Lynching OTL gives us just as high a chance of killing a mafia member as lynching anyone else does. However, if we don't lynch OTL, the mafia can kill OTL if there is no

mafia member for two guaranteed civilian kills. If we lynch OTL, the mafia is forced to kill someone they don't have element information on, thus risking that one of their own members dies. Lynching OTL prevents the mafia from gaining an early advantage. And most of us don't want that.
It shouldn't be this hard to figure out, guys. I really am disappointed that I had to explain it this much.
IIRC, last mafia root was called out and he vehemently defended himself, in chat, on like 4 pages of forum, and he still got lynched as a mafia. He hasn't said anything at all this time. Meaning, hes AFK, he's learned his lesson/isn't worth it, or hes not a mafia.
Umm, excuse me? My made-up defense didn't save me, but it gave us a lot of information that we wouldn't have had otherwise. "Learned his lesson?" Are you kidding me? What I did was a strategic move, and it
payed off. I caused confusion and gained information about roles, which is exactly what the mafia wants. We would have won too, except the civs had some lucky gambling/seer'ing and Kuro, after already being dead, called out one of our mafia members.
Lax, I make mistakes. I have my slips. But you're referring to an intelligent, tactical move, and acting like it was a foolish mistake that everyone except me would have avoided. And that's just unnecessarily rude.
And yes, I have been AFK. For those who haven't noticed, I've mostly quit Elements. And the way the (declining) community is acting this mafia, I'm pretty much ready to take out that "mostly."