Ok, came back to this after a short break with a cool head, and tried to remain objective.
Also, correct me if my math is wrong.
Odds of OTL being mafia - 20%
If OTL is civy, chance that Mafia member is fire - 17.4%
If Mafia gets a double civy team, our odds go up to a bit under 22% (of next lynch being a mafia).
Pros to lynching OTL - We essentially have a 37.4% chance to kill a mafia member, however this is the same odds as lynching anybody else.
Mafia can't use this information to get a double civy kill.
Cons to lynching OTL - We don't learn anything at all
- We lose a precious lynching phase in which we have the exact same odds of somebody else being an FG.
Reasons for lynching OTL- He derped
Reasons for lynching Root - He was extremeley aggressive toward OTL (I guess this is mostly just a bad feeling kind of thing)
Unfortunately, even though I honestly don't like how you talked to OTL (morale compass I guess), its basically leave him alive and hopefully learn something, or lynch him in order to possibly spare a single civy death (62.6%). Not sure how to attach odds onto learning something, but those are our options. I would really like some input from some other members here, but this is about as simple as I can put it. I'm going to tentatively remove my vote from you unless somebody else has anything to say, however, looks like your on everybody's "suspicious" list for now. And see, discussion is good.

Rootranger - 3 - Mort, ddevans96, regen2k9
Mort - 1 - majofa
ddevans96 - 1 - Cheesy111
bogtro - 2 - UnderneathTheLens, Annele
Jenkar - 1 - Shantu
PlayerOa - 1 - Legit
OTL- 3 - Onizuka, RootRanger, 1world24
Onizuka- 1 - qwerter
helston - 1 - blarp
blarp - 1 - McSod
EDIT 2: Personally, I would like to see you and Bogtro duke it out, sure we would get some interesting points, as I'm probably missing something.