dark ripper (clueless civvy)
theelkspeaks (Claiming Black Hole)
qwerter (Confirmed Civvy)
People still alive, as posted from Mafia pad.
Well it was an amazing run. We just happened to eliminate the two useless HBs in the first two kills, get three confirmed civvies, and still win. Of course luck turned to our side when Annele was afk-killed. We still had the sane HB to deal with (we had a list of people who might've adopted Unga's strategy, and Unga was last on the list XD) and the potential problems from Virus/Lycan. But then Legit showed us his mastership of Games and managed to lure out the Lycan. From then we were set.
Great thanks to my fellow mafia for being such an amazing team, the civvies for letting us win (you guys totally forgot about Immolation, it was pretty much the strongest skill a mafia could have) and to D2D for being an awesome host. Sorry for all the pokes!