That's...A very good question and one that I should have an answer to. Fact is I'm a nubbin who copied these rules from a previous game and this is my first time hosting. I'm not so good with the mechanics as I am with thematics, and I thought I had a fun idea for a game

So let's see.
Singularity - Passive
Undefined - You get a random ability every turn that you cannot control.
Let's say this. If someone gets Singularity as their ability, then every night phase I RNG them a new ability out of the list of 29. If Singularity comes up again, it's a reroll. If ability is passive, it's obviously automatically in effect. If their ability is non-passive, I flip a coin. Heads, they activate it. Tails, they don't. I'll send the player a PM every night phase informing them of what their new ability is that round. If the ability that they gain is a one use abiliity and they activate it, they will still have singularity. However, if they are RNG'd that ability again, it cannot be activated.
Sorry for not immediately answering your question and being a bit long winded, I just wanted to really think the whole thing out, make it clear not only for myself but for everyone else.
Does this sound fair/balanced/fun to everyone?