[22:37:15] Dm1321 joined.
[22:37:22] Wigurashi [»] Dm1321: Dm, can I have a minute?
[22:37:35] Dm1321 [»] Wigurashi: Wigs, my darling, you can have an hour
[22:37:38] Wigurashi [»] Dm1321: I am not your darling!
[22:37:44] Wigurashi [»] Dm1321: And I actually have something important to talk to you about.
[22:37:51] Dm1321 [»] Wigurashi: sup?
[22:37:59] Wigurashi [»] Dm1321: Y'know those troll going around the place, causing trouble, being a pain in my rear end.
[22:38:04] Dm1321 [»] Wigurashi: ...
[22:38:06] Dm1321 [»] Wigurashi: gross
[22:38:09] Dm1321 [»] Wigurashi: but yes I have heard
[22:38:18] Wigurashi [»] Dm1321: Well people seem to think you're one of them.
[22:38:20] Wigurashi [»] Dm1321: So I'm going to have to ban you.
[22:38:25] Dm1321 [»] Wigurashi: WHAT?!
[22:38:27] Dm1321 [»] Wigurashi: are you serious?
[22:38:34] Wigurashi [»] Dm1321: I'm afraid so.
[22:38:40] Wigurashi [»] Dm1321: I'll give you an hour to say your goodbyes before I close your account.
[22:38:58] Dm1321 [»] Wigurashi: Well you know what, [CENSORED] you Wigs
[22:38:62] ‹Dm1321› [CENSORED] you all
[22:38:65] Dm1321 left.
[22:38:70] ‹SpikeSpiegel› What was that about?
[22:38:77] ‹dawn to dusk› guys i think the clock is broken
Dm1321 was perma-banned. He was A Regular Member.