
Offline Elbirn

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Re: Elements Mafia 34 - by Elbirn (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #48 on: October 16, 2013, 10:09:15 pm »
Welll you didn't do anything, hence my confusion, hence me assuming you meant no vote. I seem to have missed your meaning :P
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Offline Terroking

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Re: Elements Mafia 34 - by Elbirn (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #49 on: October 16, 2013, 10:27:44 pm »
Terroking (1) - Demagog
Demagog (1) - ddevans96
ddevans96 (1) - Laxadarap
Laxadarap (1) - Killsdazombies
Mathman101 (1) - xyan
killsdazombies (1) - Legit
Legit (1) - Annele
Annele (1) - Fippe94
Fippe94 (1) - mathman101
BeefSupreme (1) - Terroking

So I heard there was going to be a lottery.
I ask nothing of humanity but fairness in all things, but I do not expect even that.

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Re: Elements Mafia 34 - by Elbirn (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #50 on: October 16, 2013, 10:28:02 pm »
I was fishing for clues, but you threw a stick of dynamite into the water  >:(  :P

Offline BeefSupreme

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Re: Elements Mafia 34 - by Elbirn (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #51 on: October 16, 2013, 10:32:35 pm »
Terroking (1) - Demagog
Demagog (1) - ddevans96
ddevans96 (1) - Laxadarap
Laxadarap (1) - Killsdazombies
Mathman101 (1) - xyan
killsdazombies (1) - Legit
Legit (1) - Annele
Annele (1) - Fippe94
Fippe94 (1) - mathman101
BeefSupreme (1) - Terroking
Calindu (1) - BeefSupreme

Lotteries are fun.
Team :air War 7
“Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.” - Mark Twain

Offline Demagog

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Re: Elements Mafia 34 - by Elbirn (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #52 on: October 16, 2013, 11:17:14 pm »
It should be noted that Beef did not continue the pattern and vote for Terro. If one turns out to be mafia, it is a little bit extra likely that the other is one as well.

Just something for future reference.

Offline Elbirn

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Re: Elements Mafia 34 - by Elbirn (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #53 on: October 16, 2013, 11:24:53 pm »
I was fishing for clues, but you threw a stick of dynamite into the water  >:(  :P

Spoiler for Hidden:
Host will remember to shutup from now on :P
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:air Team Air War#6 :air
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Re: Elements Mafia 34 - by Elbirn (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #54 on: October 16, 2013, 11:36:14 pm »
So, lets be real now. Are we going to just do this "Lottery" and whoever loses loses?

Offline Terroking

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Re: Elements Mafia 34 - by Elbirn (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #55 on: October 16, 2013, 11:54:21 pm »
It should be noted that Beef did not continue the pattern and vote for Terro. If one turns out to be mafia, it is a little bit extra likely that the other is one as well.

Just something for future reference.

Or I actually am the one who broke the pattern and didn't vote for mathman for the congo line or you due to your vote on me, both of which were simply because I have no information and don't want to actually try to get anyone lynched. Beef was just RNG from the remaining players.

So, lets be real now. Are we going to just do this "Lottery" and whoever loses loses?

In actuality it will come down to voting manipulation, assuming people use their abilities.
I ask nothing of humanity but fairness in all things, but I do not expect even that.

Offline Demagog

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Re: Elements Mafia 34 - by Elbirn (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #56 on: October 17, 2013, 12:04:57 am »
The main issue with doing it this way is we don't really gather anything useful from votes this round. The positive is that there is a 1/5 chance to kill an mafia member and only a 1/10 chance to kill a seer/doctor. That is, if everyone votes. Of course, that is somewhat true regardless during the first round, but this way you don't have a team of FG's that can influence who dies.

Also, we probably shouldn't assume that FG's won't vote for each other this round since a voting pattern has already been established.

Also, if EVERY round is done this way, completely at random, rounds should go like this, more or less...

R1 - 18 alive total, 4 mafia alive
R2 - 16 alive, 4 mafia
R3 - 14 alive, 3 mafia
R4 - 12 alive, 3 mafia
R5 - 10 alive, 2 mafia

And if we got lucky and the seer lived during this time or the doctor saved someone, we'd likely win. If someone wants to do the actual math about how often an FG would be killed at random, might be nice... I just took an educated guess. On average, the ratio should stay the same throughout the game at 1/5 players mafia at any given point, and having a seer/dotor SHOULD give the civilian side a mathematical advantage, I would think.

Edit: And good point, Terro, I missed that. And I didn't take voting manipulation into account for this... might mess up the numbers.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2013, 12:07:04 am by Demagog »

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Re: Elements Mafia 34 - by Elbirn (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #57 on: October 17, 2013, 01:29:30 am »
Terroking (1) - Demagog
Demagog (1) - ddevans96
ddevans96 (1) - Laxadarap
Laxadarap (1) - Killsdazombies
Mathman101 (1) - xyan
killsdazombies (1) - Legit
Legit (1) - Annele
Annele (1) - Fippe94
Fippe94 (1) - mathman101
BeefSupreme (1) - Terroking
Calindu (1) - BeefSupreme
xyan (1) - timetock

I have no idea what I'm doing lol.

Offline Rutarete

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Re: Elements Mafia 34 - by Elbirn (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #58 on: October 17, 2013, 01:41:15 am »
Terroking (1) - Demagog
Demagog (1) - ddevans96
ddevans96 (1) - Laxadarap
Laxadarap (1) - Killsdazombies
Mathman101 (1) - xyan
killsdazombies (1) - Legit
Legit (1) - Annele
Annele (1) - Fippe94
Fippe94 (1) - mathman101
BeefSupreme (1) - Terroking
Calindu (1) - BeefSupreme
xyan (1) - timetock
Majofa (1) - Rutarete

Here goes nothing
It is the greatest mystery of all...
Rutarete: Roo tah reh teh
[22:50] <Jyi> meaning gets lost in translation... even in the same language.
My Decks

Offline BeefSupreme

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Re: Elements Mafia 34 - by Elbirn (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #59 on: October 17, 2013, 02:30:52 am »
It should be noted that Beef did not continue the pattern and vote for Terro. If one turns out to be mafia, it is a little bit extra likely that the other is one as well.

Just something for future reference.

Beef was just RNG from the remaining players.
This. You voted on Terro to start, so I wasn't going to vote on him again (that would ruin the spirit of our lottery round).
I'm, like, 99% sure you only posted that because you want Terro dead asap x)
Team :air War 7
“Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.” - Mark Twain

