I'd have to side with ji this time. kdz has already been revealed as Light, and L said one of majofa, kdz and ji are mafia (unless I got it wrong, correct me please).
Yeah, I'm starting to realize that too now, but then who should I change my vote to?
I have been thinking of taking back my vote and just playing inactive this round, but then kira gets a night kill and we'll be down to 2 police and the 1 kira for the start of the next day.
right now I have no leads. and only have a 33% chance of finding the last kira.
I know that I'm not kira - so of the remaining 3 (qwerter/russianspy/jijo) 1 is kira and 2 are not.
this way we can lynch someone (maybe kira, or maybe not) and then we're down to either 3 police and gameover. or the more likely 2 police + kira, then kira night kill will leave the last day with one of each and kira could win it the next night kill.
Either way this will be done by the end of night 9 if we are not lucky enough to catch the last kira any earlier.
I realize this may put a target on my back, if you so choose to go for me
be my guest, just be aware the loss of a fellow police.
and the I told ya so!If there is any better info or reasons to change my vote, please try to let me know in the next 8 hrs as I will double check this before I head to work in the morning. otherwise I will be out of internet range and will not be able to change my vote before the end of the day phase.