addict shouldn't be worried to draw attention to themselves, and they should prompt Mafia to waste a NK on them
Hacker, Vet and Admins: What Root said.
Helper and Inactive Guy: Dunno.

Dm1321 (1) – justaburd
No Vote (13) –  RootRanger, Fippe94, Mort, dawn to dusk, skyironsword, Ungaros, ddevans96, Aneninen, SpikeSpiegel, Kuroaitou, iancudorinmarian, qwerter, Zawadx

But shouldn't we put a vote on Mort to confirm if he's Veteran?
When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

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Re: Elements Mafia 39 - by eljoemo https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54601.msg1139582#msg1139582
« Reply #151 on: June 09, 2014, 12:34:16 am »

Dm1321 (1) – justaburd
No Vote (13) –  RootRanger, Fippe94, Mort, dawn to dusk, skyironsword, Ungaros, ddevans96, Aneninen, SpikeSpiegel, Kuroaitou, iancudorinmarian, qwerter, Zawadx

But shouldn't we put a vote on Mort to confirm if he's Veteran?

It's what I'm thinking.

Mort (1) - SpikeSpiegel
Dm1321 (1) – justaburd
No Vote (12) –  RootRanger, Fippe94, Mort, dawn to dusk, skyironsword, Ungaros, ddevans96, Aneninen, Kuroaitou, iancudorinmarian, qwerter, Zawadx

Game questions? Go FAQ yourself!
Forum questions? Go FAQ yourself, again!

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Re: Elements Mafia 39 - by eljoemo https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54601.msg1139583#msg1139583
« Reply #152 on: June 09, 2014, 01:30:12 am »

Mort (1) - SpikeSpiegel
Dm1321 (1) – justaburd
No Vote (13) –  RootRanger, Fippe94, Mort, dawn to dusk, skyironsword, Ungaros, ddevans96, Aneninen, Kuroaitou, iancudorinmarian, qwerter, Zawadx, CrockettRocket
A world war? Am I invited?
Thanks to skotadi for saying this in chat. Made me laugh pretty hard, and fits with me not getting drafted. :silly:

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Re: Elements Mafia 39 - by eljoemo https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54601.msg1139597#msg1139597
« Reply #153 on: June 09, 2014, 05:04:30 am »
[22:37:15] Dm1321 joined.
[22:37:22] Wigurashi [»] Dm1321: Dm, can I have a minute?
[22:37:35] Dm1321 [»] Wigurashi: Wigs, my darling, you can have an hour
[22:37:38] Wigurashi [»] Dm1321: I am not your darling!
[22:37:44] Wigurashi [»] Dm1321: And I actually have something important to talk to you about.
[22:37:51] Dm1321 [»] Wigurashi: sup?
[22:37:59] Wigurashi [»] Dm1321: Y'know those troll going around the place, causing trouble, being a pain in my rear end.
[22:38:04] Dm1321 [»] Wigurashi: ...
[22:38:06] Dm1321 [»] Wigurashi: gross
[22:38:09] Dm1321 [»] Wigurashi: but yes I have heard
[22:38:18] Wigurashi [»] Dm1321: Well people seem to think you're one of them.
[22:38:20] Wigurashi [»] Dm1321: So I'm going to have to ban you.
[22:38:25] Dm1321 [»] Wigurashi: WHAT?!
[22:38:27] Dm1321 [»] Wigurashi: are you serious?
[22:38:34] Wigurashi [»] Dm1321: I'm afraid so.
[22:38:40] Wigurashi [»] Dm1321: I'll give you an hour to say your goodbyes before I close your account.
[22:38:58] Dm1321 [»] Wigurashi: Well you know what, [CENSORED] you Wigs
[22:38:62] ‹Dm1321› [CENSORED] you all
[22:38:65] Dm1321 left.
[22:38:70] ‹SpikeSpiegel› What was that about?
[22:38:77] ‹dawn to dusk› guys i think the clock is broken

Dm1321 was perma-banned. He was A Regular Member.


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Re: Elements Mafia 39 - by eljoemo https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54601.msg1139811#msg1139811
« Reply #154 on: June 11, 2014, 04:17:08 am »
I think there's a typo... it says night one is over, but we just finished day 0 I thought.
A world war? Am I invited?
Thanks to skotadi for saying this in chat. Made me laugh pretty hard, and fits with me not getting drafted. :silly:

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Re: Elements Mafia 39 - by eljoemo https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54601.msg1139826#msg1139826
« Reply #155 on: June 11, 2014, 05:23:44 am »
"It was dawn when I got to the body, well what was left of it. The neighbors said the flames started during the night, and it was too late by the time the fire crew arrived. All that was left was ash and the smell of burning life. They say he did it to himself. Poor guy. I wonder what he was feeling as he grabbed the can of petrol, splashing it around. Lighting a match, dropping it to the floor. Sitting, waiting for the inevitable. It takes a lot to drive a man to do that. How hard it must have been for him. I don't think I could ever do it no matter how bad things got for me... I mean, the guy set his computer on fire out of frustration. Who the hell does that? Even if some people harassed you online, that's really just too far"

Aneninen has rage-quit. He was The Inactive Guy.

Also, I bring you forum users some other joyous news! And when I say joyous, it depends on how much you like Dm. You see, after his incident with having his account banned and being locked out of the forums, he began to reflect on life. He realized that his life was meaningless and pitiful without the thrill of looking at the unread replies and annoying people in chat. So Dm began begging for forgiveness from the admins, and they eventually un-locked his account. What can you say, he's addicted (nudge nudge wink wink).

Dm1321 has rejoined the game.

Admin Investigations from Night 1:

Admin A - skyironsword is a Non Troll
Admin B - Mort is a Non Troll
Admin C - No investigation
Admin D - Mort is a Troll


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