ddevans96 (1) - Fippe94
No Vote (5) - ddevans96, Nepycros, dawn to dusk, xsindomanx, mathman101
Fippe94 (1) - russianspy1234
justaburd (5) - justaburd, Kuroaitou, Elbirn, 1world24, Jaymanfu
Annele (1) - Killsdazombies
Jaymanfu (1) - 09113664593c
mathman101 (2) - qwerter, Annele
qwerter (1) - Helston
someone must have missed my post before, b/c i switched away from fippe before, oh well.
As the morning dawned, one anonymous voice cried out, "Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to kill Fippe94.", while another said "Well, looks like I'm gonna be your friendly little narrator, folks. Let's kick some FG ass. Oh, and if any of you civvies die, I'll kill you."
also the reasoning I had metioned before was that by having someone directly target someone means there is a higher chance of them being a FG targeting a civy. Thus this first voice must be Jezebel. Then the second voice must be Hope. i think the "
if any of you civvies die, I'll kill you." was supposed to be a humourus joke.
the other possibility is that the first is hope randomly trying to target someone hoping that they get a FG. this is less likely, b/c most civys would wait for some more concrete evidence before aiming for someone.