EntropyFallen Elf - (ER)
Target player gains the skill of another card for the next night phase (as a replacement to their original/first one). Lasts 1 turn. Their role does not change.
Maxwell's Demon - (3U)
Name two players; kill whoever has a higher vote count the following day. If their votes are equal or both 0, the use is still consumed. If one (or more) of the players die during the night however, the skill is cancelled.
Butterfly Effect - (EoR)
Name a player - if they have less than 3 votes placed on them the following day, learn their element and card type.
Ricochet* - (ER)
Name a "Source" player, and target up to two 'Ricochet' targets. Any ability cast by the source player is also cast on the other ricocheted targets.
DeathVirus - (1U)
Infect a player; both you and the player will supposedly die during that night...
Vulture - (Passive)
Whenever a player dies, increase your voting power by 1.
Contagion* - (EoR)
Plague a player; for each day they survive, you learn two random letters of their card name. This effect does not stop until they die or until their name is fully spelled out (capitalization is ignored and 'spaces' will not be included in this).
Arsenic - (Passive)
Voting on the same player repeatedly each day cycle increases your voting power by 1 until that player is killed or until you switch targets.
GravityArmagio - (EoR)
Redirect all targeting effects from the specified player to another target. Lasts for only the night phase. Can redirect Shard kills.
Sapphire Charger - (Passive)
If you are one of the first three people to vote on a person AND do not change your vote, the player cannot have their votes reduces or removed by any skill or ability.
Black Hole - (3U)
[DAYTIME SKILL]Subtracts 3 votes from ALL players being voted on the next day and redirects them to a no vote. If the no-vote is the majority, no one is killed.
Orbital Shield* - (Passive)
You automatically ignore/negate any spell-based ability cast on you. (Permanent and creature abilities will still affect you however).
EarthWarden - (EoR)
[DAYTIME SKILL]Negate both the target's SKILL and VOTE for the current day (and following night), however, your vote power is set to 0 for that day only. The target will become aware that their skill and vote has been disabled, but not by who.
Mud Slinger* - (EoR)
Name a player; if that player has more posts than you throughout the entire thread, a set of three elements (notified with the term, 'Mud Slinger') will be posted publicly during the next Day Phase. Only one of those elements belongs to the person's primary role.
Earthquake - (Passive)
Whenever you post two or more times during a Day Phase, your vote power is increased by 2. Non-stacking.
Pulverizer - (ER)
Target a player; if they are a permanent, kill them. Otherwise, nothing happens. Deaths from this ability will be publicized during the night however as a kill from Pulverizer.
LifeForest Spirit - (EoR)
Bless a player; for the following day, every post that player makes decreases their vote total by 1 (stacking up to 10 times).
Leaf Dragon - (Passive)
Your voting power increases by 1 for the current day whenever someone (except you) changes their vote. Stacks indefinitely.
Vines* - (EoR)
Upon casting, name a card type. You are always notified of the first three players of that type to use their skill during that night.
Feral Bond - (Passive)
For every creature surviving in the game, your voting total is decreased by 1 (i.e. - more players with creature roles help you survive lynchings).
FirePhoenix - (Passive)
You may still vote on players even after death as Ash. PM the host during the day phase on who you want to place your vote on.
Seraph - (3U)
[DAYTIME & NIGHTTIME SKILL]Negates your death for that day or that night.
Rage Potion - (EoR)
The target player's voting power and voting total both increase by 5 for the following day only.
Torchlight* - (ER)
Name exactly 2 alive and active players - you are notified of all their elemental and card types, but do not know which elemental or card type belongs to who.
WaterMind Flayer - (ER)
Cancel a player's skill for the current night and following day. This prevents limited use abilities from being used up. The target is notified of this.
Dark Kraken* - (5U)
Submerge yourself in the abyss; you cannot be killed nor targeted during the night, but if you post more than once for the following day cycle, your role is revealed and your skill uses are set to 0.
Purify - (ER)
Increases a player voting power by 1 and decreases the number of votes on them permanently by 1 until they die.
Flooding - (1U)
Name 5 players; you are always notified of their voting power (or specifically, voting power changes) throughout the entire game.
LightGuardian Angel - (ER)
Protect a player from being killed during the night.
Crusader - (1U)
Permanently gain the skill of the target player's role; your role/element/card type does not change after acquiring the new skill.
Purge* - (3U)
[DAYTIME SKILL]Set a person's voting total to 0, and makes them immune to all targeting effects from them for the following night. This skill will be publicly announced when used after the end of a Day.
Mirror Shield - (Passive)
Reflect all targeting effects from you back to their casters. (i.e. - you are immune to all skills!)
AirWyrm - (ER)
The target player has their voting power doubled (after all other calculations) for the following day only.
Dust Devil* - (1U)
[DAYTIME AND NIGHTTIME SKILL]Completely randomizes both the (current or following) public vote and night time kill. All players are notified when the skill is used in the topic.
Thunderstorm - (EoR)
[DAYTIME SKILL]Add 2 + X votes to any three players of your choice. X starts at 1. If any of them die during the lynch, increase X by 1.
Eagle's Eye - (EoR)
Focus on a player; you are always notified of who they target until you decide to change players or until that player dies.
TimeGhost of the Past - (Passive)
If you are lynched, kill the last person to vote on you. If you are killed by a Shard, kill the Shard person who sent the PM for the kill.
Horus* - (EoR)
[DAYTIME SKILL]Target a player - their skill 'cooldown' is reset (EoR abilities can be reused immediately, LU skills are reset to their original duration, and ER abilities can be used twice in the same cycle), but the skill refreshed is publicly announced the current day.
Precognition - (ER)
Find out the exact roles (actual card names) of the target player in question, as well as their skills (if they've been changed or not).
Sundial - (1U)
[DAYTIME SKILL]Immediately end the day vote (all votes after your post are ignored) by posting publicly you are Sundial. The next night phase will also not occur - the thread will be updated to reflect this. However, you unfortunately die by the end of the current day phase regardless of what happens.
DarknessWitherbeast* - (ER)
Reset (or set) a player's voting power back to 1 for the following day. You are notified of their previous day's voting power before the reset occurs.
Voodoo Doll - (Passive)
All targeting effects (except Cloak) are also applied to their owners. (i.e. - players will experience the consequence of the skills they use on you).
Siphon Life - (EoR)
[DAYTIME SKILL]Subtract the total votes placed on you by the amount of votes of the person you voted on. You must manually activate this in order for it to trigger.
Cloak - (1U)
[DAYTIME AND NIGHTTIME SKILL]On the first night/day cycle, you must PM the organizer a person to 'hide' behind; you can not be killed while hiding behind their Cloak, but if they die, so will you. If you fail to do this by the first night/day cycle, this skill is relinquished (your role stays however).
AetherImmortal - (Passive)
You automatically win regardless of which side you are on, as long as you live to the end. Good luck surviving!
Doppelganger* - (12U)
[DAYTIME SKILL]Name a player; you gain their primary role (element, type, and skill) for the following night. Daytime skills however cannot be imitated and will consume a use. If you select a Shard player, you may choose to either kill that player and join the Shard team permanently (all players are notified of this), or refrain from that role and keep Doppelganger (consume a use).
Silence - (ER)
Target a player and say either "ELEMENT" or "TYPE" in your PM - if the target player posts the following day, their "ELEMENT" or "TYPE" is publicly revealed.
Mindgate - (ER)
[DAYTIME SKILL]Select a player to spy on; any PM they send to the host (or PM sent from the host to the player in response) is also sent to you at the end of that Day and Night cycle.