Nightphase 3 is over!He had nothing left to live for after the death of his dear partner. That Mort should have secretly been an evil Mafioso made it even worse. So the remaining

elemental showed up at the Oracle Casino and spun the reels, one last time.
But the machine seemed broken, dispensing Nymph after Nymph. After this, it's not quite clear what happened - all of the witnesses to the encounter say merely that all of a sudden, everyone was in panic. It was a mad stampede out of the casino. In the morning, the authorities returned to the casino and discovered two bodies - agentflare, still clutching his gun, and ddevans96, apparently killed in the stampede. Some, however, suspected Mafia involvement.
(Summary: ddevans96 (Vanilla Tourist,

) was nightkilled. agentflare (Tourist/Cop,

) died of despair.)
Current population: 13 tourists, 3 mafia.
Let Dayphase 4 begin!
The sun sets and the light fades.
Reminder: Doctors can protect you from Mafia targeting, but not from despair.