Admins are very helpful in this mafia, and it's a known fact. But I didn't understand if an admin can target himself. If yes:
then admins should investigate soon on themself; this way they would learn something about their role, even if results would be only Admin/Gladmin or Badmin/Sadmin. But it would be very important for future investigations.
Said that, if the hacker would use his skill on first day, after the first night we'd have the names of 4 admins publicly (assuming that occurs what I wrote above); mafia would thank and all admin would be dead before day 6.
So, if the hacker would be helpful i suggest that he does not use his skill during day one, allowing Admins to investigate on themself; then from day 2 he can help admins revealing publicly investigations.
I'd exploit this very first day to vote someone,even if randomly. The "no vote" strategy to protect the hacker imho is useless in day one, according on what i wrote so far.
Mort (1) - qwerter
Dm1321 (1) - justaburd
SpikeSpiegel (1) - iancudorinmarian
justaburd (2) - Ungaros, SpikeSpiegel
No Vote (6) - RootRanger, Fippe94, Mort, dawn to dusk, skyironsword, Ungaros
Ungaros posted while I was posting... -.-