Really thinking he's a mafia and not just because he voted on me.
I have my reasons, now changing to save myself!
Honestly, this just doesn't cut it with me. If you have an actual lead on someone, why would you not share it? Do you fail to realize that information is what benefits the civilians, while keeping everything hidden is just playing to the hand of the mafia? If you actually cared about pulling in a win for the civilians, you would share any lead you have.
Either you're lying about having reasons to think he's mafia, hiding important information from the civs, or you yourself are a mafia member. I wouldn't be surprised if it were the third.
Now, in the event that Jay is actually a civilian, we simply lynch 0911, who at that point is likely a FG.
Again, my information is fairly limited, which means my decisions are far from perfect. But as long as no one has a better lead, we're taking out Jay.
xsindomanx (3) - xsindomanx, Annele, Helston
Fippe94 (3) - Demagog, Elbirn, Kuroaitou
Annele (5) - Fippe94, Nepycros, Jaymanfu, dawn to dusk, killsdazombies
Jaymanfu (4) - 09113664593c, mathman101, ddevans96, RootRanger